Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 898: Titan Trial Proof

"My sister is definitely real!" After spending a day in the city where he grew up, Aeolos got on an airship and he was going back to school.

Due to the sudden disappearance of his relatives, Aolos appeared confused at this time, but fortunately, when he was eating at Uncle Emon's house, many neighborhoods came to him to ask him for warmth and ask him Situation, but also gave him various suggestions.

"All I have to do now is to study hard in the college, and then strengthen my strength. The stronger the strength, the more things I will be exposed to, and then the more likely I will find my parents and my sister!"

Aeolos, who had boarded the floating ship, silently thought about it, and he had already figured out how to go next. Everything is based on strengthening one's own strength.

The piles of his childhood experience, seemingly coincidental examples, he has not yet the ability to explore the truth. The power of him is really relative to the power that can manipulate his life. It's too weak.


"Aeros is only gold now. Is it inappropriate for you to let him see the clues so early?"

In the palace of the Emperor of Sinapus, Michelangela looked at Muria, who was sitting watching the son's every move with interest.

"There is nothing wrong with it. It is so big. Even if I keep covering it deliberately, he can detect something wrong, so I might as well leave some traces to him generously. Then he can do according to these traces. With some inference, when the final mystery is revealed, he can also have a psychological preparation so as not to be scared. "

Muria explained with a smile, that he had already left some hints in the process of growing up his son, such as when Aeolos just got the mark of the sword, and he used this mark to show his body. For the invincible style of Titan.

Such an attitude will definitely leave a deep impression on Aerlos's memory. As more and more people he contacts, his vision is getting higher and higher. After comparison, Aerlos will find that he How inscrutable his father is.

"Okay, you have the final say, what are you going to do next?" Michelangela asked.

"It's all up to him, I should get what he deserves." Muria narrowed his eyes.

Now that Ioros is about to reach the peak of the gold level, after a period of time, he can break through to the soul level, when he will find more clues.

For example, when Aorous's first-order soul is fulfilled, he will find that he is not human at all. Because Aiolos, who inherited the blood of Muria and Michelangela, will have blood on top of the normal Titans and Blazing Gods. The ring of soul that he unites will surely exceed twelve. .

At this time, many things can't be concealed at all, so Muria simply did not meet with Aeolos, and let him guess by himself, and then in order to find the truth, he would study hard and desperately Cultivate and desperately strengthen your own strength.


Gold Lord Monster-Lava Giant!

Aeolus pulled out a spear and walked hurriedly toward the lava pool, staring dullly at this awakening giant monster.

This time he visited the maze, he took the initiative to come in, and then, with his rich experience, he found the lord monster that was sleeping deep in the maze.

"Roar!" Looked at the tiny creature walking like himself, in the lava pool, the lava giant who stood up opened his mouth and yelled at him with a loud roar, and with this roar, the heat wave in the lava pool was billowing and hot. Torrents of magma swept up and shot towards Aerous.

"Has such a huge body and the ability to completely crush human beings to control the flames, is there only such a skill?" Looking at the lava waves photographed to himself, Airos's eyes flashed a disappointment.

As he is daily drawn into the spiritual space by the mark of the sword and the newly obtained mark of the gun to sharpen his skills, his control of power has reached a level beyond the reach of most creatures.

In sword skills and gun skills, he can be regarded as a master, and especially the sword skills that have been practiced since he was a child, he is about to become a master.

铮 ~

Aeolus pulled out the sword hanging around his waist. The bright and pure sword light was like a thunder, instantly breaking through the fire waves set off by this magma giant, and then penetrating this magma giant's chest through a huge back and forth. Empty.

"You ..." At this moment, the magma giant glared at Aerlos, widening his hot pupils, and then the breath began to fall in an avalanche, and then for his body, Can be considered a huge body, slowly falling down into the lava pool.

"It's too weak, there is no challenge at all!" Looking at the lava giant that was killed by his own sword, Aerlos's face did not show any joy. He stepped gently on the lava and walked to stand in the lava pool. Central stone platform.

"This is it?" When he came to the front of the stone platform, Aerouss saw a golden token. The front of the token was carved with a giant holding a tomahawk and snarling to the sky.

Aeolus reached out, grabbed the token, and a message emerged from this to the front card, which surprised the teenager's face.

Titan Trial Proof! Token holders can use the token to fight a juvenile titan with a skill in the same realm! No danger to life!

"How could this already-developed maze come out of this kind of thing?" After playing with the token in his hand, Iolos pursed his lips and found something unusual.

Each labyrinth is the easiest time to gain when it is just opened. Once the lord monster that guards the labyrinth is killed, the treasures it guards are taken away, and this labyrinth will not be abandoned.

Because after a period of time, new lord monsters will appear in the maze, and new treasures guarded by monsters will also appear. And the value of this treasure is not much different from that of the previous monster lord.

And now, the value of this treasure that Aerlos has been cannot be simply measured by money. The opportunity to fight the Titans is also a simple comparison technique. Such an opportunity is enough to make the world great. Some creatures are crazy.

"Scheduled again!" Ai Luosi exhaled a long breath, then put this token that can challenge Titan into the space ring, turned and returned to the ground.

And shortly after Ayelos' departure, a teleportation formation over the magma pool quickly formed from scratch. Then, five humans in white robes stepped out of it, overlooking the magma pool. In the core, the lava giant has been crushed.

"It took almost three years to research the alchemy giant! It turned out that it was just the first trial, and it was easily spiked. The experimental fee allocated by the empire to the academy was not so bad!"

"It may be some special reasons, such as the strength of killing it!"

"There is no remnant of power in the soul in the air. In other words, he was killed by a trick that was the highest but the highest peak of gold. This kind of garbage is not needed by the empire."

"This is what the people above should worry about, not what we little men think. Hurry up and check the giant's remains, just submit a report, and it's nothing to do with us."

"No matter what we do now, it doesn't mean that we don't care about it in the future. Those old guys who occupy the position and refuse to move will sooner or later have a day of soul failure, when we can replace their position."

"Be careful, this is not what we should think about now, do your own job honestly!"

After making a few more complaints, these several people, wearing white robes, began to salvage the magma giant's remains lying in the lava, and their bodies gradually began to dissipate ...

In a shadow not far from the lava pool, Aerous slowly appeared, staring at the magma pool that had been restored to peace again, his eyes revealing the color of thought.

"Sure enough, all the mazes throughout the empire are maintained by the empire official, so even if the lord monster in the maze is constantly beheaded, there will always be new lord monsters!"

"The reward that I should have this time to kill the Lord of the Labyrinth Monster has been replaced! It should have been a token that could summon the element of fire, but it was replaced with a qualification token that can fight Titans!"

Aerlos continued to analyze ~ www.readwn.com according to the existing conditions at his disposal. So to be able to do this, it must be in the empire, with powerful power! Maybe he even lives in Xanapus! "

"Father, I will continue to be strong until you can no longer hide in front of me!" Aerlos turned and walked out, this time, he was really ready to return to the ground.


"How should this token be used?" Aiolosi played with the token in his hand, and his eyes were distressed.

But soon, Aerouss found that he didn't need to be too distressed, because with his thoughts, the token was gradually glowing, the golden thunder overflowed from it, and then the entire token became a ball directly. Light, wrapped him in it, tore the space, and emptied the place where the Titans were.


The huge golden light troupe brought Aerouss to the white platform, and Aorous stood up a little bit, and looked around. Except for the light-emitting platform under his feet, Everything is dark and nothingness. Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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