Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 872: Source of Calamity

Siempus, Mobuchi Headquarters

Myers, who was drinking tea quietly, looked at the penalty room opposite him, and his men tortured the evildoer he had just brought back with no expression on his face.

At this moment, the high-profile figure in the power system of Siempus had a tense expression on his face, his eyes staring at the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of him. Holding a dagger, a low-level ghost child was killed in the front.

"The host actually let his child into the maze so early, still in this unprepared state!"

Myers stared at the scene in the light curtain, and quickly judged the development of things. Muria is preparing to train his children in a special way, and Myers knows it, because he is very honored to be selected by Muria as part of this huge plan.

So he got a permission. When Aerlos stepped into any of the labyrinths of the Xenaps subcontinent, he could get a hint, and what to do, Muria did not say, and Myers did not ask.

"Ready to go!"

Myers tore the space silently and disappeared into the office. At the same time, the Moyuan headquarters and several other temporarily idle legends without missions were all ordered. They have torn the space and left the west. Knapps ...

"Here is the maze!" Aioloth, who had just killed the ghost and explored the surroundings a little, came to a conclusion that he felt very unwilling to see.

"This so-called lighting amulet actually sent me here directly!" Aerlos looked ugly at the dagger in his hand. If this dagger is not the only weapon he can hold now, he would have been Throw it away.

That's right, this short sword with a length of less than half a meter was transformed by the lighting amulet that teleported him here. Without this sword with the attribute of light, he would not have been able to strike with such ease. Kill that ghost.

For those who are above the gold level, the ghost may simply be wiped out. For the newly practiced professionals, the ghost is the last thing they want to encounter, because there is no special restraint method. For them, they are invincible.

"Have to find a way to get out of here quickly!" Aiolosi just probed and made a quick decision. Just now he was very fortunate to see two maze monsters. Fortunately, none of those monsters found him.

"With my current strength, it is impossible to leave the maze alone. I have to find a way to enter a team of adventurers in the maze to find opportunities, let them shelter me and take me out."

Although in danger of losing his life at any time, Aerouss didn't have any flustered emotions, as if the current experience was just a trivial matter for him to eat and drink in his daily life.

As Ioros had just determined his goal of action, the roar and roar of monsters, the sound of warfare of intelligent creatures, and the sound of sword air tearing the air, one after another passed into his ears, letting him think about how to act Children's eyes brightened.


"Boss, this labyrinth is a bit difficult! How long have we been in here? It was actually attacked by three waves of monsters!"

A warrior pulled his sharp blade from the neck of a black panther monster and looked at his collar.

"Isn't this great? The more monsters here, the more treasures there are in this maze, and the greater our harvest will be!"

The fighter had just complained, and there was a girl with a long bow on her back who was collecting monster organization.

"Well, the size of this labyrinth is indeed a bit large, maybe it is the fourth-level labyrinth!" A middle-aged man with heavy eyes and sharp eyes, nodded when he heard the words of his companion.

"The fourth-level labyrinth, won't it! That said, there are soul-level lord monsters in this maze?"


"Wow, if we can get what this lord guards, then we will just post it!"

"Are you stupid? How can we be qualified to challenge the Soul Lord, if we are to challenge it, are we going to add food to him?"

"I am not qualified now, maybe I will be qualified in the future!"

This team of thirteen-member adventurer squads gathers loot and talks to each other after experiencing a battle. Under normal circumstances, this area is temporarily safe.

"Who? Come out!" At this moment, a clear and tender drink sounded, **** hands, the elven girl who cut off a monster's infamous creature, stood up, and quickly pulled out the waist. Crossbow, pointing to the dark place in a broken building.

"Don't shoot, I'm a human, not a monster!" Just as the adventurer team raised their vigilance, a tender and tense voice sounded from the darkness, and then a short child in pajamas emerged from the darkness Out of it.

