Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 899: Yoke rupture

"Where is the Titan?" Standing on the open platform, Aiolous looked around in confusion, but nothing.

However, soon, an astonishingly strong wave of space surged in front of Aerous, and then a tall giant tore the space in front of Aerous and appeared in front of him.

With the appearance of this giant, a golden yellow blood permeated with shivering coercion.

"It's a real Titan, not a spiritual imprint!" Looking at the giant shore giant with black hair and golden eyes, Aeolus's expression suddenly calmed.

As a member of the Xenaps Empire, how could he not know the Titan. Although he has never seen it, the form of the Titan is widely spread in a mythical way in various regions of Xenaps. It can be said that no one knows it. No one knows.

"It can actually mobilize the real Titan!" Ai Luosi could not help but separate a trace of thought, "This is no longer the power can be done, the hand behind me that promotes me must have a very close relationship with the Titans!"

However, I did n’t think of Aionos too much time. The Titan, who was notified and transmitted by his spirit, looked at the tiny creature in front of him, and then frowned.

"You are the guy who wants to challenge me today. Why is it so weak?"

"I ..." Ayelos opened his mouth to say something, but looking at the tall, haunted Titan, he was speechless.

The Titan said that he was weak, and he really couldn't say anything, because from the stories circulating in various regions, the Titan was almost invincible in the same order, and it was the only Titan that could defeat the Titan.

"That's all it takes!" The minor Titan, teleported by something seduced, looked at Aerouss, and seemed to find something, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Can you unlock the yoke temporarily?"

"What shackles?" Aioloos tightened his expression, grasping the point of Titan's discourse.

"Oh!" The underage Titan heard Aerlos's answer, and didn't continue to answer. A thunder chain appeared on his body, and then merged into his body.

Then, the breath emanating from the Titan began to decline at a rate visible to the naked eye, the lingering blood began to decrease rapidly, and then the huge body began to shrink rapidly.

"Can't answer?" Looking at the self-styled Titan, Aerlos frowned. The Titan didn't seem to be ready to answer him because he had already pulled out his weapon.

"Now, you can fight with me!" The Titan's size has shrunk to the same level as that of Aorous, and then I don't give Aorous a chance to continue talking, holding a large sword and walking towards Aerous Come.

Along with the Titan's step, a huge pressure different from the just Titan's blood pressure on Aerlos, made Aerlos' eyes stare, and let him suppress the doubts in his heart.


There was no more communication, Ai Luosi pulled out the sword, then disappeared in situ at the same time as the self-sealed Titan, and the two large swords were chopped together, spreading like a substantial impact ring.


"You, yes!" Titan nodded slightly as he looked at the breathless Aeolos lying on the ground.

"That's not bad?" Aylos, lying on the floor, asked with a low expression on his face. There were cuts on his forehead, throat, neck, and chest, very shallow cuts, which just scratched the skin.

These are all left by the opposite Titan, each time just scratching his vital skin, but each cut mark represents him, if the opposing Titan will be treated the same by the opposite Titan in the frontal battle Strike once.

"Of course it's good, how old are you now?" Although in this sparring exercise, although he beat Ai Luosi with absolute advantage throughout, he did not despise him.

"I'm twenty-one years old this year!" Ai Luosi, a bit frustrated, replied, because he felt lost after being completely crushed by Titan's skills.

"Twenty-one years old, do you know how old I am this year? I'm almost sixty years old. For Titans, you are just wielding weapons just now! You can have such a performance today, it is already very good. Now. "

"Twenty-one years old, it's just for your Titans, I'm not a Titan!" Ayelos said half-temptingly, half-sighing. He always thought he was just a human with some special bloodlines.

"Oh!" The self-sealed Titan laughed twice and disappeared without answering Aerous.

And just after the Titan disappeared, a powerful force of space was shrouded in Aeolos, dragging him directly out of this arena set up for the Titans.


"Almost ready to break through the soul, my son! Then you are ready to break through the continuous battle with the Titans. At that time, your ring of souls will make you understand your inhuman identity!"

Among the towering imperial palaces, the supreme emperor whispered softly, full of expectations for his children.

