To Be The Strongest

Chapter 16 - Traveling and Haki training.

Ban had disappeared for a while and had come back wearing nice looking clothes. Akane looked at him with suspicion, but decided not to question him. He probably had his own means in getting it.

Akane decided not to pay his actions any mind. If trouble came, it came. Nothing to do about it.

They had finished their meal at a decent looking restaurant and had made a deal with a merchant that was on a trip towards West blue. It would take a few weak before they got there, as they had to travel through Mary Geoise.

Akane would at least take care not to reveal her and Ban's appearance as they stood out quite a bit. She didn't want to let some weird Celestial Dragon get his eyes on them. From what she'd heard, they would enslave any person they took a liking to.

No way she was going to risk that.


It had been a couple of days since she and Ban had traveled with the merchant. She had sold her ship in Orange town and loaded her supplies onto the merchant ship.

The merchants didn't seem all that bothered with it and were more than happy with the extra food and water. Akane didn't have to pay that much too, as the food and water were included into the costs.

The merchants she and Ban were traveling with were mostly those that bought and sold antiquities. They traveled across all the calm seas and made sure to buy and sell their wares at nice prices.

Whenever they stopped at a island, the wares they took out would be greatly appreciated and sold very quickly.

When Akane and Ban had paid to travel with them, they had just sold out most of their wares from North and West blue and were planning to go back there. Now that Akane and Ban were traveling with them, it only made sense to first make their way towards West blue.

While the merchants were just sailing across the sea towards their next destination, Akane and Ban were fighing the occasional Sea kings that might attack.

They were easily dispatched with Ban's 'snatch' or with Akane's swords. If they weren't fighting, then Akane would tell Ban about this world.

At the moment, she was explaning to Ban about Haki.

Ban seemed very interested in it when she showed him how it worked. Her skin blackened and Akane showed how strong it was by clashing a knife against it. The sound of metal hitting something hard resounded and Ban's eyes began to sparkle.

"Please teach me your secrets, little fox." Ban said being overdramatic. He even bowed with his arms stretched, a big grin on his face, though his eyes were serious.

"Stop bowing. Of course I'll teach you. Your my nakama, so why wouldn't I teach you." Akane said, though a slight blush was on her cheeks from embarrassment. There wasn't a single moment when Ban would be slightly serious. Even when he was serious, he had to make it embarrassing.

Akane coughed as she explained the theory behind it.

"Now listen carefully. This type of Haki will be very useful agains devil fruit users like me. Logia users have bodies made of elements, so if you attacked them with you battle staf, your attack would go straight through them. With haki, you can hit their real body and they will be injured. This haki can be applied to your body and to objects such as your weapon."

Akane demonstrated it by letting her armament haki flow through her swords. The clear blade of the katana and wakizashi became pitch black, the ripples only bȧrėly visible.

"The way to train in it is by strengthening your body and sensing the spiritual energy in your body. Everyone has this energy, even you who has come from a different world. It can be likened with that magical energy you speak of. It can also be liekened with life force and willpower. You cloak your body with that energy and condense it. You notice it first when your body becomes enhanced."

Akane showed him a weakened version of Haki. Her skin was just slightly grayer than normal. It almost wasn't noticeable.

"Next stage is hardening."

Akane's arm became completely black.

"It becomes this way when the concentration of the energy in your body becomes stronger. The capabilities of your haki will become a lot stronger. When you clash your haki with and opponent that also uses haki, the stronger one will break the weaker one."

Akane showed it by coating both of her arms in haki, one stronger than the other. She slammer both of her hand against each other. The force between the two was strong but one her arms quickly became weaker as the haki broke.

"As you can see, the weaker one will collapse as it meets a stronger force."

Ban listened raptly, as the sparkle in his eyes increased as he looked at his own arms. He wondered if he could learn it. He would definitely learn it.

"There are multiple stages. The stages ranks are enhancement, hardening, imbuement, emission and internal destruction. I have already shown you imbuement, which is putting haki in your weapon. I can't use emission and internal destruction yet, but I can explain you the principles."

Akane grabbed a piece of paper as she began to draw what it does.

"Emission is pushing you haki outside of your body and propelling it against your opponent. It works the same as punching an opponent with normal haki, except you don't touch your opponent. Internal destruction is pushing your haki inside your opponent or an object and destroying them from the inside."

Ban nodded as he understood the principles. Though this world was different from his own, it had some really strong techniques.

He couldn't wait to train in it.

"Now, start training it. try to sense the energy in your body and guide it to the point you want it to be and concentrate it there. I'm going outside. If you want to train something else, I will teach you observation haki, but not today. For now I want to relax a bit." Akane said as she couldn't supress the yawn.

She rubbed her eyes as she began to search for a decent spot in the sun. This had become one of her favorite things to do, as bathing in the sun was really pleasant.. She didn't even get a sunburn or a tan, so she didn't worry one bit.

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