Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 873: "Escape From The Dead"

The fine golden arc appeared in the eyes of Aerous as his mood changed, but soon, a layer after layer of rune-matrix emerged, which emerged with Aoros' extreme emotional fluctuations. The power of the bloodline was suppressed.

At this time, Aerlos had been shrouded in a sense of weakness, and a touch of self-blame came to his mind. If it was not for him to **** him out of the underground maze, this adventure group might not Encounter this group of fierce monsters.

"I ..." Aylos clenched his dagger and tried to do something.

"Escape!" And the struggling and unwillingness in the eyes of Aeolos were all seen by the elf sister who was on the verge of death. The elf sister who already felt that her life was passing quickly yelled out a last effort word.

Listening to the screams and roars in his ears, Iolos clenched the dagger in his hand. There was no fear in his heart. He wanted to do something, but soon, the dagger in his hand issued a new one. Variety.

The pure white dagger was quickly enveloped by the ink black color, and then this ink color began to spread to Aerlos' body, completely covering his body, all the breath disappeared as if there was no existence.

"Shadow!" Looking at the world that quickly turned into black and gray, Aiolosi quickly judged his condition, and then his face showed a happy color, and he saw the hope of changing the disaster in front of him.

But he just raised his lower arm, feeling his strength was greatly drained, and a sense of weakness surged up.

"I ..." The emotion in Aorous's heart was beyond words. The short sword in his hand took him into the shadow world, but he did not have enough strength to walk in the shadow. "Too weak!"

"If I have gold-level power!" Ai Luosi looked at the mime in front of him, the splashing blood was black in the shadows, and it didn't look so miserable visually.

However, Aiolos knew that the team that had been slaughtered by monsters to **** him out of the maze was doomed to an end.

Although he also knew that this matter could not really blame him completely, because this is a maze monster, as long as this team is still exploring in the maze, sooner or later it may encounter these terrible monsters.

Since the first maze was discovered on the Xenaps subcontinent, countless adventurers entering the maze have relied on adventures in the maze, but more adventurers have died in the minions of the maze monster. under.

The dead adventurers who turned into corpses did not scare away those adventurers who were eager to escape from their own stratum. Those who continuously appeared and got adventures to change their own destiny, constantly inspiring the latecomers. In Senap Stirling stories have been created on the subcontinent.

"Tongtong!" A quarter of an hour later, Aorouss was completely drained from the power of the body, and appeared in the place where he disappeared, and those monsters had left all the members of the adventure team. Some bright red dazzling blood remained on the ground.

At this time, the dagger held by Aerouss changed from black to white again, and the radiant white light was emitted from the sword, which accelerated the recovery of the fighting spirit in Aornos's body.

"What the **** is this?" Under the light of the short sword in his hand, Aerlos recovered some of his physical strength. He stood up and looked at the short sword in his hand with a puzzled look. All he encountered today was this one. Caused by dagger.

He didn't understand how he triggered this so-called ordinary lighting talisman that had changed so much, but he understood that the adventure that had been imagined as a child came to him tonight, It's just that the experience of this adventure is not so good.

There is no doubt that this dagger is a very high-level extraordinary item. It has just suddenly changed. Bringing him into the shadow world is a very good proof. You must know that this is only a high-level assassin skill.


"If he is not sealed, you can throw him into the maze to practice now. I have no opinion, but in this state, you give him a sword that can change several forms. What's the use?"

In a small villa in Shengyan City, a couple is sitting on the bed and watching the picture playing on the opposite crystal screen at the same time. It is a picture of a child seeking survival in a dark and dangerous maze.

If a normal person sees this picture, he will definitely be worried for the child inside, because from time to time, this child will encounter a lot of horrible and scary maze monsters.

"This rune sword has seven abilities! As long as he can make good use of it and live in the maze, it will not be a problem at all!" Muria explained to his wife somewhat helplessly, the parents of the Blazing Gods, to themselves Children are generally more spoiled.

