To Be With You Forever

Chapter 148: Tell her you are not free

  Chapter 148 Tell her you are not free

  Jian Sangyu flattened her mouth, and moved her lips and muttered, "I will not reveal a word."

  This dinner, she was busy working in vain!

  Gu Shen's ears are good, not that she didn't hear it, but she felt that there was no need to speak when she heard it. After talking too much, she was still scared in the end.

  Neither of them spoke for a while. There was only a slight voice on the dining table. Occasionally, the chopsticks touched the bowl or the spoon touched the edge of the soup basin. The whole house was quiet and unspeakable.

  If it weren’t for Jian Sangyu’s phone on the table that suddenly rang, this silence would probably last until the end of the meal or even before going to bed.

  In the past, it was the same. Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen had always had no exchanges or common topics. Jian Sangyu didn't understand Gu Chen's life and work, and what Jian Sangyu liked, Gu Chen also didn't know.

  Jian Sangyu had always called this situation a generation gap. After all, Gu Chen was a lot older. When she was in the first grade, he was almost graduating from middle school.

  Because the phone was on the table, Gu Chen looked up and saw the caller ID on the phone.

   is Jane Jiayue.

  Jian Sangyu slowly picked it up, her tone was not warm, and even a little coldly fed.

   "Jian Sangyu, are you free to meet up now?" Jian Jiayue asked directly.

  Gu Chen didn’t know when he had already put the chopsticks on the table. He was so close that he could vaguely hear Jian Jiayue asking Jian Sangyu what. Before Jian Sangyu spoke, Gu Chenqing's cold voice came out first.

  He said, "Tell her you are not free."

   Regardless of whether the person on the phone can hear it or not, just drop this sentence.

  Jian Sangyu glanced at Gu Shen, and followed Gu Chen's words with the humanity in the phone, "I'm not free."

  "Are you at home?" Jian Jiayue didn't know if she heard Gu Chen's voice, so she suddenly asked.

  "At home, what's the matter?" After Jian Sangyu finished speaking, he laughed, there was a bit of sarcasm in the laughter.

  "What can you do at home? Clearly free, don't you want to come out to see me?" Jian Jiayue's tone and words began to become a little aggressive.

  Gu Shen had already walked to Jian Sangyu’s side, raised his hand and took Jian Sangyu’s phone to her ear, with a cold voice, "I'm at home, what can you say she can do at home?"

   Before Jian Jiayue could respond, the person on the phone suddenly changed, and Gu Chen’s voice came out again.

   "If you have something to do with her, you will come directly, Jian Sangyu is not someone you can drink." After saying that, Gu Chen ended the call, then put the phone back on the dining table and walked back to his own position.

  After sitting down, he didn't explain a word. He picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, as if the person who snatched the phone was not him.

  Jian Sangyu held the chopsticks and was still in an unrecoverable state.

  So what, I’m at home, you said what she can do at home, how does this make people feel so shy?

  Noting that Jian Sangyu hadn't moved, Gu Chen's index finger was gently buckled on the tabletop and made a deep sound. After Jian Sangyu subconsciously looked up at him, he said, "Eat."

"Oh." Jian Sangyu nodded like a good baby, ate two bites, and finally couldn't help but laughed particularly badly and said to Gu Chen, "You hung up Jian Jiayue's phone, she must be angry now. "

  (End of this chapter)

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