To Be With You Forever

Chapter 152: I think i need

  Chapter 152 I Think I Need

Jian Sangyu leaned forward and reached out to pick off the things on Gu Chen's head, but as soon as he reached out, he was dragged by Gu Chen. He staggered and fell directly into Gu Chen's arms and hit Gu Chen's body. For a moment.

   "Yes... I'm sorry." Jian Sangyu raised his hand and gently touched Gu Chen's chest. To be honest, she who hit someone felt pain for Gu Chen who was hit.

  Looking at the black-faced Gu Chen, Jian Sangyu felt that she probably had too much to say.

   "That." Jian Sangyu boldly pointed to the black corset on Gu Shen's head, "I can't get it, can you take it off."

Although    is her favorite corset, it is always hung on the forehead of a big man of him. It’s not pretty to be honest.

"This is the result of your arrangement at noon?" Gu Chen angrily grabbed the things on his forehead, and when he saw it, his anger rose to a degree, and he threw the contents in his hand to Jian Sangyu, and then glared at her. .

   "I will tidy up now! I will tidy up now!" Jian Sangyu hugged her black corset, her face almost buried under the ground.

   Hearing the words, Gu Chen stood aside and gave up his original position to Jian Sangyu, and then leaned against the wall with his arms.

Jian Sangyu quickly gathered the clothes on the floor and put them to her feet, turned her head and looked at Gu Chen, smiled at him, pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and said: "You go take a bath, don't accompany me. "

  Gu Shen hesitated, "It's not bad for a few minutes, I think I need to stare at you here."

  Jian Sangyu squeezed the shirt in her hand and flattened her mouth, "I will sort it out. You don't need to stare at it as nicely as the director of the teaching department."

  After finishing speaking, seeing that Gu Chen was still motionless, she did not continue to speak.

  Come on, she is the one who did the wrong thing first. He loves to watch, so let him watch.

Jian Sangyu packed a lot of clothes randomly at noon. So, it took a while, but it took more than half an hour to put it together. Gu Chen did indeed stare at her from the side until she would He took his bath towel and pajamas into the bathroom after the closet door was closed.

  Jian Sangyu stood at the door of the bathroom and stared at Gu Chen for two minutes before crawling back to the bed and continuing to watch the drama with the tablet. He was fascinated by it, and it seemed as if Gu Chen came out soon after climbing back to the bed.

  As soon as Gu Chen came out and wiped his hair, he urged Jian Sangyu to take a bath, and then pointed to the alarm clock on the bedside to remind her that it was 11:30.

   "Anyway, it's already half past eleven, so I'll just go for another half an hour and take a bath at twelve o'clock." Jian Sangyu moved aside to return Gu Chen's position to him.

  It’s just that, obviously, her arrangement was not allowed by Gu Chen.

  Gu Chen bent down and took the tablet from her hand, and then lifted her off the bed, and carried her all the way to the bathroom door, and said concisely, "Go and wash."

  Jian Sangyu rolled her eyes with her back to Gu Chen, and rescued her collar from his palm. Then she stepped on her slippers and entered the bathroom aggravatedly.

  So, it’s too early to say what you are a good person.

  When Gu was angry, he was really hateful.

  Because Gu Chen came out of it, the entire bathroom was filled with mist.

  Gu Chen has been returning home frequently recently, and his stuff at home seems to have gradually increased.

  (End of this chapter)

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