Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 943: Big One, the weakest legendary family

At the time when the doves of the Earth Star civilization grew stronger, Muria in the Pandora world began to prepare for what he had already done to destroy the backward tribal system of the Ikon and establish a unified centralized system.

As for the foundation of the establishment of a unified government, it is naturally the alien threat theory that he is now preaching. He told the Yikong people in the Ayary Forest that aliens savage their world resources and will definitely return again. Set off again.

If the Yikong people do not want to suffer as much damage as the Yikong people around the previous advance base, then they must unite. Only uniting them can reduce casualties and win the war.

Because of the lessons learned from the Yikong tribes around the base of the Earth Star civilization, Muria's transition to establish a centralized system with all tribes was very smooth.

Of course, with such a huge change in the system, the Yikong people can still follow it honestly, without causing too many moths. The important reason is that they can't escape the most detached existence tree in the world of Pandora!

It was because of the endorsement of this matter by the tree, that Muria went very smoothly, and there were almost no opponents. So before Muria sent the female doctor Ellen back to her world, Murray Ahab roughly completed the integration with the Ayary Forest Tribe.

Then after sending out Dr. Ellen, he immediately summoned his nine legionnaires! Although the commander of the legion was very prestigious, in fact each commander of the army was only an adult Yikong who commanded about 2,000 people.

However, compared to his Majesty Yikong, who is only in his early 150,000, with a total population of less than 160,000, the army of 18,000 is a bit excessive, and this proportion of soldiers and civilians is only in this primitive and wild world. It is possible to appear.

"The aliens will send troops to invade our world again!" Looking at the nine legions he had chosen, Muria told them solemnly. "Then the number of legions sent by these aliens will be It won't be as petty as the last time. "

"The great King Ur, is there such a terrifying power among strangers? The last time they dispatched so many warships, this time they could send more?"

"How long do you think it will take them to produce a battleship?" Muria laughed. "The simple line that Yun Jianfeng just set up produces these metal armor weapons you are wearing now. You have already I've seen it!

There are tens of thousands of such pipelines in the world of foreigners. They can make warships one speed a day. Believe it or not, I destroyed so many warships last time? Now they have made the warship I destroyed? "

"The aliens are too terrible!" Hearing Muria's description, cold sweats oozed from the foreheads of these legionnaires. They couldn't imagine that aliens could make warships one ship at a time.

"What's panic, is there me? Even if the warships they made obscured the sky?" Muria, the chief of the army who was scared by him, yelled, "I can fight all of them."

"Yes, if there is King Ur, the warships of strangers will not hurt us even if there are so many warships!"

"I do have the power to protect you, but you must also have the power to protect you, after all, I cannot protect every Yikong person all the time!"

"Her Majesty Ur, please rest assured that we are urging soldiers to practice hard every day!"

"I know that!" Muria nodded, this was where he was most pleased. The arrival of aliens, the arrival of earth stars, did destroy the peace and tranquility of this world, but also brought a great sense of crisis to the Yikong people. This slack species finally knew that they had worked hard to cultivate.

"But just urging soldiers to practice is not enough. I need to expand my army. The number of soldiers in my army is too small!" This is also the most dissatisfied part of Muria. The available soldiers are too scarce.

There are 18,000 people, which is simply funny to him. The empire he established in the Erasian world randomly chose a nobleman whom he had blocked overseas. In fact, his soldiers were not just this person.

"His Majesty Ur, if you want to expand your army, there are still many people who are willing to join!" A chief of the army army looked up and stared at Muria, "As long as you are willing to lower a little ..."

"No, my army, the standard of joining will never decrease, it will only increase! The non-compliant Yikong people do n’t. They just need to live in a comfortable wooden house quietly and make armor for the soldiers of the army. Weapons, crossbows will do! "

Muria heard the leader's proposal and rejected it without hesitation. He had separated the military and civilians, but how could he go back.

"King Ur, if you don't want to lower the entry standards of the army, how can we increase the number of troops?" A head of the army asked with some confusion.

"Naturally, it will increase the population base of His Majesty Yikong people! The more Yikong people under my Majesty, the more elite Yikong people will be screened out to meet the standards."

Muria stood up from his quaint obsidian throne, and raised his hand to point outside the hall. "Slightly lift your heads and project your eyes beyond the Ayary Forest!"

Outside the Ayary Forest, there are many Yikong tribes who do not know the threats from foreigners. Tell them about the threats that can let them live at any time, and then bring them back! "

Thus, the expansion of this small centralized power established by Muria began. He almost sent out all his legions, and even the Phantom Knights dispatched more than half of them to follow the army.

Similarly, because of his presence, Muria kicked out the increasing charm and strength of his body. Of course, his goal was not to follow the army to conquer the Yikong tribe.

Woo Meow's mission is to conquer the powerful creatures bred in this world, which is also a very important force. Of course Muria will not ignore it.

And Muria's own task, um, as a king, of course he sits in the center and can't run around. And he has other important things to do.

Because the army also had the magic evil and the phantom, all were sent out, so Yun Jianfeng at this time seemed quieter than usual, and at this time, Muria came to the **** tree growing on Yun Jianfeng under.

"I said, your consciousness is already materialized. In this case, can you not be so rigid in your work?"

Muria was standing under this sacred tree shrouded in a layer of dim white light, looking at it and couldn't help vomiting. At this time, this sacred tree had become a giant tree nearly twenty meters high. This change is due to the surge in the number of Yikong people living in Yunjian Peak.

The face of Muria was half voicing, half ridiculous, and the willow-like branches of the **** tree automatically took a moment without wind, and then quieted again.

Ok? Just came to me because of this **** thing, I know, get out, don't disturb me to sleep!

This is what Muria reads from the tree of God. What it wants to express. Although Muria does not have a direct conscious communication with it, Muria feels that the meaning it expresses is similar to the previous sentence. .

"Brother Shushu, you have banned my body from letting my deity come out. I recognize this. After all, your world is so big that you really can't tolerate my deities coming out! But I just want to open my half. Face, let me show one of the weakest dependents, you are not willing to do this, are you too much?

You know that he came out, not only for me, but also for strengthening your resistance to external attacks, and his strength is very weak, and it can not threaten your ecological environment, even if he goes wrong and gets out of control, May cause too much damage to you! "

Muria bitterly wanted to persuade the **** tree, yes, he just wanted to release a legend of his half plane, because his deity is too much threat to this world, so Pandora's world will not live or die Willing to let go.

Therefore, Muria can only go second. He wants to release one of the weakest legends in his half plane. As for any other gold-level and soul-level war beasts, Muria is too lazy to release it. If this level of war beast is not too much, it will not help him much.

Hearing Muria's appeal ~ www.readwn.com ~ The branches of the **** tree in front of him were swaying gently, seeming to be thinking, a little misty white light falling like rain.

After a moment, a blue wind blew past, a pure white branch dangled, and then wrapped around Muria's palm as a coincidence, and then an inexplicable wave spread.

"I knew it!" After spreading the wave, Muria's face suddenly showed a bright smile. Behind him, a phantom like a mirage appeared.

However, this phantom did not disappear with the passage of time, but gradually solidified. Then, in this phantom, the existence of a half-man and half-snake slowly appeared, and a powerful and inspiring breath from his Body spread.

"Come out, my weakest legendary family member, the shadow of slaughter, Shivlin!" Muria called.

To be honest, this person spent hundreds of years, and his strength remained in the legendary third-order alchemy synthetic beast. Muria brought it in the mind of waste utilization, but did not expect it, but now Great use. It is the weakest of all the family members of Muria who carry in the legendary half-plane, but it can also appear in this world.

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