To Be With You Forever

Chapter 147: By her ability

  Chapter 147 With her ability

  "Dressing is not a problem. The problem is kiss scenes and bed scenes." Zhong Yanting smiled sorrowfully and shook his head, "Nothing, I will check all these."

In the    circle, there are a lot of kiss scenes, and there are many people who find substitutes in bed scenes. Jian Sangyu does not need to use nakedness to gain attention and gain popularity.

"By the way, with the personal connections and relationships of Chief Gu, and with your help, I believe Sang Yu will definitely be very easy on this road." Zhong Yanting is pleased with this, and Jane Sangyu will probably become her favorite. artist.

  With Gu Shen and Gu's family, Jian Sangyu's desire to soar into the sky is simply a matter of time.

  But Zhong Yanting didn’t expect that Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and raised his lips with a smile, “Who said I’m going to help her?”

  A rhetorical question directly smashed Zhong Yanting, "Didn't you just say that you don't object?"

   "If you don't object, it means you support it?" Gu Chen chirped, "I just don't object, but I also don't support it. How far she can go depends on her ability."

Speaking of this, Gu Shen paused, and his expression was a little cheerful, "In fact, I hope she will be hit and give up the idea of ​​being an actor. I prefer her to be the leisurely Mrs. Gu at home than her. , Even if it’s doing nothing like before."

  After finishing speaking, Gu Chen picked up the paper and pen on the desk and wrote down his mobile phone number, then stood up, “Don’t bother, let’s leave first.”

  Rejecting Zhong Yanting’s delivery, Gu Chen himself entered the elevator and went downstairs to leave Zhong Yanting’s company.

  In the car going home, Gu Chen's mood was much better than when he was here. He was not worried that Zhong Yanting would tell Jian Sangyu what he had just said, because, in fact, he thought so.

  He was not going to help Jane Sangyu, and even waited for Jane Sangyu to think it was not fun to be an actor and then go home obediently, either as her housewife, or continuing to play her piano in the real art industry.

  When I went back, I was stuck on the road for a while, and it was time for dinner when Gu Chen’s car arrived downstairs.

  When he opened the door and went in, he smelled the smell of food. He raised his eyebrows and thought to himself that it was not bad, at least not instant noodles.

Jian Sangyu was busy cooking in the kitchen, and she did not hear the sound of opening and closing the door. So when she turned around carrying the vegetables and was about to walk out of the kitchen, she suddenly saw a tall man standing at the door. A plate of green pepper bacon was thrown out.

   "When did you come back?" Jian Sangyu was almost scared out of her heart, "I didn't say a word when I came back, scared me to death!"

   "Just got home." Gu Shen Yingwan reached out and took the food from Jian Sangyu and took it to the table outside.

  One soup and one vegetarian dish are already on the table. Dinner for two should be enough.

  "What did you say when looking back at the grandpa?" Jian Sangyu sat down in her seat and asked a little tentatively, "Grandpa must be angry?"

Gu Chen raised his eyes and glanced at Jian Sangyu’s expression at the moment. The expression on her face was obviously worried, thinking that the old man was clapping the table and throwing things in the afternoon. Gu Chen thought for a moment and did not say about his attitude. Instead, she urged Jian Sangyu, "Eat."

  After urging, he bowed his head and started eating first.

   Regarding Jian Sangyu’s cooking skills, Gu Chen felt that he should praise him. In the past, when he returned home, Jian Sangyu’s table of meals was so rich that he had a deeper impression of the food than Jian Sangyu.

  (End of this chapter)

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