In a certain building in the Imperial Palace, a blonde dragonfly Lori was squatting at the door, racking her brains to find a way to break the seal on the door of the building.

And in the vast and sacred borderless realm of the fiery heaven **** realm, a long hair is scattered, and behind her are ten pure white wings shaking off a few holy light dots to a majestic fiery god.

Among the Titans, a loli in armor, which was extremely petite to Titans, held a square hammer in her hand and hit a chin on another little Titan, which was the same height as her.

Flashing with Thunder's blood and spattering with broken teeth, the Titan wanted to struggle and stand up after being hammered to the ground, but Katia stepped forward, relentlessly, and stomped on The little Titan's chest.

Click! A very crisp and piercing bone fracture sounded, and the little Titan, who had been knocked down by Katia, collapsed very clearly on the chest, looking very miserable.

But it's just that it looks. Although this little Titan has been hit so hard, it is still full of vitality, without the slightest sense of weakness.

"Don't believe it?" Kaidia, who had stepped on the chest of the Titans, held a hammer and stared at the little Titan lying on the ground, looking indifferent.

"I ..." The little Titan, whose jaw was slightly crooked, raised his head, trying to be angry, but when he met Katia's eyes and saw the square hammer that had been raised in his hand, his I couldn't help pulling my eyes.

"Serve!" Little Titan uttered the second word in a very aggrieved manner, but he was not as good as a man and was knocked down with a hammer. There is nothing to argue with.

"Bring it!" Katie reached out to the little Titan who had given up.

"Here you!" Little Titan's face showed a tinge of pain, then he took out a piece of fine gold the size of his fist and handed it to Katia.

"Hmm!" After Katia took the piece of gold, she looked up and looked around. "Who else is going to fight me? I use this piece of gold to wager against him!"

"I'm coming!" An imposing female Titan, a small meteor, strode towards Katia.


"It is the proof of the Titan Trial again!" Ai Luosi watched his harvest in the labyrinth, and his expression was unrelenting. He has become used to it. In these years, he has no idea how many Titan Trials have been obtained. certificate.

"For me, it can also be said that the Titans beat him!" Ai Luosi laughed at himself, every time he was teleported to play a fair battle with the Titans, for him, even if he received a beating in disguise.

Of course, as the price of a beating, Aerlos's skills are also rapidly improving, and his growth speed is visible to the naked eye. At the same time, his cultivation has reached the golden level bottleneck, and he is preparing to break through the soul level.

Immediately after mocking it, Aerlos immediately crushed the voucher, and the familiar force of space teleportation enveloped him ...

"You're Aiolos, aren't you?" Titan, who had abused Aiolos from start to finish, asked suddenly before she was about to leave.

"Yeah!" Lying on the ground, he was recollecting the spirit of the beating Aiolos who had just been beaten, and quickly answered.

"With your current ability, you should be able to feel the existence of your soul!"

"Yes!" Ai Luosi nodded quickly. After feeling the existence of his soul, he immediately noticed the strangeness of his soul, as if bound by something.

"Prepare to break through the soul! Remember to prepare elemental crystals, the more the better!" After saying this reminder, the Titan disappeared in front of Aerouss, and he was not given the opportunity to pursue further.

"Prepare elemental crystals? How much do you want to prepare?" Aiolosi quickly asked, but the Titan had disappeared at this time.


"Is this the place for me to make a breakthrough? You are really attentive ~ www.readwn.com ~ Father, no matter what I need, you have prepared for me in advance!"

It was also a maze that no one had reached. After Ioros knocked down the final lord monster, he found what the lord monster guarded-a elemental pool completely filled with strong elemental power.

"Communicating the Element Pool of the Elemental Realm is really a big deal!" Looking at the Element Pool with an area of ​​several hectares in front of him, Aeolos hesitated for a moment and jumped directly into it, although what he got so far seems to be arranged in advance Okay, but everything he gets is good for him.

Rumbling ~~

The moment Aiolos fell into the element pool, the nearly substantive elements accumulated in the entire element pool poured wildly into his body, as if a huge black hole devouring elements appeared in his body.

The surging of the elements sent a violent roar, and Aiolos' body began to gradually grow in the influx of massive elements here ... Remember this site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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