To Be With You Forever

Chapter 102: and after

  Chapter 102 Later

  Zhong Yanting put the phone down slowly, and looked back at Jian Sangyu like Jian Sangyu, "Are you curious, why did Zheng Shen divorce me?"

   "Sister Xiaoting has mind reading skills?" Jian Sangyu smiled, "I'm a little curious."

"It's not that I know how to read minds. It's what you think. You write on your face. You have to change your temper, otherwise you will suffer in this circle of eating people without spitting out bones." Zhong Yan Ting counted down.

   "I pretended to be afraid of myself. This is not in front of Sister Xiao Ting, so I didn't dress up." Jian Sangyu is also telling the truth. If she wants to pretend, who can see through?

  It’s just that if you pretend for too long, people will feel too tired to live, just like the previous life, pretending, holding, not the real Jian Sangyu at all, so she wants to divorce and want to let go of the depressed herself all day long.

"When Zheng Shen and I got married, we were in a hurry. Before and after we got married, we were both very busy people. He was either in C city or running around the world, and I was either in Kyoto or around the world. At that time, I might not meet twice in half a year."

  Zhong Yanting could not help but sighed when he said this, "Think about it, we made a hasty decision to get married at the beginning. Under love, it was impulsive."

   "What happened later? Could it be that director Zheng derailed in the two separate places?" Jian Sangyu shook his head after speaking, "No, it's not like."

  If the divorce is caused by one of the couples cheating, how can the two couples get along so well after the divorce?

"Cheating? You watched too much TV series, right? To be exaggerated, his workaholic, it is estimated that he wants to cheat and has no time to cheat!" Zhong Yanting snorted, "We are both in Kyoto, his parents Whenever I saw me all day long, I urged me to have a child, and I was annoyed. Later, when I saw him, he complained a few words to him, but he gave me one sentence directly. When it comes to me, when he and I are free, we will remarry and have children again."

  After listening, Jian Sangyu's mouth opened wide. There are still such reasons for divorce in this world.

   "Sister Xiaoting, you actually agreed?"

"Agree, why don't you agree? At first, apart from angering him to say divorce easily, he really bored the life of being chased by his parents all day long to have children. Then we divorced the marriage." Zhong Yanting smiled. Laughed, "That idiot, I probably don’t know until now that I was angry because he filed for a divorce. I don’t even know. I didn’t plan to remarry him. I just called me when I got divorced. Triumphantly asked me whether his method was good or not."

"Is the way men deal with things so different from the way women deal with things?" Jian Sangyu said, "Director Zheng definitely wants to be sister Xiao Ting as his wife, thinking that he is your husband, but temporarily because of a little family The problem was solved in a brilliant way."

   was directed at Zheng Shen’s attitude towards Zhong Yanting’s seeing the above, Jian Sangyu had reason to be so suspicious.

"He was so busy forgetting that he forgot about the things that we even drew about the divorce certificate!" Zhong Yanting mentioned this incident, and she was the only one who worked hard here for half a year. Zheng Shen was stunned that he didn't think divorce was such a prudent thing.

  Jane Sangyu racked his brains and couldn’t find any words that could elegantly and tactfully describe Director Zheng’s natural dullness and straightforwardness.

  (End of this chapter)

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