To Be The Strongest

Chapter 54 - Sabaody Archipelago IV

(A/N: Bonus chapter! Enjoy!)

After paying Shakky the exorbitant fee, better known as a Rip-off, showcasing Shakky had clearly chosen the perfect name for her place, Akane and Ban left to spend some free time in Sabaody park. From what Shakky had said, the coating would take about a day or two to be finished, so they had all the time in the world to spend on entertainment.

Shinobu had decided to leave as well, as she had heard about a place called the human auction house. Her face had frowned when she spoke about it, but she hadn't said anything further on the subject.

She had spoke her mind of visiting the place, wanting to see what the true face of humanity was in this world. Which were her exact words, though she had seemed a bit cold when she said it.

As both had decided to give Shinobu her space, the two of them were now sitting in a tea cup attraction. Ban seemed to enjoy it the most, as he kept turning the wheel in the center in a faster and faster pace.

"Baaannn! Stop! I'm going to throw up! Stoooopppp!"

Akane yelled, covering her mouth, which had an idea of its own as the juice she had drank at the bar was about to throw a tantrum.

"No way~ This is way to fun to stop~"

Ban yelled, a exciting blush on his face. she had never seen him as excited as he was now. The big smile, childish glimmer and the loud laughter was almost infectious. She couldn't help but want to feel what he was feeling at this moment.

That is, up until the cups broke loose from their spot and smashed against the wall.

As both of them had more that amazing regenerative powers, they remain as good as unharmed. While they were safe, the cup was not. The owner seemed to shed tears in fury and despair, yelling angrily at them as they quickly ran away.

"Hahaha~ What next, what next?~"

Ban laughed out loud, looking around to spot another attraction that caught his eye.

The thing they boarded next was a rollercoaster, of which the seats were made of bubbles as well. They were sitting on the front row as the carts slowly moved up the tracks.

"We're going up~ up~ up~"

"And we're going down~ down~ down~!"

At the last of his words, the cart increased speed, rushing along the tracks, making loops, curves, upside-down tracks, and increasing the speed even more. With every turn, the people inside would scream in terror. Wanting to enjoy it even more, Ban stretch out his arms, swiping his hands through the air and occasionally managing to tap the bubbles that would pop up every now and then.

The ride was fast, ending as soon as it had begun.

Ban seemed to enjoy this ride the most, as his eyes were downright sparkling at the moment.

"I got so much cash from this! Let's do it again~!"

Showing his loot, Akane almost burst out in laughter. Here she was thinking he was genuinely enjoying the rollercoaster, while he was beaming about the loot he got. Truly the epitome of a thieve. Once a thief, always a thief.

"Right! Let's go later today. We've got a few more rides to try."

So the rest of the day was spent enjoying the attractions, emptying out eating booths, Ban teaching Akane the tricks of the thieving skills, as well as cheating any crane game from their prizes. Any other price booths weren't spared either, as Ban emptied them all out, handing over whatever he or Akane didn't like to some random kid or ȧduŀt.

What remained of the loot was mostly money and food. They ended the day at the park with the Log Ride, at which Ban had promised to get her if she fell into the water.

Walking out of the park, they were soon swallowed up by the crowd that were moving about. They had left at the bussiest time of the day, making the streets crowded.

When she looked around, Akane spotted many pirate, most being with a relatively small bounty. So far all her crew mates had a higher bounty, with the exception of Shinobu.

"Celestial dragon!"

A murmur went through the crowd as the sea of people suddenly began to part.

In a second everyone was bowing down, their heads not daring to lift, as a group of people began to pass. They all wore the same clothing, white one piece suits with a bubble covering their head.

"Let's stay inside somewhere. The view here is staining my eyes."

Akane said, getting a hum of agreement from Ban as they quickly departed to a store closest to them.

"You! How dare you not bow to me!"

One of the men of the Celestial dragons yelled.

Akane's observation haki felt something moving towards her. She slightly turned her head sideways, intending to let the bullet fly past her. What she didn't account for was that the big idiot called Ban stepped between her and the bullets path.

The bullet hit Ban's back, stopping it from going any further.

"You are a real idiot, you know that?"

Akane said as she glanced over her shoulder at Ban, who had a playful smirk on his face.

"I can't have some idiot shooting at my captain, no can I? Besides, you owe me one now~"

Winking at her, Ban's wounds regenerated, as both him and Akane departed from the scene.

"Get them! I want them as my slaves!"

This time a woman yelled out, followed by the rushing footsteps of soldiers chasing after them.

Seeing the soldiers chasing them, Akane couldn't be more annoyed by the whole thing.

"Never a day of peace, is there?"

Ban just laughed at her words, picking her up as he swiftly outran the soldiers. Jumping on few of the bubbles that were created, they looked on from above, watching the soldiers over run the streets, not even finding a hint of their whereabouts.

"Well, a game of tagg isn't too bad every now and then, is it."

Ban said, sounding as optimistic as always.

"Suuure, really fun..."

Sarcasm overflowed from her voice as she dangled her feet outside of the bubble.

"They really are annoying though. Want me to deal with them?"

A mischievous glint shimmered in Ban's eyes, as he cracked his knuckles to show what he meant.

"And get another admiral after our arses? Another time. Though you can do it if they keep this up."

Akane pointed downwards at the soldiers, who were now searching through private property. Some families were rudely thrown outside, the children bawling their eyes out when they saw their parents being mistreated.

"Nice~ Don't go back on your word now~"

Ban smirked at the prospect of stealing from a noble.. They surely were a big catch, if he managed to swipe their treasury clean.

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