Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 909: Got stuck!

"It's finally my turn!"

Beyond the barriers of Eracia's world, Muria stood on the cross-world community teleportation formation funded by the three communities and looked up at the immense dark void above her head.

Dark, empty, and lonely, this is the sense of the void to Muria, but the void is not completely dark, and there is a world after another, blooming with light, dotted in this darkness, exuding charming and dazzling Glory.

"Don't watch, you are ready to go!" A soft voice came from behind Muria. Muria looked back, and immediately saw his dragon grandmother, Yalista.

"Grandmother!" Muria greeted, and, unsurprisingly, her grandmother appeared here to see him off.

"Well, I said, is there a step missing?" Grandest grandfather Yalista showed up, so Grandfather Timothy also followed. He looked at Muria and nodded comfortably,

"I remember that in accordance with the rules of the Titans, every Titan who is going to go to the void to achieve an epic will get a source of force, and appreciate the role of the source!"

"Without this need, he has dealt with many sources of power, and even he himself has used a drop of source power, so there is no need for him to waste resources."

A mighty mountain-like figure appeared on this metal continent, sounding like a thunderous thunder. Muria's Titan grandfather, Archimonde, Reckless Lord, has arrived.

"Eh!" Muria's mouth was drawn. At that time, he only passively accepted a drop of source force, and he did not actively use it. In his current state, if the source force is used again, it must be completely different. Feel.

"Ah, yes, my parents, how is their condition?" Muria suddenly remembered his parents, and since they went to the void, Muria never got any news about them, nor did they know them. How is it now.

"Rest assured, they are now very good. They have successfully obtained their first source of power. It is considered that one foot has entered the epic. Now they have been reborn into the second world. "

"Meanwhile reborn to the same world again!" Muria felt like a lemon, and he really envied his parents to experience suffering and harvest together.

"Okay, get ready to go, don't grind up!" Another epic arrived, his wife and grandfather Chiten, the **** Arudiba, and he also came to see Muria off.

At the urging of these grandfathers, Muria boarded a pyramid and stood on top of the square tower of the pyramid, and then the metal continent began to shake slightly, and the free energy drawn in the void was pulled and Here comes a gorgeous streamer rain.

This time, only he went to the void alone, and no other legendary peaks went with him. The legendary peaks are not Chinese cabbages, they are everywhere.

And even if most of the legendary peaks have reached their limit, they generally choose to become gods instead of epics, and if they want to become epic legends, they will prepare for a long time before heading to the void.

"Wait a minute!" When the bottom of the pyramid where Muria was was covered by a layer of bright light, Muria remembered that he still had one of the most important things he didn't inquire about.

"Grandfather, grandmother, what is the world I'm coming to? You haven't told me yet!"

"Muria, we have chosen this world for you to be an epic starting point!"

"What is that world like?" Muria wanted to find out in detail the general situation of the world he was about to come to. By this time, half of the pyramid at his feet had been shrouded in light. After being excited, the teleportation array started at a rapid speed.

"It's a very peaceful and peaceful world!" Muria just heard a word from grandmother Yalista, and the whole pyramid lit up, and he was wrapped in a torrent of mighty power. .


Gorgeous torrents of power wrapped Muria's body in it, then tore the void directly, and shot into the dark void outside of the Erasian World Patrol.


When Muria regained consciousness again, he found that he was surrounded by a warm liquid, and he was in a dark, small and soft space. At the same time, he felt his incomparable weakness.

It wasn't because of any physical discomfort, but Muria had found that he had no power that could easily burn the mountains and cook the sea. He fell back to the earth again, more thoroughly than he sealed his son Aerous.

His current state is more fragile than the mortal body of his previous life, because he is now only an embryo with no full-developed body organs.

"Is this the mystery of the demon, it's really amazing! It can be wonderful to create this mystery!"

Muria, who had roughly figured out her condition, couldn't help but sigh. His current state is the result of his use of the Arcane Mystery.

The seal respects all the power, retains the most basic consciousness, and then reincarnates into the target world and is born as a native of the world. In this way, it will not be excluded or suppressed by the world.

Otherwise, with Muria's strength, no matter which world he enters, he will be suppressed, because he is an extremely dangerous existence for any world.

Except giving birth, raising him, and raising him to the world of Erasia, only this world where Muria was born will tolerate him. No matter how strong he becomes, he can freely enter and leave the Erasia world without being affected Any suppression and exclusion.

"But where is the body after my seal?" Muria, who has successfully entered the target world, will gain her local legal identity and begin to find her roots.

Soon, he found his own body in the heart of this unshaped human embryo. His huge body, a legendary body with two bloodlines of Titan and Dragon King, was curled up into a ball and converged. All breath.

Muria can feel that he can revive his deity at any time, and he can regain his strength at any time, but also Muria has a faint feeling.

If he dared to show his legendary power in this world, I would be madly suppressed by this world, eventually excluded from this world, and found nothing.

"So, I can only start again now, starting from scratch!" Muria thought about it, and he found the experience quite interesting. But this interest hadn't lasted for a long time, and a long-experienced tiredness came to his mind, and then he became tired.

"It's really a fragile body!" Muria sighed helplessly, then fell asleep, and a baby embryo that was not fully developed, even if he was, could not show any show.



The groaning screams of women giving birth came from the tree house, while men anxiously walked under the tree house. This kind of thing, as a male, could not really help, after all, they did not This experience.

"How long will it take to give birth?" The tall, strong Yikong man smashed a punch on the trunk and asked a little anxiously. He is the spouse of a female Ikon who is giving birth in a tree hole.

"Quiet, Batu, this kind of thing is useless even if you are in a hurry. It is your spouse who produces the child, not you!"

A slightly wrinkled Yikong man with a wrinkled face smiled and comforted his young fellow,

"If you really want to help your spouse, I suggest you go and fight for two extended-chain birds, and make up for your spouse and your upcoming child!"

"Abba, do you want me to go hunting at this time?"

"Of course, hunting will not only relieve your current mood, but the prey you get will be a gift for your child, and it will make your child stronger!"

"I see!" The strong, blue-eyed Yikong nodded, then raised his head and blew a whistle, then a huge wing bird flew from a towering canopy When he got down, he stunned in front of the Bakong Yitu. Batu turned over and rode up, soaring into the sky.

And when he left, his spouse still screamed in agony and pain because of childbirth!

In the tree hole, the female Yikong who is about to become a mother is suffering the pain of childbirth, and the child who was unable to be born in her belly is also very helpless. Www.readwn.com Living! "

Very embarrassing happened to Muria, although because his body was not fully developed, he was still asleep most of the time in the belly of his mother in this world.

But a small part of the time is still awake, and Muria uses her intermittent time when she is awake to create a set based on her body that is completely different from any humanoid he has seen. The ruthless method of running blood.

This is exactly what Muria did when he was bored. He used his knowledge and experience to create a practice method for a creature that has never been seen before. It is not difficult.

It is this kind of time-consuming move that caused great distress to his physical mother, because his body is larger than a normal Yikong baby. Therefore, in the case of childbirth, Muria was Stuck in the passage where he officially descended into this world.

"Next time, I will never do this extra act again!" Muria, who felt unusually uncomfortable, made up her mind to take a sip and grow a wise one. This experience is a lesson.

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