To Be The Strongest

Chapter 93 - Secret in the walls

A few days had passed and they had arrived at a city called Stohess. Annie had been taken into custody, as she was the only one concious and able to tell the enemy soldiers apart. It wasn't certain if they would use aliases, unlike Annie, Bertolt and Reiner.

Bertolt and Reiner had been silent all the time they had been captive, the only time they made a noise was when they were face to face with Shinobu, but that was a story for another time.

Anyway, Annie had been unable to give them any further leads, nor did Reiner and Bertolt help.

So Zeke Yeager and Pieck Finger were still a mystery to them. Even with the help of Lafitte using his hypnoses again, it proved to be less usefull than before, as even if Annie discribed them, it was hard to even get a clear idea as to how the enemy was supposed to look like. The only clue they got was from the description of their titan forms.

So Annie was stuffed away in some dungeon, tied firmly in a bunker beneath the ground, her limbs were wrapped in linen, to ȧssure she wouldn't purposely injure herself to transform. Even if she did, she would be buried hundred feet below ground. Not something she would easily survive.

The same was said for the other two, who enjoyed the same treatment.

"Captain. I'm bored."

Ban complained, throwing a ball against the wall and catching it again.

"Then do something productive. Go help Soren with his training."

Akane replied, continuing to writing her travel notes. It had been something she had taken an interest in as of late. It was something Shinobu had recommended, as it would be usefull if something happened later that would cause memory loss. Not that something like that would happen, but it would be helpful if it DID happen.

"I'm not that bored."

Ban muttered as he continued to throw the ball. Throwing, catching, throwing, catching, he continued it repeatedly.

"Ban, go do something. Anything, as long as it isn't here."

Akane began, getting a bit irritated by the constant sound of the bouncing ball.

"Write the logbook later. Let's see what Shinobu is up to. It seems she had been interested into the walls as of late. Said her haki picked up something."

Ban replied, grabbing Akane by her arm, throwing her on his shoulder and left to find Shinobu. Sighing in defeat, Akane wrote the last few words, things about the happenings of the last days, and put the book away in her pocket and relaxed. Ban wouldn't let her go even if she began to struggle, so why not treat him as a free ride.

Not long after they were standing on top of Wall Sina, Shinobu happily skipping about as she had set up a small tent on the wall. Beside her was Hange, who looked devastated, pale as a sheet and tired. Especially tired.

"So, what made you so happy, Shinobu?"

Akane asked as her feet were safely put back on the ground again.

"Aw captain, you are so nice to ask! Why don't you see for yourself?"

Shinobu pulled Akane into the tent, her eyes falling on the only thing present. A big hole was made on the top of the wall, revealing a unresponsive but very alive titan. A massive one, if the size of just a part of the head was anything to go on.

"So the wall is made of titans?"

Akane concluded, getting an excited scream from Shinobu.

"Isn't it thrilling!? Who knows how they were even put here. The most fun part is, is that the walls are made by the titans hardening their skin! They must have been ordered to do so, don't you think? If the information we currently have is something to go by, it would surely have been one of the earlier users of the Founding titan. These titans that make up the wall are surely a part of the plan called the Rumbling. I am almost certain that these titans are the ones that are supposed to be used when the Rumbling is to happen. The previous user just had to find a way to keep them inactive, as well as keep the inhabitants unaware of their exitence."

Shinobu muttered, her hands having already continued by taking samples of the unresponsive titan. Hange was just sitting lifelessly on the wall, her legs swinging back and forth as she looked over the wall.

"Ah, don't mind Zoe. She's just a bit overwhelmed. She was as excited as me when she got over it. The discovery was just a bit too big to take in at once for her."

Shinobu said as she waved her hand to show her care.

"Good to know. If you need anything, just say so. Ban has been feeling a bit bored."

Akane grinned.

"Oh my, then he should definitely look at the other walls for me. I want to know if the other walls are the same as this one. I already sent Lafitte to Wall Rose, as well as Soren to Wall Maria. If he could contact them, then I will continue to make observations of the titan here."

Shaking her head at Shinobu, Akane just chuckled. Giving the message to Ban, who sullenly began to call the others with the den-den-mushi, what was heard on the other end when picked up was disturbing.

"Good timing Ban. Wall Rose has just been broken through. I spotted several titans on my way back, so there should be a hole somewhere. Soren should already be on his way back. I am on my way back as well. I have been delayed a bit as a beast-like titan in leading a rather big group of titans your way. I already sent word to the other villages in the vicinity. They have already evacuated. A few were already empty when I passed by it though, having already been overrun by titans."

Lafitte reported, his voice sounding a bit distant, wind rushing past to make the words a bit harder to hear.

"The big guy is looking at me. Oh my!....Hahahaha, he just threw a tree at me."

Lafitte laughed it off, not sounding one bit worried.

"I'll be back in an hour. I estimate the refugees will arrive in eight hours. The titans in around a day, maybe more?"

Lafitte added, laughing once more as a whistling sound was heard.

"Oh, his aim is not bad. It was a big boulder this time."

Continuing his laughter, Lafitte ended the call.

"Captain. Seems like it won't be boring for long. The Beast titan is coming our way~ Let's go towards it first! I want to fight it."

Ban chuckled, getting a look from Hange who left soon after to report it to Erwin and Levi. They should be ready to take in the refugees, as well as fight back against the army of titans coming their way.

"Then relay my order to Lafitte. [Keep an eye on it. We are coming your way.] Get ready. We will be leaving as soon as you give the order. Tell Soren to return to Trost to help them there."

Ban nodded as he felt all giddy. He had a chance to fight the big guy. The other two were quite boring, as they didn't even have the time to notice to even fight back. The female titan was beaten by Shinobu. Now he could fight the beast. How wonderful!

"Stop dreaming. Get to it. The sooner you talk the sooner we leave."

Akane woke him up, quickly relaying the order to Lafitte.

Lafitte didn't complain, just saying they should track his Vivre card to know the location.

Akane and Ban didn't hesitate, leaving Stohess as soon as they could. Shinobu went along as well, first securely covering up the hole she made.. Hopping onto Akane's back, who was already in fox form, they departed while closely following the direction of the Vivre card.

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