To Be With You Forever

Chapter 105: Unhappy baby

  Chapter 105 Baby is not happy

  The one who knows a person best must love that person the most.

  And in this world, there is no one who loves Jane Sangyu more than Grandpa Jane and Grandma Jane.

  Grandma Jian has been impressed so far. Jian Sangyu’s 18th birthday, she was standing there with a sweet smile and innocent, but Mr. Jian suddenly told her.

  Our baby Sangyu is not happy, she is actually not happy at all.

  Grandma Jane thought that Jane Sangyu was unhappy because she was the birthday star of the birthday party and she was the protagonist, but Jane's mother only took Jane Jiayue to walk among the guests.

  Obviously she is the birthday star, but she can only wear a pale white dress, giving the red and gorgeous dress to the sister Jian Jiayue.

  But at this moment, Grandma Jane suddenly understood what Mr. Jane meant when Baby Sangyu was unhappy.

  Her unhappiness is not just because she was robbed of the protagonist, she was robbed of the beautiful skirt.

  But because she is not happy in her heart, she is bitter in her heart.

  Jian Sangyu cares not about a skirt, not an identity that has attracted much attention, but about the heart of the person who cares about her. She said that she had nothing to lose because she felt that she had nothing left.

"When you were just born, when you were in the arms of your grandparents, your dad whispered something like a girl. It's a pity that you were chased and beaten by your grandpa in the hospital." It is because of the unintentional words of Jian's father that Jian Sangyu's grandfather and Jian's grandma have loved Jian Sangyu since childhood.

  Jian Sangyu was really an overbearing little princess in Jian’s family when she was a child. Even if Jian Jialang was born later, it did not affect her status in the slightest.

  The people in the entire compound didn’t know that Jian Sangyu was a goddess when she was a child, how bad was Jian Sangyu when she was a child?

  Going up the tree and digging out the bird eggs and baking them is nothing.

   Catching insects to scare others, that is even more pediatric.

  Slapped someone on the ground with a disagreement, and the screaming of the person who hits is just commonplace.

  Grandpa Jian and Grandma Jian had headaches for a while, but they were useless. After training, Jian Sangyu felt wronged, so she ran to Gu's house, held Jiang Xing and cried, saying that she was going to leave home and be granddaughter Gu.

  Old man Gu was happy when he heard this, and said in front of everyone, girls, be presumptuous, so that you won’t be bullied in the future.

   With the words of Mr. Gu, Jian Sangyu was even more troublesome.

  The trouble was until the child started to learn the piano. It was only when most of the energy and thoughts were put on the study that it stopped, and the people in the compound were relieved.

  Grandma Jane almost can't remember the year when Jane Sangyu's temperament changed. The unscrupulous Jane Sangyu who dared to say anything and did everything suddenly became the very well-behaved, quiet and quiet Jane Sangyu.

  Not only because she is sensible, but also because she is beginning to live carefully.

  Because she knows that if she doesn’t constrain and doesn’t work hard to please the people in this family, one day she will suddenly become homeless.

Grandma Jian finally understood. Grandpa Jian said that Jian Sangyu was unhappy because for so many years, her Sangyu baby had been pressed by nature. She was obviously upset and angry. However, she lost the qualification to lose her temper and was clearly wronged. But there is no right to say the word wronged.

  (End of this chapter)

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