To Be With You Forever

Chapter 223: Don't treat me too nice

  Chapter 223 Don't be too good to me

  After answering the words, Gu Chen finally put his other hand on Jian Sangyu’s head and gently touched it back and forth, “Since you’re sleepy, let’s go to sleep. I’ll be with you.”

  Jian Sangyu thought, Gu Shen must have blessed his EQ on his IQ, so he has a high IQ, but his EQ must be negative.

  Cry or cry, can she not count it in her heart?

  He knew it in his heart, but can he not explain it at this time?

   Very embarrassing, after all, she still has a face when she is such a big person.

  A person hiding in his arms, biting his lip, not daring to make any noise, but crying tears, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

  Life has been so hard, but he still has to expose it!

Jian Sangyu wiped the tears from her face on the skirt of Gu Chen's clothes as if venting her anger, feeling the light and soft strength of the hands on her head, and Gu Chen could not cry anymore, but because Jian Sangyu's heart felt astringent in Gu Chen's silent soothing action.

   "Gu Chen." Jian Sangyu stuck to Gu Chen's arms and inhaled, as if feeling his taste, she suddenly called him, her voice was not small.

   "Huh?" Gu Chenying.

   "You are so kind to me." Jian Sangyu suddenly moved in his arms, but only removed the face buried in his chest and got into the bed.

  After a few seconds of silence, Jian Sangyu’s voice came from under the quilt again, with a choked voice.

"But Gu Chen, don't be too kind to me." Jian Sangyu's voice gradually eased and slowed down, "Don't be too good to me, otherwise, I will be greedy, if you treat me a little bit, I will want more More and more good, just think you are only good to me."

  Jane Sangyu thought, she must be the most selfish and greedy person in the world.

   "Do you think I am good to you?" Gu Chen was surprised.

   Then, Gu Chen thought about it carefully, and felt that he was really good to Jian Sangyu.

  After all, if anyone dared to treat him with a set and a set, he would probably have taken care of it a long time ago.

  After all, if anyone dared to boil tea eggs with the tea he kept in the refrigerator, he would probably be able to beat a person to the ground for half a month.

   Gu Shen thought, his tolerance and tolerance for Jian Sangyu were indeed greater and broader than those for ordinary people, so Jian Sangyu felt that he should be good to her, and she still had a conscience.

"Jian Sangyu, you are my wife and I am your husband. Within a reasonable range, I allow you to be greedy. In certain things, I am your husband. My patience and tolerance only treat you special. So, don’t worry about these."

  Gu Chen answered vowedly, and answered very seriously without any perfunctory.

  It’s just that he himself probably didn’t realize that what Jian Sangyu said was good, and what he thought was good, they were two different things.

  For Jian Sangyu, Gu Chen descended from the sky. He appeared when she was sick and most uncomfortable. This is how he treated her well.

  As far as Gu Chen is concerned, his wife is ill, and as a husband, it is the responsibility to take care of her. Therefore, Gu Chen does not think that his visit this time is how good a husband is to his wife.

   "Gu Yang said that sick women are prone to cranky thoughts." Gu Chen thought for a while, and then said, "You are my wife. I should treat you well, so don't keep thinking about divorce."

  (End of this chapter)

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