To Be With You Forever

Chapter 104: Worst result

  Chapter 104 The Worst Outcome

Jane Sangyu let go of the two elders, and called the driver in the old house, Uncle Chen, and said, "Uncle Chen, I still have two boxes of oranges in my trunk. They are a bit heavy. If I can't carry them in, it will be troublesome. Uncle Chen."

"Is that the kind of orange you brought when you came last time? That orange is sweet, your grandma loves to eat it, and every afternoon when you wake up from a nap, you will definitely eat one or two." Mr. Jian said as he left with Grandma Jian. The one on the right led Jian Sangyu into the house.

The air in the country is good, the interpersonal relationship is simple and effortless, and the life is comfortable. The only bad thing is that there is no food and drink in the big cities. Oranges are not available in the countryside this season. It is also Jane Sangyu who knows that Grandma Jane likes it, so she spared it a long way. I went to the supermarket to buy imported fruits.

   "I heard that old Gu said that I spent the night with you Gu Shen reviewing the house last weekend?" Grandma Jian took Jian Sangyu's hand from the moment she sat down and did not let go. "Gu Shen came back last weekend?"

   "Well, but he went out on a mission again yesterday." Jian Sangyu nodded honestly, but she really didn't want to talk about Gu Chen with the two elders, so she quickly turned the topic off.

  "Grandpa, grandma, I have something very important to tell you face to face this time." Jian Sangyu is not talking about divorce. After all, she dare not know about divorce.

  Jane Sangyu is talking about her work.

"The last time Gu Chen came back, he said that if I felt too bored at home, I would go out to find a job. I think what he said makes sense. I am so young that I cannot stay at home all the time." Jian Sangyu was secretly speaking. Looked at the two old people.

  Grandpa Jian and Grandma Jian are both very traditional old people. In their generation's thinking, the most normal family is the male lead and the female lead, so she is worried that she will be unhappy when she goes out to work.

  Fortunately, Grandpa Jian is not so unenlightened. After being surprised, he nodded.

  "The times are different. Our old people can no longer use their original set to demand you young people. Gu Chen feels good, so that’s fine."

"Did you go to play the piano again? I said that you learned the piano so well. It would be a pity if you didn’t continue to play the piano. But you are married. After all, you are the grandson-in-law of the Gu family. People, old-fashioned, so after you got married, grandma didn't mention it to you in these years, but now Gu Chen has agreed. If Gu is unhappy, he will persuade Gu."

  Grandma Jane was very happy, "When will you perform? Grandpa and I must go to the scene to watch!"

   "No play." Jian Sangyu shook his head, "Grandpa, grandma, I want to be an actor."

  After Jane Sangyu's words were finished, Jane's father and Jane's grandma became quiet, and looked at Jane Sangyu in surprise.

  It was very unexpected, Jian Sangyu would say what she wanted to be an actor.

  It was the granddaughter who was brought up in one hand. The two old people immediately understood the reason why Jane Sangyu came to say this to them.

  She is afraid that she does not want to be an actor, but has already embarked on the path of being an actor, but she is afraid that the family will know about it in the future, which will cause an uproar in the family. She wants to find a trace of support and relief from the two elderly people.

   "Does Gu Chen know?" Grandma Jian was silent for a while and asked slowly.

   Seeing Jian Sangyu shook her head gently, Grandma Jian fell silent again.

   was angry and wanted to scold the granddaughter who was suddenly too rebellious in front of her. However, for those heavy words, when she saw her granddaughter lowering her head and looking pitiful, she couldn't say a word.

   "Have you ever thought about the consequences?" Mr. Jian asked.

  Jian Sangyu nodded, paused, and said in a hoarse voice: "In this world, apart from grandpa and grandma, there is nothing I can't lose. I can bear the worst consequences. I'm not afraid."

  Jian Sangyu’s eyes were red, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t say it, and it would only make the two old people feel uncomfortable.

  She wanted to say loudly that after the age of sixteen, she had not been happy for a day.

  In addition to the two old people, Jian Sangyu is really not afraid of losing anything, because she has never held those things before.


     There is a reason why the heroine insists on entering the show business circle, and it will be revealed later~~Hee



  (End of this chapter)

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