To Be With You Forever

Chapter 101: Inexplicably envy

  Chapter 101 Inexplicably Envy

  Jian Sangyu snapped and asked again quickly, "Did your brother touch his phone today?"

  After all, I grew up together since childhood. When Jian Sangyu asked, Jiang Xing instantly knew what she was talking about.

  You just want to ask if my brother was angry after seeing your prank, as for turning such a big bend? -The little prince of protein.

  You want to know so, won’t you go to my brother’s space to see? -The little prince of protein.

  Jian Sangyu buckled the phone case, thinking, Jiang Xing asked, it means Gu Chen knew?

   Then why is Gu Shen still in a good mood?

  Isn’t he supposed to be the gloomy weather? Is she angry that she randomly touched his mobile phone and disturbed his private button?

  Jian Sangyu wants to go to Gu Chen’s space to see if there is any new situation, but!

  ——I didn’t add Gu Chen’s button.

  Jian Sangyu returned the news to Jiang Xing,-you go to Gu Chen’s space to steal a screenshot and let me see.

  Jiang Xing’s nag was drinking water. When the phone screen lit up, he glanced down while drinking the water. He just glanced at the water, spit out, and coughed again and again, almost choked to death with a sip of water.

  Jian Sangyu didn’t add Gu Chen’s button?

  Know that Gu Chen doesn’t play WeChat. The two couples didn’t even add deductions to each other? This marriage is very good!

  Jiang Xing finally took his breath and wiped the water on the phone screen on his pants. He couldn't care about the nausea, but he was curious. Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen have been married for so many years. Have the two couples communicated on weekdays?

  Why are there couples who do not even have a deduction number from each other?

  Jian Sangyu is also not by Jiang Xing's side at the moment. If she is there, Jiang Xing must be asked about their relationship between the couple.

  He is really curious about Jiang Xing, who is unmarried and has been a single dog for many years.

  But now Gu Chen was sitting there and looking at him, Jiang Xing wanted to ask, but didn't dare to ask in front of Gu Chen, so he could only get into Gu Chen's space and cut a picture and posted it.

Brother probably thought that what you posted was too stinky and shameless, so he deleted what you posted, but he saved a picture of the story in a decayed album into an album that only he can see . -The little prince of protein.

   By the way, I also said that your photos are pretty. -The little prince of protein.

  After reading the information, Jian Sangyu silently threw the phone in his pocket, and even lost the mood of playing games.

  Mom, Gu Chen is not angry?

  Don’t worry if you don’t get angry, but you still keep her picture?

  How can he not play cards according to the routine?

   Actually praised her pictures as good-looking?

  Heaven and Earth’s conscience, the photo she used as a mobile wallpaper for him is really ugly and can’t be seen by herself.

   And he didn’t change it?

  Are you going to see her ugly photo every time you use your mobile phone, so that you get tired of her first from the outside?

  Think about one day in the future, Gu Chen said to her, “Jian Sangyu, let’s get a divorce, because you are so ugly.”

  Thinking about the scene, Jian Sangyu felt heartbroken.

  Jian Sangyu scratched his head irritably, then propped his hands on the tablet table, and slowly turned his head to look at Zhong Yanting who was holding the phone and didn't know what game he was playing.

  Inexplicably envious of the divorced sister Xiao Ting.

  "Look at what I am doing?" Zhong Yanting met Jian Sangyu's eyes as soon as she raised her eyes. She raised her eyebrows and stroked her hand, and the game on the screen just passed one level.

  (End of this chapter)

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