To Be The Strongest

Chapter 92 - Three is better than one

While the main squad of the Survey Corps and the pirate group were conversing, Eren had no clue as to how he should feel about this development. The people he considered as comrades, as friends, were his enemies. They were the ones who destroyed his home and let the titans in. They were the ones responsible for his mothers death. He spent years with them in training, shared meals and housing with them. He was completely torn inside, his thoughts all jumbled up in a constricting mess.

"Eren. Don't think about doing something stupid. I will knock you out if you even attempt to do so."

Levi stated, staring at the confused Eren. Levi was completely serious. He would definitely beat Eren black and blue if he even tried to do something.

"I know. I understand."

Eren replied, shaking his head to refrain himself from thinking further on his previous line of thought. Even in he wanted to, he was clearly outnumbered. The enemy had more experience than him in battle and in using their titan powers. The only ending for him would be defeat if he even attempted to confront them.

"Then I suppose Shinobu has to mass produce her poison. It was capable enough to render the female titan unable to recover, as well as inflict unreparable damage when used in combination with the necrosis poison."

Akane commented, her eyes lingering on Shinobu who seemed but all too happy to do it.

"Ara ara, this has become so much fun already~"

Shinobu replied as she excitedly clapped her hands. Turning towards Hange, Shinobu began to share her poison recipe with an unseen before enthusiasm.

"It seems we have a clear path to take then. We will take down the Colossus Titan and the Armored Titan, as they are within our current vicinity. Our best bet is to lure them into a small space, somewhere we can outnumber them. Any wounds inflicted will cause them to transform. Any form of wounding attack is detrimental. Only if they can be decapitated with one strike will such an attack be approved. Should they transform, the poisons procured by Shinobu will be used. First the poison that prevents regeneration. Second the necrosis poison. After that, wounds inflicted will be fatal to them. If they transform back, take note that the Colosus Titan will be hidden from sight by the massive amount of steam created. Caution is advised, as well as constant vigilence."

Erwin noted, having thought of this with the help of Levi and Shinobu. Looking at the others, their faces were deadset with motivation and a burning rage. They finally had a chance to strike back. They weren't going to let it pass them by without taking it.


They all saluted, after which the plan was further laid out, showing where and when they should attack. The bait itself would be Eren, who would only be with Levi. The rest of the main squad would be in hiding or somewhere further away to avoid suspicion.

If they were set on taking Eren, they would surely take the chance.




The next day, the plan was set in motion. Levi and Eren had moved a bit farther away from the group. Levi had a downcast look, as if he was going to curse at Eren if he didn't move any faster than he already was. Eren had a nervous look on, constantly glancing towards Levi.

Reiner and Bertolt soon moved, as they had noted the others were still a long distance away. Though they had no chance against humanity's strongest soldier, there would certainly be a moment when Levi would leave Eren alone, even if it was but a moment.

They would take it as soon as possible.

Seeing the two of them leave after Levi and Eren, Akane smirked in satisfaction.

"Hook, line and sinker."

Sharing the sentiment, Ban and Soren had the same look, their eyes following after the two figures. When the eyes lost track, the haki followed, showing their positions even in the densely packed forest.

As Shinobu and Lafitte simply weren't suited for this kind of combat, they were left behind with Mikasa and Armin, mostly to prevent them from intervening with the plan. Recklessness was often the downfall of plans such as these.

Silently moving through the trees, the three of them ended up squatting a little above and behind the two hidden figures. Reiner and Bertolt were closely paying attention to their surroundings, as well as the conversation Levi and Eren were having. From what was spoken, Levi was disciplining Eren for almost disobeying orders, having tried to go after titans himself.

This wasn't strange, as Eren would surely have gotten more confidence after having found out he can transform into a titan himself.

Eren had paled a lot under the constant barrage of sharp cutting words, his eyes having trailed down to his clenched fists.

This was the opportunity Reiner and Bertolt had been waiting for. Getting closer, Reiner and Bertolt closed in on Eren.

"Eren. Don't take it too hard what the captain said. You know he means well. Who can blame you for wanting to fight? You especially have all the more reason to hate the titans."

Reiner said as he put his arm around Eren, as if they were good friends.

Bertolt nodded, showing his support as well.

"We all have a reason to hate the titans."

Bertolt added.

Eren however, didn't seem to feel it, as his eyes remained downcast. His hands were tightly clenched, blood forming in his fist as his nails dug deep into his hand.

These were his so called friends. If he hadn't heard Annie speak about their purpose and their background, he would surely have believed them.

Seeing an opportunity, Akane nodded at Ban.

Ban knew what he had to do. He reached out both of his hands, magic gathering inside of them. Appearing behind the two unnoticed, Ban activated his snatch. Only this time he targeted something he had no clue how to deal with. He snatched their titan powers. Feeling a slight bȧrėly noticeable surge in power, Ban didn't hesitate, slamming both of their heads against the tree. A crack was heard as the wood slightly split under the force.

Letting the two go, they slid down like they lost all support of their spine. They were clearly breathing, though it was shallow.

"Theat definitely cracked their skull a bit. Ban, make sure it won't leave any permanent harm. We don't want them to suddenly turn on us."

Akane chidded, giving Ban a punch in the side.

Ban just laughed it off, grabbing one of Shinobu's improved medicine and gave each of the two unlucky lads a shot.

"There, no need to cut myself for them. Should have done that with the lass as well."

Ban lamented, looking at Levi who had just appeared.

Levi had a grimace as he looked at Reiner and Bertolt with a simmering hatred.

"That takes care of two. Two more to go."

Levi muttered as he looked at the still torn Eren. The latter couldn't take his eyes off of Reiner and Bertolt.

"Get up. If you are going to whɨnė, do it somewhere else."

Levi turned around and left towards the rest of his squad. They had an enemy captain and another soldier to search for. They would surely be a harder fight, as Zeke Yeager had definitely more experience on the battlefield than the soldiers he had been on mission with. Reiner and Bertolt were just the beginning of the clean up. This was the easy part. Finding the rest would be harder. For now, they would go to Stohess. They all needed some rest. Luckily they had only lost a few soldiers, making the losses they had gained the smallest one from all their expeditions.

"Ban, do tie them up. I'm sure Annie would love the company when they wake up. They can share a room together."

Akane motioned for Ban carry them, having no intention to do anything herself. She wasn't going to touch any of them if she could help it.. It was enough for her blade to cut their necks. Maybe Shinobu could have some fun with them?

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