Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 871: "Mistakes" into the maze

"Dad, I'm back!" Aeolos, who had just been restrained but showed no timidness, sent the girls home one by one before finally returning to his home.

"I am today ..." Just when Aiolos was about to talk to his father about his experiences today, he saw his father's dress and immediately hesitated.

"Dad, this is ..." Ai Luosi asked carefully, looking at his father who was different from usual.

At this time, Muria was wearing a pair of light blue and gold armor with a large bow on his side and a blood-stained lance next to him. He was sitting on the sofa with his knees still on his knees. A long sword.

Dressing in this way is very different from the image of the elegant father in Aerlos's memory sitting on the sofa reading a book and reading a newspaper, which makes him feel awkward.

"Come back." Taking notice of his son's gaze, Muria's face was calm. "You're curious, what's the matter with my outfit?"

"Huh!" Ai Luosi nodded, he had to admit that his curiosity was already bursting at this time. Obviously, looking at his father's appearance, he seemed to have done something, and just returned.

"It's nothing, I just went to the underground maze next to the city!" Muria said casually, and he enjoyed the look of his son.

"Underground labyrinth!" When I heard his father went to the underground labyrinth, Aeolos' eyes were shining. Even in school, he could often hear all kinds of news about the underground labyrinth from outside. .

According to the knowledge that the teacher told them, the underground maze is a special place unique to the Xenaps subcontinent, where no matter who it is, regardless of its race, it is possible to get an adventure that can change its destiny.

Weapons, equipment, secret methods, treasures, inheritance ... There are limitless possibilities. An ordinary adventurer, if he gets a secret inheritance from it, he may fly into the sky and become a mighty earthquake. One of the strong.

The underground labyrinth is where the miracle was born. Since the first labyrinth was discovered 11 years ago, I don't know how many adventurers at the bottom have soared to the sky with the gains from the labyrinth and completely changed their destiny.

"Dad, what's in the maze, is it really true that there are a lot of monsters guarding the treasures, as long as they are legendary? As long as you can kill them, you can get treasure?" Aiolos asked curiously.

"Half-true and half-false! The maze is indeed full of many monsters, but even if you kill the monsters, you may not be rewarded. However, according to the information now available, as long as you can kill the strongest one in the maze A lord monster is definitely rewarding! "

Taking a look at his curious son, Muria spoke flatly. He could see that the boy was completely attracted to the maze.

But this is understandable. For any creature not willing to be mediocre, the underground labyrinth on the Xenaps subcontinent is full of deadly and irresistible temptations. Based on this, the Xenaps subcontinent after the war was wiped out This breathtaking speed can quickly restore population resources.

"The father, you go to the maze next to you. Did you see the maze leader monster?"

"See, a strong monster!"

"How strong?"

"Blowing your breath will kill you!"

"..." Upon hearing his father's description of the monster, Aerlos' smirk appeared on his face, but he quickly asked new questions, "Father, have you challenged you to meet the lord? monster?"

"No challenge, just a glance, and then I left!" Muria said flatly, he did not challenge, but just talked to the monster and ordered some precautions.

"So what did you gain by entering the maze this time?"

"Harvest? Of course. I can't go into the maze once and run back empty-handed." Muria smiled, and then took out a translucent Yomba-sized amulet from her arms, still on the table.

"What is this?" Ai Luosi's eyes suddenly filled with curiosity when he saw what his father claimed to have brought back from the maze. He stepped forward and wanted to take a look.

"What is an amulet for an unknown purpose? I don't know yet. I need to get an auction house to find an appraiser." Muria patted the hand of the amulet on his son, "Do n’t touch the maze It ’s common sense that the unidentified items brought out of the school were not taught by the teachers in the school? "

"I did say that." Ayelos, who was shot away, smirked and retracted his palm, a little embarrassed.

In the school's common sense science class, the teacher told all kinds of knowledge about the maze in detail. Some unknown items brought out of the maze.

They may be treasures, or inheritances of some special professions, or they may be ominous with curses ... In short, do n’t touch the items in the maze until you are sure, It may make you soar, but it may also make you sink.

"Since you know, don't mess around!"

"But dad, can't you touch it casually?"

"I'm the same as you?" Muria glared at his curious son. "I can talk to the maze lord monster, you can't even get in the maze door!"

"Hey!" Ai Luosi scratched his hair, and he talked about what his father said was looking for the lord monster, as his father bragging, "Isn't anyone can enter the maze? There are no restrictions!"

"Oh, there is no limit to the door of the maze. Even civilians without any extraordinary strength can go in, but you have to go in and you have to go out. Just like you, the gatekeepers of the maze can Hit five! "

Muria glanced at his son. If he had n’t been sealed, he could have broken through the maze of Shengyan City, but after being sealed, he would soon break through to the silver fight with his cultivation now. If you forge a maze, you will be smashed by monsters on the ground.

... Three days later, in the dead of night, Ayelos, wearing pajamas, sneaked down the second floor, and then began to patrol the living room.

Today during the day, his father brought back an appraisal report about the talisman brought back from the maze. Ailos secretly read the report. According to the appraiser ’s Identification, that amulet is an ordinary lighting amulet.

In the city of St. Yan, where magical fluorescent lamps have been fully popularized, the lighting talisman is simply a garbage chicken talisman that can no longer be tasted, so this amulet was randomly thrown into a drawer in the living room by his father.

As for the reason why Ai Luosi sneaked down to find this amulet during this time, it was because he felt that this amulet was definitely not a simple lighting amulet. There was no basis, he just had this kind of feel.

"Find it!" With the impression of daylight, Aiolos quickly found a talisman emitting white light, held this amulet, and quietly returned to his room.

"What is this amulet?" Ai Luosi, sitting on his bed, played with the amulet on his hand, his eyes showed irritability. Although he felt that this amulet was definitely not a chicken rib, he could not find it. What's special about it.

"Will this be a hidden heritage?" Ai Luosi guessed with some excitement. He has heard such stories a lot. There are some professional inheritances that are deliberately set in some seemingly inconspicuous. Among the items, only specific people can excite them and get their heritage.

As Ioros watched the diamond amulet intently, a little red light appeared on the amulet, and then this red light quickly spread, and the entire amulet emitting bright white light was dyed red.

"This ..." I don't know what caused this amulet to change in this way, and subconsciously wanted to throw it away.

But because the changing process of this amulet was too rapid, the moment the red light completely expelled the white light, this amulet quickly bloomed a more dazzling light, enveloping the thin body of Aerous. .


"Bang!" In the dark and narrow space, a small figure appeared out of thin air, then fell to the ground, and then the soft white light dispelled the surroundings from the small figure's hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ dark.

"What's going on?" Ai Luosi felt the cold and wet touch from the ground, and quickly got up from the ground, then looked around with aggression, he didn't understand why he was out of his small, warm and comfortable room. In China, I suddenly came to such a bad place.

The air here is terrible. Various flavors such as decaying smell and **** smell are mixed together, and it is extremely unpleasant, which makes Aerlos who has been in a mild environment for a long time feels abnormal discomfort.

Did not give Aerlos too much time to react, a cold and cold breath came from behind, relying on the skills practiced in the school, Aerlos did not make extra moves, a flash, and left Original location.

Aeolus, who quickly changed his position, could see clearly what monster was attacking himself. It was a woman with a translucent body, green light, and a distorted face.

"Ghost!" Upon seeing this spirit body, Aerlos quickly determined the identity of this monster. He had seen this low-level undead monster in the school, but at that time, there was a teacher guarding him, and now he is the only one. Alone.

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