To Be With You Forever

Chapter 153: what sound

  Chapter 153 What sound

  On the bathroom shelf, there are a lot of men-specific skin care products such as shower gel and facial cleanser that he just opened. The bathroom even leaves the smell of Gu Chen's habitual aftershave.

  To tell the truth, this taste seems to be like a lifetime to Jane Sangyu.

  In the past, Gu Shen didn't go home very much. Gu Shen didn't put this kind of thing at home, but he came back for one night, two nights at most, and Gu Shen didn't use it at all.

  The towel on the bathroom shelf was still dripping with water. Jian Sangyu glanced across the shelf, and boringly picked up Gu Chen's bottle of aftershave and prepared to put it under his nose to smell it.

  Yomo is abnormal, she actually thinks this smell is particularly good.

  "Much better than most men's perfumes." Jian Sangyu commented and shook it in his hand.

  Probably, Jian Sangyu herself did not think that because of the water mark on the bottle, she could not hold it firmly. The bottle was directly out of the control of her hand, and it hit her feet with a bang.

  Jian Sangyu was dumbfounded, Gu Chen's aftershave lotion bottle was a glass bottle, and it fell apart directly.


  Jian Sangyu stuck out her tongue and thought to herself that he made Gu Chen irritated before taking a bath. He finished the bath and smashed his things. He probably, really was going to be mad at her, right?

  There has been no sound of water in the bathroom, so the bedroom is very quiet, no sound can be heard, so that the sound of something broken in the bathroom is particularly abrupt and harsh.

   "Jane Sangyu."

  Gu Shen stood at the door of the bathroom and knocked on the door. Seeing that Jian Sangyu did not answer inside, he twisted the door lock and drove in unexpectedly. He opened the door and stood at the door. The first thing he noticed was the person who hadn't taken off his clothes for several minutes in the bathroom, and he walked in directly.

   "What was the sound just now?"

  After asking, Gu Chen immediately got the answer, because he smelled his aftershave and then noticed Jian Sangyu’s feet. Gu Chen stood there and looked at Jian Sangyu twice, looking at someone who seemed silly and ignorant. He slowly raised his head and looked at him, stretched his fingers, and gently pointed at her feet. Then he spread his hands at him and shrugged.

   "So you don't want me to come back?" Gu Chen frowned and asked harshly.

   "Huh?" Jian Sangyu really didn't want to understand why Gu Chen suddenly asked her this question? Isn't this unquestionable? Isn't this view that she has to express once or twice every time she sees him the last few times?

   "I didn't want me to come back, so I used something to smash me to protest?" Gu Chen was not sure if Jian Sangyu nodded his head, he would throw the woman before him out of the house in anger.

  Fortunately, Jian Sangyu shook his head quickly, and very hard, shook his head very seriously and denied it.

"No! I swear I absolutely don't have this idea." Jian Sangyu barely raised both hands and swears to the sky, "I just saw your aftershave smells good, so I picked it up and smelled it in front of my nose. I didn't expect my hand to slip and hit, really, when I fell on the ground, I was shocked."

Jian Sangyu's very serious explanation made Gu Chen's expression look much better. He looked at the broken glass on the ground, and directly hugged Jian Sangyu a princess, and then said, "Kick off the slippers from your feet and shake your feet. See if there is any debris on the instep."

  (End of this chapter)

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