To Be The Strongest

Chapter 52 - Saboady Archipelago II

After getting the note, Ban called Shinobu and Lafitte.

Both calls connected, with Shinobu being at the amusement park, while Lafitte was gathering information about the dangerous pirate groups they would no doubt face in the future, with a priority amongst those the Yonko.

"Meet up tomorrow at Grove 13, Shakky's Rip-off Bar. The coater we need might be there. If you come across him earlier, the name of the coater is Ray."

"Ara, It is unlike Ban-san to work so hard. Did you get some money out of it?"

"He is with the captain, Shinobu. Of course he will work hard."

Lafitte replied to Shinobu, who chuckled in response.

"Just finish with what you are doing. The captain and I will be going there right now."

Ban immediately hung up in an annoyed mood, not listening to any other remarks both of them might have.

"They really know which buŧŧons to press with you."

Akane commented, patting Ban on the head as comfort.

"Don't you start with it as well. Two are already enough."

Walking to the nearest bubble bike shop, Ban rented a bubble bike and began to paddle towards grove 13.

It was a long trip and it didn't help that there were bounty hunter all over the place. Since they had passed grove thirty, the buildings became delapitated, there were no citizens to be seen anywhere and the groups of bounty hunters were astounding.

Though it was funny for Ban to watch them try to catch Akane, which didn't go that well for them. All of them ended up getting fried by fox fire or/and were missing some limbs.

She didn't even use her zanpakuto yet, which was really pathetic for the bounty hunters. It only meant they were that weak.

The trip was rather long, as most of their day was spent just moving about the groves. At the end of the day, they were at grove fifteen, where they ended up in a cheap hotel. Even if it was as good as a shack, the owner seemed like a tough guy and he ȧssured them a comfortable stay. There was nothing wrong with helping the guy, even if they would sleep with one eye open, just in case.

That decision proved to be the right one, as halfway through the night, a loud clamor was heard right outside the inn.

The owner was standing outside, swinging a rather large butcher's knife in an attempt to scare away some of the outlaws that were preying on his customers.

"What should we do? Wait or help?"

Akane wasn't that into helping whatever guy she came across, nor was she anyone that would help another with their problems.

This time though, the owner was clearly trying to protect them.

"I can knock them out in a few seconds. I doubt they will stay away though. Outlaws and bounty hunters are an annoying lot."

Ban replied, not too invested in it at all.

"Just knock them out and throw them in the sea. If they are lucky, they won't come across a sea king."

Akane said in a matter of thought. That should help the man for the trouble they have caused him.

"Whatever you say captain~"

Ban disappeared from his spot at the window, appearing not even a few minutes later as he wiped his hands on a towel.

"Good job. Let's get some sleep and leave early tomorrow."

Not seeing any problem with that, Ban and Akane crept back in their bed, trying to get the remaining few hours left to them.


The next day a few of the bounty hunters that had stayed hidden revealed themselves. Some were better prepared than others, as one of them had a net made of sea stone. They clearly were were fully intent to at least capture her.

"Hoh? They are better than the last group~"

Ban said, more in amusement than being impressed. Glancing at Akane, Ban tapped her once on the head as he himself stepped forward.

"Leave it to me. I want to get some more exercise in today. I'm getting a little stiff from sitting around all day~"

Stretching himself exaggeratedly, Ban smiled widely at his opponents as she motioned for them to come at him.

"Go on with it, I don't have all day. If you take any longer, I wonder if your woman would still be home when you come back. If you have one that is, cause unlike you I have all the time in the world."

Under the provocative words of Ban, the bounty hunters all ran forward at the same time, some more incensed than the other.

The battle ended as fast as it started.

The bounty hunters had rushed towards Ban, while some still had the sense to run towards her with the Seastone net.

Ban let them come closer and dodged all their attacks, retaliating as quickly as possible, breaking limbs or knocking them out. They were lucky if they would survive, as Ban made sure he would bring them close to death.

When he was done, the hunters that were close to Akane weren't even that close to her yet. So Ban took out Courechouse and slammed them hard in the face. The pulverization af the bone was audilble, as a big indent was left on their head.

With all the bounty hunters dealt with, Ban didn't hesitate to loot their bodies, grabbing anything that seemed to be worth anything. The best loot in this trip would have been the Seastone net.

"We surely will have a use for this."

They continued on, the rest of the bounty hunters having left them to their own devices, so the whole journey towards grove 13 was relatively unimpeded.

As they arrived, they spotted the place they were meant to go to. A bar sitting on top of a hill. Like the note had said, the bar really was called Shakky's Rip-Off Bar.

"I think I already like the owner."

Showing one of his foxy smiles, Ban began to contemplate if he should do the same when he was cooking for others. It would give him a lot of cash fairly easy.

Shaking her head at Ban, the both of them walked up the stairs and entered the Bar.

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