"Child? Where's the monster? It turned out to be this way to lie to us? How could a normal human child appear in this place!"

Seeing the appearance of Ai Luosi, a mage holding a staff with a flame ball has raged and prepared to attack. Because he felt that this monster transformed into a human child to deceive them was insulting their IQ.

"Wait a minute! Don't attack! He really seems to be a human, not a maze monster!" Just when the mage was about to attack, the first elf shooter who discovered Aerouss was born and stopped him, because in her perception , The breath emanated from Ai Luo Si and the breath of the maze monster are clearly different.

"Don't attack first, this child, I've seen him in the city of St. Yan!" The captain of the adventurer squad looked at Aerous with a surprised look.

"But how could a normal child appear in a maze?"

"I was accidentally teleported in!" Ayelos said cautiously, saying that he raised his dagger, "This is something my father brought back from the maze a few days ago, and I secretly Used to play, and then didn't know why it was suddenly teleported in? "

"A loophole of lies!"

"This is not a lie, it seems true!" The captain of the adventurer squad stopped the mage that seemed a little excited in the squad.

"Child, tell me, your name?"


"What is your identity?"

"Sheng Yan Elementary School, freshman graduates with excellent results in the sixth grade!" Aiolos proudly reported his identity.

"Sure enough, it should be right!" Upon hearing Aiolos's words, the captain looked at his teammates. "Do you remember what I showed you in the city of Saint-Yan? The one with a group of beautiful little girls swaggered A passing primary school student, can you look at this little guy without feeling familiar? "

"His, boss, you say that, really, this guy seems to be the dude we have seen before!"

"Tei! This is still a little genius!" A full-faced adventurer stared at Aerous, spitting his sputum, his face showing some admiration.

"Quite excellent! This is no ordinary genius! If he can still achieve this result in high school, one person can hang us as an adventure team."

"So, boss, what do we do? Shall we take this kid?"

"Uncles and sisters, as long as you can **** me out of the maze and send me home, my parents will surely give you a satisfactory reward!" As this adventure group was preparing to discuss it, Ai Ruo Loston kept coming out. He knew that at such times, he had to come up with enough benefits.

"Hey, boy, what can your parents give us?" An adventurer teased Aerlos with a smile.

"What kind of family do you think I would be based on my achievements? And if you save me, what kind of compensation will my parents give you?"

Aeolus poses as a wealthy man, and adventurers have always been profit-oriented. With the composition of this adventurer and the temptation of certain interests, letting them **** themselves out of the maze should not be a problem.


"It's worthy of being Your Highness. Even if it is sealed, it can still have this wisdom. In a few words, it turns to an adventurer team to be its own bodyguard."

In the dark corner, a handsome young gentleman looked at Aeolos, who was protected by the entire team of adventurers in the center, with a playful smile on his face.

"However, the host has spent your mind to let you in. Your highness, if you simply leave, it will waste your energy. So, my highness, sorry!"

"Arrange it! Deal with this team of adventurers! Find a way to wipe them away from His Royal Highness! Means that do not hurt their souls can be used at will. Collect their souls and revive them all at that time!

Give them some more benefits ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although they are good intentions, it is a pity that the good intentions are wrong, but their intentions are still worthy of appreciation. "



The ferocious beast roar rang in Aerlos' ears, and Aoros, who was overturned by the shock waves caused by the monsters stepping on the ground, felt his brain buzzing, his eyes blurred, and when his consciousness gradually became clear At that time, he felt a moist, slightly smelly liquid spilled on his face.

He opened his eyes, and then saw the extremely cruel scene in front of him. The handsome lady Elf was bitten by a monster in her lower body, and was struggling in pain. The blood on his face was from the young lady. of.

He looked around. This team of adventurers who was persuaded by words to promise to send him out of the maze was being slaughtered wildly by a group of monsters who did not know where they came from

The scene in front of him made Aorous feel angry, but it also made him feel a sense of weakness.

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