To Be The Strongest

Chapter 18 - Rosilen Island.

Though the journey was supposed to take around a week, thanks to the fast ship they stole, they arrived within five days. In that time Akane had become a huggable soft body pillow for Ban. At first she really disliked it but bore with it to make Ban help her rope in her Navigator.

Eventually Akane bagan to forget the dislike as she too quickly fell asleep in Ban's arms as they were pleasantly warm and comforting. It was as if she was back in time when she still slept in the same bed as her brother Shanks.

She had been very afraid back then as she had been abused a lot before she was adopted by him. She wouldn't be able to fall asleep if he wasn't with her. When he left her with Baba, she couldn't sleep for many days. As the days passed she quickly got used to it and was able to sleep alone.

Right now she felt as if that happiness was returned and she had started to enjoy sleeping with Ban. It wasn't as if he could do something to her anyways. He didn't even see her that way so Akane was fine with it and happily shared the bed in the captains suite. The only thing Ban did was hug, so it didn't really matter.

When the ship arrived at Rosilen's port, Akane swiftly departed and went to first look for supplies for their journey. When she'd bought those, it was time to track her Navigator. The only clue she had was his appearance, it would be a lot more helpful if she had his scent. If she had that, she could track him much easier.

A smile appeared on her face, charming the crowd around her. The city folks couldn't take their eyes from her, though the words shse said next and the wicked smile that followed, made them wonder what she was planning to do.

"Let the hunt begin."


The bet: The right to make a request to the other, though it shouldn't jeopardize their lives. Not that that was easy to do.

Ban questioned a local informant after paying him handsomely. The informant was all to ready to talk as he notified Ban where the man called Laffitte was last seen. Luckily he didn't seem to have left the island.

The informant smiled delightedly and rubbed his hands, hoping Ban would pay him extra for this piece of information. Ban smiled as he tossed a small bag with a couple of thousand Berri, distracting the poor informant from his own purse that was suddenly a whole lot lighter.

Ban waved at the informant who happily waved back. Ban walked towards the location the informant told him about while whistling. The money pouch in his pocket felt delightfully heavier than before.

The place the informant told him about was a strange mansion somewhere down the Main Street. For some reason the previous owners abandoned it, while the other people living near it couldn't seem to remember who was living there currently. The mansion itself appeared normal, but that was all people could say about it as the rest couldn't be described as when they tried they couldn't seem to recall it.

Ban arrived at the mansion and it looked quite abandoned.

"Well, that looks fun~" Ban said as he already had an inkling that Laffitte might be here. Call it a hunch or instinct, Ban knew Laffitte was here. Ban smirked as he walked inside, kicking the door open as he yelled when he walked in.

"Helloooo? Someone home?~" Ban didn't hear a response, but he didn't really care. If Laffitte was here, then he would find him.

"Playing catch are we? Know that i'm very good at it, so be sure to try your hardest, kay~"


Akane had heard around the streets about the man she was looking for, but there was no definite clue as to where he might be. Whenever she asked someone if they knew where he resided at the moment, they stared dazedly in front of them as if they didn't hear the question.

Lacking further clues, Akane decided to search in the area where he was spotted the most, if she could belief the rumors. Akane walked towards the Main Street where that mansion from the rumors was supposed to be.

What greeted her was Ban sharing a bottle of sake with the man she had been looking for.

"Ah, little fox, seems like I won the bet. Don't forget our promise, right~" Ban said as he chugged down the remaining sake in his cup.

Akane pouted as she angrily looked at Ban. He really wasn't fair. She never should've made that promise. Akane stormed inside and grabbed herself a bottle too and started to chug it down as if it were water.

"I won't forget! Now tell me, how did you do it B-A-N?" Akane said as a red tint was already on her cheeks and her eyes became a bit dazed. Even when she was a bit tipsy, Akane still questioned Ban.

Ban just laughed and refused to answer. Laffitte seemed to find it all a bit funny, especially since this little girl was supposed to be his captain now.

Akane shot her watery eyes at Laffitte. "You think I'm a little girl right? That girls shouldn't be drinking, right? That a little kid shouldn't be your captain, RIGHT!?" Akane said, her voice becoming a bit angry, yet there were also tears in her eyes.

The alcohol was obviously getting to her, though she only had one bottle of it. "I can't help it that I don't grow up. I want to grow big too, with big bȯȯbs that go *Boing* with every step I take, but I can't have that." Akane said on the verge of tears.

"Now, now. Little fox can't help it. You're still an ȧduŀt so it shouldn't matter that much. After all, you're already seventeen and still growing." Ban said, glancing shortly at Laffitte letting him know Akane was already an ȧduŀt.

"Apologies, Captain." Laffitte said, though he wasn't thinking along those lines at all. He was just abit surprised, that was all. He whole heartedly accepted her as his captain, so she shouldn't worry that much.

"As long as you know~" Akane responded as her words slurred a bit. Not long after her illusion wore of and the golden haired fox girl was sleeping deeply on Ban's ŀȧp.

Ban just laughed and continue to drink with Laffitte, as if the girl on his ŀȧp was just a little pet taking a nap on his ŀȧp.

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