Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 942: The growth of doves

"I'm not qualified? Do you know what you're talking about? Doctor!" Helen laughed at the congresswoman Hearing.

"Of course I know that every sentence I say has been carefully considered by me." Ellen is not humble, and she is full of confidence, so even in the face of this ruling class of the Earth Star civilization, she can still take it easy.

"Since you know, how dare you reject me?"

"Of course, I believe that His Excellency You have a long-term vision. You can keep me out of this door and take away all the crystals of life in my hand, but you also know the consequences of doing so! You will be thoroughly connected with that. There is a break. "

"Why do you expect a person who desires longevity to stay sane?" Heya asked with a smile, and the old temptations of her were simply irresistible.

"Because for you, longevity is just something that you can get after a little hard work. You don't need to continue taking risks!"

"It's worth a doctor!" Heya laughed when he heard what Ellen said, a smile on her face, and the serious expression disappeared. The tense atmosphere in the living room suddenly disappeared.

"Let's talk, in addition to me, which old guys in the council do you choose?"

"All MPs over the age of 70 are my goals, and I will try to convince them!" Ellen said very simply, there is nothing to hide, this is grandeur!

She is the upright ruling class of the immortal temptation to go to earth star, let them change from hawks to doves, to star earth civilization to wage war against the world of Pandora.

"Very good target crowd, but I am afraid there are a few people, and you may not be able to seduce them this way!"

"Why?" Ellen asked, puzzled, and it seemed that no human could refuse the temptation of immortality.

"Ellen, you are still too young, you still see too few people. Not everyone is afraid of death. Immortality is indeed very tempting, but in the face of their righteousness, everything is Can be discarded. "

Ellen smiled and remembered some of his experiences when he was young. Indeed, most people in the world are afraid of death, but there is always such a small frustration that they can calmly for their so-called ideal goals or justice. Go to death. It is no wonder that tempting such people with immortality is dreaming.

"So what do I do?"

"I can be the middleman for you and come to contact the old guys for you!" Ellen said with a smile. "But as a middleman, I should charge a little agency fee, should it be okay?"

"This, you can!" Hesitating for a moment, Ellen nodded, because she found that she was still a little too tender compared to these old guys in politics.



Heya was extremely popular. When she reached an agreement with Ellen the next day, she immediately invited a few old guys whose life was about to end.

Then logically, when these senile lawmakers saw Heya and Ellen who were 20 years younger, they immediately shook, and then they tried what it was like to be 20 years younger.

Then, when they heard that as long as the war between the two sides can be terminated, longevity can be achieved, these members of parliament suddenly became firmly dovish of the earth star civilization.

Then these parliamentarians once again drew other parliamentarians through their network of contacts. Among the ruling class of the Earth Star civilization, the dovish power expanded wildly.

After all, not only those aging and old people want to live, but those hospitals who are about to grow old, or are thinking about how they will grow old, also want to live long. This is a difficult temptation to resist.

But when there are too many people, some strange ideas have emerged in the hearts of these human beings who hold huge rights.

In a slightly gloomy conference room, there were sparsely seated more than thirty lawmakers with great power and resources.

"How do you feel now?"

"Do you still need to ask this feeling? Of course it is great. For decades, I have never felt so comfortable as today."

"Me too. After using the small crystal, the mess in my body was also taken out. My personal doctor told me that within ten years, I would not need the assistance of those instruments."

"It looks good. It seems that everyone is very interested in the gadget brought by the female doctor named Ellen!"

"Just say what you want to say, don't hide it, we are all on the same front now."

"You are satisfied with this level now, don't you want to get more crystals of life?" An old voice asked in a deceptive tone.

"Although my physical condition has improved a lot than before, if I can, I still want to have a body that is as strong as when I was 20 years young!"

"This pursuit, I think everyone is the same, everyone wants to have a young, energetic body!

The key to being able to do this is the crystals of life that the female doctor took out. According to her, these crystals of life were condensed by the fist that blasted the battleship of glory.

According to her request, we can only get more life crystals if we follow the instructions of the other god! Although this is a very fair deal, I think it can be changed slightly. "

"What do you want to do? Jorge Viotti, I warn you not to mess around. This is the only channel we can use to extend life. If you dare to destroy this channel, no matter what power and status you have, We will join forces to erase you from this world. "

"I'm not trying to mess around. I just want to verify what Dr. Ellen said. Is it true that only the **** of life can produce the crystal of life? Is this possible a very rare nature of the Pandora world? Resources? If so, what else can we do, such as holding this resource in our hands! "

"I do n’t need to think about it. I ’ve taken it back to do the relevant tests. This is a very pure vitality. It is impossible to produce such a thing in nature. Even if it is born, it will Immediately eaten by surrounding plants or animals! "

"So if we want to continue to gain the crystallization of life, we can only follow the instructions of that **** and be his dog? Although I have done this kind of thing, I feel I can't do it now!"

"You're saying so badly, we're just working with him!"

"I'm so awful? Everyone is in business. Don't you feel familiar with this situation? This **** is the only supplier of life crystals. We can't find any substitute for him, so we think If he wants to get the price of life crystallization, he can decide it at will. This is simply putting the knife in the opponent's hand! "

"If you are dissatisfied with this situation, what advice do you have?"

"We want to eat meat, so we have meat animals, we want to wear sheep coats, so we have sheep. Since we need the crystal of life produced by this god, why don't we grab it What about breeding? Let him follow our will! "

"Oh, Jorge, is this what you told us to say during this meeting? That's the case, I should leave, I don't have time to waste with you!"

"Is there water in your head? A person who can blast the glorious battleship with one hand, you actually want to imprison him and treat him like a bull and sheep? Have you not figured it out yet? In his eyes Here, we are cattle and sheep. "

"Stupid proposal, let me not say whether you can imprison this god, even if you imprison that god? Let him make a crystal of life that can prolong life for you? You have a gun on your side What's the difference between the doctor who is doing your craniotomy? "

"Why are you so excited? I'm just proposing it, but I'm more courageous! If you don't agree, you can directly reject it!"

Hearing the cursing voices in this room, Ambassador Jorge Viotti, ambitious and full of other ideas, laughed.

"Mr. Jorge, your proposal is indeed very bold, just like your previous behavior ~ www.readwn.com ~ But before you propose, please take a closer look at one thing, that this **** is participating in our During the war of world aggression, he never made every effort, and we don't know to what extent he can do so far! "

"By the way, I think I have to say something! A living body of this level is likely to have the ability to traverse outer space without the help of any foreign objects, so not only can we send a spaceship into the Pandora world, This being can also enter our world from Pandora's world! "

"Do you mean that if we anger this being, could anyone in our seat be facing the anger of being?"

"If this is the case, I think it is very necessary for the two sides to maintain peace, and no more war can be waged!"

Hearing these thrilling news, a member of parliament suddenly felt restless. He could safely sign and agree to a war that took place hundreds of millions of miles away. After all, the shells would not be so far apart. Landed on top of his head.

But now it is different. If war is waged now, they may face the existence of a main battleship that can be unarmed. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, the war really cannot continue.

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