To Be With You Forever

Chapter 168: Can you forget it

  Chapter 168 Can you stop mentioning it?

   Feeling that the old man is angry, Jian Sangyu does not understand what the old man is angry, but it is right to calm down first.

"You are his daughter-in-law, not an idler waiting! Go to the team to see what happened to him? That's to give him a face! Even dare to talk to you like this, don't go! He begs you in the future, you don't go, just look He's used to it, and thought he was so powerful."

Father Gu knew that the last time Jian Sangyu went to the team to give Jiang Xing an egg, it was the time when Gu Qingxi gave Jian Sangyu a basket of eggs, but he didn't know that Jian Sangyu had not entered the team and was stopped at the door and happened to be met by Gu Chen. thing.

  Master Gu’s words are deep in Jian Sangyu's heart. Jian Sangyu is not upset because Gu Chen refused to let her in, but because she didn't like to go.

  Gu Chen refused to let her in. She was not angry, but understood very well.

  Just like she and the old man said, that is the guard team, not a shopping mall. Anyone can enter a place that wants to enter. This is the rule, and she must abide by the rule.

  Seeing Jian Sangyu nodding her head as if smashing garlic, he was very happy, and Mr. Gu began to regret it again, and he felt that he shouldn’t be so instigating Jian Sangyu who didn’t like to care about Gu Shen.

  Hey, he really broke his old heart.

   "Don't talk about Gu Shen." Old man Gu waved his hand, made a phone call, and arranged for someone to deliver the protein Jian Sangyu gave Jiang Xing to the team.

"You and Jiang Xing are on the same film." Old man Gu couldn't help laughing at the thought of the two of them when they were young. "Do you remember when you were young and you came over and asked me why you want to marry Gu Shen brother instead of Jiang Xing? You also said that you want to marry Jiang Xing. If you get married in the future, he eats egg whites and you eat egg yolks. The two will become couples who never quarrel."

   "Remember." Jian Sangyu scratched his head embarrassedly, "Then Jiang Xing shouted at me, I treat you as a good buddy, you want to hurt me forever!"

   Young and ignorant, Jane Sangyu really wanted to change his fiancé with just one egg.

At that time, Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen had a marriage contract. Everyone in the compound knew that Jian Sangyu was going to marry Gu Chen when she grew up. Jiang Xing kept telling Jian Sangyu that she was so pitiful and who was not good to marry. But why would you marry Gu Chen in the future?

"You were much more cute then than you are now." Old man Gu said without giving Jian Sangyu any face. "You were very smart and clever when you were a kid. You were naughty and messy. When you were a kid, you played with friends in the compound and you liked bullying. People, it doesn’t matter if they are stronger than you or not, and they don’t know when you were caught in the yard. These bear kids are afraid of Gu Chen. If others want to fight back, you will just be hard-tempered and shout loudly with others. If you are If you dare to touch this young lady, I called Gu Chen's brother and said you bullied me. This threat scared them so much that they could only go home crying and complain to the adults."

  Jane Sangyu raised her forehead, "Grandpa, can you forget about this embarrassing thing?"

  Everyone had the second year of secondary school, and Jian Sangyu was the same.

  The only little princess in Jian's family who doesn't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, and what sorrow is.

  At that time, Jian Sangyu did not know the relationship between men and women, and did not know what the marriage contract meant, thinking that getting married was the same as playing in the house when she was a child.

For a long time, she relied on the identity of Gu Chen’s fiancee. People in a large courtyard were afraid to provoke her. At that time, she felt that Gu Chen’s fiancee was particularly handsome, as if she was the gangster on TV. The kind of domineering spirit that can call the wind and rain.


    Jian Ying Hou: Don’t mess with me, I'm the boss’s fiancee.

     Mr. Gu:...

    Jian Yinghou: I regret not insisting on choosing to harm Jiang Xing.

     Jiang Xing: Have I dug your grave in the past ten years? Seeing that you are going to marry Gu Chen when you grow up, I feel pitiful for you, so you are better. Do you still want to avenge your grievances?

     Mr. Gu:...



  (End of this chapter)

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