Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 910: An unusually peaceful world

Seven years later

Muria was sitting on a tree trunk boring, looking down, there was a group of dark-skinned, blue-skinned humanoids playing, and from their naive tone and cheerful laughter, they could see that they It's a group of little kids.

"Ur, come down and play!" One of the children stopped, looked up at Muria, and greeted him with a female-biased voice. This was a young Ikora female.

"No!" Upon hearing the invitation, Muria refused without thinking. Well, he is now the same kind of dark-skinned, blue-skinned humanoid, and his appearance is almost the same as them, except that he is taller and stronger than them.

"You play for yourself, don't worry about me." After speaking, Muria got up from the trunk, stretched a lazy waist, stepped on the trunk steadily across a vine bridge, and then turned around, entering Arrived in a tree house tens of meters above the ground.

"Ur, why did you come back so early today? Are you still having fun?" Just saw Muria walked in, in the tree house, because the female Yikong who was polishing the resin raised her head with a kind smile Looking at him.

"It's okay!" Muria nodded perfunctoryly, this is his body mother, "I want to go to the elders to read the book now, I will come back before the sun goes down!"

"Okay, you go!"

"Hmm!" After greeting him, Muria turned and left directly, and he ran back intentionally, just to say something to his mother in this life.

"Ur!" Seeing Muria's figure leaving, Hida, who was polishing the resin, showed a hint of worry.

Although she gave birth to her son very painfully, cut, and after a successful delivery, she also suffered a long period of weakness, but this does not prevent her from loving and caring for her son!

For the first time, she was even proud of her son, because her son's physique at the time of birth was the strongest in the ethnic group on record.

But as her son grew older, Hida was gradually beset by a mood of annoyance, which came from her son.

Her son, Ur, is very gangless. He has hardly been associated with any of his peers. He has never had a true friend. This is not a tribe's problem, but his son's problem.

There were many children who invited her son to play together, but Ull was always interested. After going twice at first, he never went again.

Now, Hida knows that the reason why Ur is willing to go out with the children is mainly to satisfy her wishes and not to worry her too much.


"Sorry, I really can't play with the little ones!" Muria stepped out of the tree house and glanced back, sighing softly. Although he is now a child's body, his thinking is a super monster that has lived for more than 700 years.

"Ur, go to the elders and read a book again!" Before going too far, Muria met an adult Yikong who was carrying a wooden bow on his back. The male Yikong smiled when he saw Muria. Say hello.

"Yes! Uncle Tucker, are you ready to go hunting?" Muria also asked back.

"Yes, my child wants to eat four-eared rabbit meat. I'll hit some back!" Tucker responded with a smile.

"Huh!" Then Muria watched the adult Yikong blew a whistle, calling for a featherless color-patterned four-winged bird with a wingspan of nearly 13 meters, and turned over and rode up.

Then this winged bird with a gorgeous pattern, holding the Ikor Tak who was nearly three meters tall, spread his wings sensitively to avoid those branches and flew into the sky.

Looking at the Yikong who has flew up into the sky and turned into a black spot, Muria continued to walk towards his target location, making his way through the road, and on the road, he greeted everyone who met Yikong, looking extremely sunny. .

Finally, Muria stepped on a vine bridge 100 meters above the ground and entered a tall tree house. This tree house was built on the back of an ancient wooden canopy, which was ten times larger than his home. More than enough, it is the largest tree house in his tribe.

"Ur, have you read the book again?" When Muria walked in, an elder man with a stupid, dry figure turned slowly and looked at Muria, his eyes were dark The tree house looked unusually bright.

"Yes, elder!" Muria bowed slightly to the elder wearing a down jacket woven with various colorful feathers. Although his actual age must be older than the elder Yikong in front of him, His current identity is just a young, ignorant, curious young Yikong, "I'm bothering you again!"

"Anyway, there are very few Yikong people like you who are willing to watch the books of ancestors. No, it is not few, but there are almost none. You can run to me every day. I am also very happy. After all, you are here with me. Reading a book can also accompany me. "

"As long as I don't finish reading the book, I will come every day." Muria said very straightforwardly. Another meaning of his sentence was that I didn't read the book, or all the books were read by him. Then He won't come.

"Hahaha! Go and see, little Ur!" The elders grew up when he heard Muria's words. "This room's book is enough for you to read for a long time."

"Huh!" Muria walked into the room, came to a pile of neat bookshelves, and picked out a book from it. Sitting on the ground cross-legged, just flipping through it.

To be honest, stacking the pile in his hands with some special bark is called a book, which is a bit of an insult to the book.

But this is indeed the book, because this is the only carrier that Muria has searched for his tribe and recorded information. And such books can fully reflect how low the civilization of the world he is in now.

Although he has never left his tribe since he was born, Muria also has a general understanding of his current situation.

He descended on an almost primitive and wild world. At present, he has only discovered a reborn intelligent race named Yikong. The civilization of this race is still in the extremely primitive tribal system.

The Yikong people live together, and their lifestyle is not much different from that of the primitive human beings in the image of Muria. Yikong did not master the skills of metal smelting and forging. The weapons they used were very primitive. Wooden bows, spears, stone tools, all furniture and weapons were basically sourced from local sources.

In terms of textiles, the Yikong people also did not have any achievements. Just look at the animal skin he is wearing now, and the elder jacket on the elder in front of him.

In terms of architecture, referring to the tree house where he is now, this is the highest achievement of the Yikong people in architecture. A tree house with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters, perfectly using the structure of the tree, does not hurt the tree itself.

As far as art is concerned, let's not talk nonsense. Yikong people have no such concepts at all. All in all, the civilization of the Yikong people has just begun and is in a very primitive stage.

At first, Muria thought that the civilization of the Yikong people was so backward because they had just evolved to their current form, and they had just developed.

But he flipped through these humble tree bark books, and after seeing the history of the Yikong people, he overturned his previous thoughts. From the books, he got a very important information.

The tribe he belongs to has been established for more than three thousand years, and at the beginning of the tribe's establishment, the Yikong people lived in this primitive way. In other words, the Yikong people have retained their current life style for more than three thousand years.

This result made Muria quite incredible. For three thousand years, nothing has changed, and there has been no technical progress. This kind of thing is just like a nightmare, but it did happen to Muria. Before.

When Muria got this incredible result, he began to think about what caused the civilization of the Yikong people to stand still and stop.

Then he found the reason, and also remembered what his grandmother Arista had said to him before leaving, and it was a very peaceful world.

Too peaceful. This is the real reason that the civilization of the Yikong people has remained in the original stage. This world is too friendly for the Yikong people.

Before being born into this world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muriya had worried that he would be in danger because of his weakness at the beginning of the advent, and was forced to use his true power.

However, when he was born, Muria found that he had thought too much. The environment around him was very peaceful and there was no danger. Similarly, during the growth process, he did not feel any physical pressure.

He can eat and eat every day, sleep and wake up naturally, and he doesn't need to worry about any invasion of outside life. He doesn't need to worry about almost anything.

You don't need to worry about hunger, you don't need to worry about the cold and the heat, and there is not too much danger. In a sense, this world is like a paradise.

But it is precisely because of this that the civilization of the Yikong people has stopped and they have no incentive to continue to develop, because they have been in peace for a long time, and they need not worry or worry about anything at all.

The birth of an ordinary Yikong man, during his growth, he can play freely and carefreely. When he was an adult, he naturally mastered some related skills, which are enough for him in his tribe. In the territory, you can get food that can satisfy the family of three.

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