To Be With You Forever

Chapter 167: But in the morning

  Chapter 167 Morning

  Unable to describe Jian Sangyu’s tea egg today, Mr. Gu felt that he was dripping blood for Gu Chen.

   "Sang Yu..." Old man Gu quietly covered his heart, "Are you afraid that the old man will take care of you because you became an actor?"

  Jian Sangyu didn’t expect that Grandpa Gu would ask so directly, so he stayed for two seconds, and then chose to nod honestly, “I’m sorry, grandpa, I shouldn’t be hiding from you, I shouldn’t lie to you.”

   "I'm not angry, really, my old man is very enlightened, not angry at all." Old man Gu tried his best to make himself smile especially sincere.

  But after all he got used to being majestic when he was young, and this smile seemed a bit reluctant.

  "May morning..." Jian Sangyu buckled the tea egg in his palm.

   "It scared you in the morning." Old man Gu said quickly, "So, can you tell me how much tea you used to make this tea egg?"

  The smell is so strong, it should be a lot, right?

  I don’t know how many surviving boxes of tea leaves.

Jian Sangyu slapped up a slap, "After using five packs, the taste of this tea is much lighter than the one that Gu Chen sent me back today. It takes the same amount of time to cook. This kind of tea is not made with tea eggs like that. good to eat."

  Jian Sangyu made a very honest complaint, and then carefully looked at whether Grandpa Gu was really as not angry as he said.

  When Grandpa Gu heard Wubao, his heart trembled first, and then he thought to himself that it’s fortunate that his wife Gu Chen didn’t throw all of it in and boil tea eggs.

  Old man Gu called for the nanny and asked the nanny to put all the tea eggs in the refrigerator.

   "You have to take good care of you every day, don't let the eggs stinks, take one out for breakfast every morning." Old man Gu carefully ordered.

  Jian Sangyu saw the old man so that he would like it. Seeing his command, Jian Sangyu said quickly, "Grandpa, the egg can't be left for too long, it will go bad. If you like it, I will cook it for you next time."

"Don't don't, don't you, don't cook anymore, I'm afraid my old man will have high blood pressure." Old man Gu shook his head again and again, "hasn't the tea and egg soup made in your house poured? If not, wait for me Ask people to bring them back to your place. The tea eggs have to be warmed every day. If you use plain water, the taste of the tea will be boiled out."

"Grandpa is still thoughtful." Jian Sangyu nodded, then pointed to a small bag next to it, and said, "Other tea eggs are boiled with other tea leaves. Grandpa can also taste it. I like to wink. This kind of, yes, the food box is for Jiang Xing. Grandpa, can you find someone to send to the team to give Jiang Xing? It’s best to send it now. In that case, it might be warm when it is delivered Of it."

"It's all the egg whites you peeled out?" Mr. Gu knows that Jian Sangyu and Jiang Xing have such extraordinary hobbies. One loves egg yolks and the other loves egg whites. They only need to make a piece since they were young. Cooperate to eat a lot of eggs.

   Seeing Jian Sangyu nodded, Old Man Gu asked in confusion, "Why didn't you send it by yourself? It's not like you never did it."

  "Gu Shen forbidden." The complaint came with open mouth, and Jian Sangyu said: "He doesn't like me going to the team to bother him."

   "What did he tell you personally?" The old man became angry directly.

   "Yes, Grandpa, I understand him. It is a heavy ground for the guards. It is a rule that people cannot approach at will." Anyway, Jian Sangyu himself understands the meaning of the words Gu Chen said to her last time.

  (End of this chapter)

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