To Be The Strongest

Chapter 53 - Saboady Archipelago III

Standing in front of the bar, a young woman with short black hair was beating up a few men. Those men looked pleadingly at Ban, hoping this new entry could save them.

Ban however just looked around the place, his eyes eventually falling on the young woman.

"Ah, give me a minute. I'll be with you in a minute."

Grunting in agreement, Ban and Akane left to find a seat at the other side of the bar, watching in wonder at the amazing display of strenght from the woman as she beat the shit out of her customers.

Dusting of her hands, the woman had dropped the few beaten up men out of the bar and lit up a sigarette.

"So what can I give you cuties?"

"The name is Ban. The girl next to me is my captain, Eldertale D. Akane."

Having finished his introductions, the woman herself also began her introduction.

"The name is Shakky, the owner of this bar."

Having the greetings out of the way, Ban ordered a glass of whiskey for himself, as well as a glass of juice for Akane.

"We're looking for a coater by the name Ray. From what I've heard, he should be the best around these parts."

Emptying his glass, Ban glanced at Shakky with an inquisitive glint.

"I wonder if you know where he is. We'd like him to coat our ship."

"Rayy! You've got visitors~"

From the back they heard the sound of something breaking. Steps were heard coming their way. From afar, Akane and Ban could feel an invisible pressure weighing down on them.

Akane, who had leisurely been sipping her juice, frowned as it became a bit harder to lift her glass. Searching for the source, her eyes fell on a closed door behind Shakky. Squinting her eyes, Akane waited.

The pressure became heavier, as it became a bit harder to breath.

'This is going no where.'

Akane was truly getting pissed, as the air appeared to get thinner. This was of course not the case, but it still appeared that way. Her head was getting dizzy, till somthing in her mind seemed to snap.

The pressure suddenly lightened, making her tensed body relax a bit.

All the time she had been struggling, Ban had looked on from the side, observing. He had felt the pressure too, but it wasn't hard for him to just ignore it. The source, no doubt the man called Ray, seemed to notice as the pressure on him had vanished completely. Now, it was centered on Akane. So when he saw her struggling, Ban wondered how long she would hold this up.

The sudden sign of relief and relaxation on her face made it almost hilarious with how hard it seemed to have been for her before. Now, it looked as if she wasn't even bothered by it anymore.

After a few more seconds, the man in question stepped out.

The man seemed just like an old man, but both Akane and Ban were sure he was anything but an old man.

"I guess we passed your test then?"

Akane said as she downed the last of her drink.

Ray laughed loudly as he sat down at the bar as well.

"With flying colors if I might add."

Ray said, as he was handed a flask with booze from Shakky.

"I heard you were looking for a coater. The names Rayleigh, or Ray for short."

Rayleigh said as he chugged down a few gulps from the flask.

"We are indeed. I'm the captain, Eldertale D. Akane, and the man on my right is my first mate and cook, Ban."


Raighley looked at the two of them, a hint of recognition in his gaze. He looked at Akane once more, but kept still of what was going through his mind.

At this time, the doors of the bar opened once more, as Lafitte and Shinobu walked in. Shinobu was practically shining, a dazzling smile on her face as she hurried towards Akane.

Lafitte walked slowly behind her, tiredness seemingly radiating from him. He slumped down on the couch, closing his eyes and falling asleep as soon as he did.

"Ara~ It seems today was too much for Lafitte."

Shinobu snickered as she ordered as drink of her own at the bar.

"And who might these two be? Companions of yours?"

Rayleigh asked, the duo being as excentric as the other man Akane had brought with her.

"These two belong to my crew. The lovely lady next to me is Shinobu Kocho, our ships doctor. The one that is currently half dead on the couch over there is Lafitte, our Navigator."

"An intriguing crew you have there."

"Unfortunately, we are still short on some other positions, but they will be filled in sometimes soon in the future."

Akane said, grabbing the cup of juice Shakky had just refilled for her.

"Hahaha, I imagine they will be as extraordinary as the ones present here. I can't wait to see what kind of storm you will create in the future. Now then, before I start with my work, let me ask you one more thing."

Raigleigh looked at each and every one of Akane's crew.

"What are your dreams?"

The crew looked amongst themselves, as they shared what they were aiming for.

"To kill Kibutsuji Muzan and all his Demons." (Shinobu)

"To find a way to revive Elaine." (Ban)

"...Zzz..." (Lafitte)

"To find Shanks and scold him."

Amongst all the reasons he heard, Akane's was the most normal of all.

"Who is Shanks to you?"

Rayleigh asked, already having an inkling as what it might be.

"My brother."

This truly made Rayleigh laugh. So the reason Akane had become a pirate was just to find Shanks and give him a lecture. Truly a way to start your journey.

"...Hahaha, then I wish you all the luck you need. As a gift for or meeting, I will give you a hint in which direction to go. Head towards Elbaf."

With those parting words, Rayleigh left.

"It seems Rayleigh likes you guys."

Shakky said.

Then she rubbed her fingers looking at Akane.

"Now, that will be 10.000 beri for the drinks."


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