If Michelangela is a normal **** of the sky god, it is estimated that he should fight with him now, no normal **** of the sky **** will tolerate his children to be tossed.

"Then, what will he gain by living in the maze with this sword?"

"He will receive a gift I prepared for him under the guidance of this sword."

"What is it?"

"A collection of 372 powerful battle marks of swordsmen! I call them the emblem of the sword!"


"What kind of monster is this?" Aiolos, who had become a blue dagger in his hand, was among the broken city ruins. He was flashing left and right, avoiding the pursuit of a golden beast. Behind him, the broken masonry splashed everywhere, and all obstacles blocking the monster were easily lifted away.

This is a ferocious beast with special hunting ability, and it can also sneak into the shadow world, and now it has eyes on Aerous, trying to devour this seemingly delicious little creature.


"His Royal Highness seems to have no other means of dodging. How did this monster with so many hunting abilities jump out? It will be invisible, can dive into the shadows, and will burrow, and the speed is fast. That sword is restrained! "

"So, it's time to die!" Myers, hidden in a gap in the space, looked at the hunting beast that chased Ai Luosi away.

"How do we kill it?"

"Be natural, you can't let this little highness notice something is wrong. You decide by drawing lots. If you win, you can change into a maze monster form!"


"What to do! What to do!" Aeolus, a fugitive chased by the beast behind him, thought with anxiety that the sword in his hand had just taken him into the shadow world, but it was useless, this The fierce beast chased after him, and then Rune Sword took him into the ground again. It was still useless. This beast digs at a fast speed. Now the Rune Sword has changed its strength, and the invisible wind power lingers on his body. With him fled quickly in the ruins of the city.

"It's an artifact, but it's used by me to escape. The key is not to escape!" Ai Luosi held a dagger that drew wind elements around him. At this time, he still secretly vomited himself.

At this time, Aiolos had discovered some special things about himself. For example, he didn't know what fear was. Even if he fell into the current situation, he could still maintain a calm mind without any confusion.

"I'm going to die. I'm going to die in such a dark place before I go to junior high school. Don't be reconciled!" Feeling the smell of the lingering nose getting heavier and worse, Aerlos thought with some despair,

"After I died, my father probably couldn't find my body! Maybe he thought he was missing! Sure enough, the teacher was right, don't touch the thing that comes out of the maze."

boom! Just as Aerlos was considering how to leave a last word, the earth and stone exploded in front of him, and then a bone-spiked giant emerged from the ruins in front of him, staring at a pair of bright yellow in the dark Glossy pupils stared at him, but soon the beast looked away from him and fell on the dark hunting beast behind him.

"Roar!" The huge steel armored dragon sent a thick roar towards the hunter beast that chased Aorous, and then showed a dexterity that was inconsistent with his huge body. From Aorous's Flying over his head, he bumped into the hunting beast.

Aeolus looked back at ~ www.readwn.com ~ I only saw the wolf hunting beast that chased it down. There was no resistance against this steel armored dragon, just a few tricks. He was torn off his head, and then this one appeared to be the dragon beast awakened by the invasion of the territory and looked at Aerous.

The body of Aeolos, who was stared at the dragon beast, was slightly stiff, but soon, the short sword in his hand glowed with cyan, and the cyclone visible to the naked eye surrounded him, lifting his body off the ground. And then.

Aioloth did not intend to wait for the dragon beast to decide whether to talk to himself, and it was very stupid to pin his fate on a carnivorous beast.

Fortunately, Aeolos escaped a distance and found that the steel armored dragon did not intend to catch up with him, and it seemed that he was not interested in such a weak creature.

As a result, Ayelos, who escaped from the predicament, was relieved. At this moment, a little familiar battle and hiss passed into his ears, and Ayolos's eyes brightened.

Use the rune sword in his hand to hide his figure, and quietly touched it in the direction of the battle. He felt that in this maze of crisis, it was more suitable to find a strong adventure team to rely on. .

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