To Be The Strongest

Chapter 17 - Mary Geoise.

Akane and Ban had spent their days at their leisure. Akane would teach Ban in observation and amament Haki, sunbathe or defeat sea kings.

Ban would spent his days training, fighting sea kings and sleeping on her tails. The merchants were none the wiser about Akane's appearance, as she had made her appearance much like how she looked before she had her devil fruit activated.

She just looked like a red headed loli without any animal traits. Towards the merchants it looked a lot like Ban was just relaxing besides her, though he was very much laying against her tails and using them as a pillow.

Akane looked forward to see what Mary Geoise looked like. When she got there, at least where the merchants passed through, she would be able to see how everything worked and would be able to send the information to Dragon.

In the distance she could already see the red line, creeping closer and closer. At the wall that went up, she could see some kind of passage for the ships. There were many other merchant ships waiting in front of the passage as the entry papers were looked through by the Marines.

"Ban, look. Those are the puppets of the World Government." Akane said as she poked Ban in his side.

Ban looked at the Marines once and closed his eyes again.

"They're weaklings, there isn't anyone strong." Was all Ban said.

"Well, they're probably on top of the red line at Mary Geoise. There should be an admiral is suppose to watch over the Celestial Dragons if something happened." Akane said as she thought it would be strange if there wasn't

"You won't be able to fight him or her though. I don't want to stand out until we've gathered at least half of our crew." Was all Akane said to warn Ban.

"Right~" Ban responded as the excited glimmer hadn't left his eyes yet.

"Promise it Ban." Akane said sternly.

"I promise not to fight in Mary Geoise, for now." Ban said.

"I'm sure we'll be able to fight a lot of Marines once we enter the Grand line. When we've got our Navigator and entered the Grand line, you can fight as many people as you like. Heck, steal as much money from them as you like, but keep the innocent out of it." Akane said as she too looked forwards to bash in some Goverment dogs heads.

"Can't wait~" Ban smiled widely as he already looked forward to it. A lot of fun battles, a lot of money and possibly a way to discover the Devil fruit he may need for Elaine.


The ship finally entered the passage as some kind of mechanism pulled the ship upwards to the top. Akane paid close attention to the inner workings of the passage, the amount of Marines and how strong they were.

The merchant laid back against the railing of the ship as they didn't need to do anything. The only thing that they needed to do before they could enter West blue was a cargo inspection. After that they could officialy enter West blue.

Because they had traveled often through Mary Geoise, the Marines weren't as strict on the inspection than with others and quickly gave them a pass. In the distance they could see the many different areas of Mary Geoise, with the giant castle in the middle. There the world reverie would be held.

As she did with the passage ways, Akane quickly made a mental note of what she saw and made a mental map. It would come in handy when she ever needed to enter or escape from here.

The ship quickly passed Mary Geoise and went down another passage way downwards from the red line. Once down below they would enter West blue. From there the merchants would drop them of at a nearby big island.

Once there, Akane could buy or steal herself a ship to travel in West blue with her crew. If she was lucky she would even be able to find herself another crew mate besides the much wanted Navigator.


The island the merchants dropped her off was known as Illusia island. The island had a ruler system in place, like many other islands and the country was thus called Illusia kingdom. The kind from this island couls also take part in the reverie.

The island had a victorian style, with a lot of building packed close to each other. The city looked very well maintained and the people seemed happy as well. Akane and Ban stood out like sore tumbs in the crowd, but both didn't realy care as they only came here to look for a ship and possible clues on where her Navigator could be.

The island he'd been a Sheriff at was known as Lundain. He was supposed to be to merciless and cruel to the people he'd caught and was thus expelled.

Regardless of his actions, Akane really wanted him in her crew as he was known as a very adept Navigator. It didn't really matter if he was cruel, as the world of pirates was cruel too and you wouldn't survive without it.

As Akane was looking for Ships she liked, Ban had already disappeared. She could already imagine the poor souls about to be robbed and she imediatley put her mind back on which ship to choose.

She walked through the harbour to at least spot a ship in good condition that would be fast as well. It didn't need to be big, as she would replace it as soon as she reached the Grand line and moored at Water 7. Water 7 was known for its Shipwrights and the ships they made, so she wanted to get herself a Shipwright and a personal ship as soon as she got there.

Not long after she picked herself a ship did Ban return with some pretty big pouches. With every step Ban took she could hear the clinking from coins. On his face was a big smile as Ban had clearly enjoyed himself.

Ban even came back with information on the Navigator they wanted and his last known location. Akane was all smiles too after she heard it and she quickly picked out a ship to 'borrow'. Not long after, under the not so watchful eye of the sleeping harbour guards a small yet fast little ship departed from the harbour towards Rosilen, a small island not far from Lundain.

It was at most a few days away from her current location and Akane couldn't wait to rope the guy into her crew. She didn't know how, but Ban could be very persuasive if he wanted to be. Akane wouldn't mind being used as a pillow for the following days, just to make sure Ban would help her in recruiting the guy.

Like that, Akane and Ban departed to Rosilen island.

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