To Be With You Forever

Chapter 224: You go back with me

  Chapter 224 You and Me Go Back Together

  Jian Sangyu smiled in Gu Chen's arms with red eyes and the corners of her lips. With this smile, she made her heart hurt, and she couldn't help falling with tears.

  Because she was really tired, Jian Sangyu finally fell asleep in Gu Chen's arms after a few minutes.

  After her breathing gradually became stable, Gu Chen liberated the small head lying in the bed from the bed. Gu Chen didn't quite understand Jian Sangyu's sleeping habit.

  So boring, are you afraid to bore her herself?

   Jane Sangyu slept very comfortably. When she opened her eyes, it was almost twelve o'clock.

  Gu Chen really lay on the side, with his hands still on her waist.

  "Are you not asleep? Still awake earlier than me." Jian Sangyu asked curiously, then opened the quilt and sat up.

  I woke up from this sleep, and immediately felt that the whole person was alive, more comfortable than when I woke up just after 8 o'clock.

   "Wake up early." Gu Chenying, "Sit down and I will call the doctor."

  Gu Chen pushed the man who was about to go to the ground back to the bed, and he himself got off the ground first and walked to the door to call the passing doctor.

  Jian Sangyu's recovery speed is not bad. The doctor came to check Jian Sangyu's condition and told him that she could be discharged from the hospital. Jian Sangyu was happy when she heard it.

   "I booked a flight back to Kyoto tomorrow morning." Gu Chen originally expected Jian Sangyu to recover tomorrow, but she did not expect that her physical condition was not as bad as he had imagined.

   "Then I will take you to the airport tomorrow?" Jane Sang hurriedly got off the ground, "By the way, buy some local specialties for grandpa and grandparents, and you can bring them back for me."

  It’s pretty good to have this awareness to send him to the airport, but the problem is...

  Gu Chen's eyebrows trembled, "I have booked your and mine tickets, and you will go home with me tomorrow morning."

  ! ! !

  ? ? ?

  Jane Sangyu’s forehead symbol, "When did I say that I would go back? I want to film! Most of my scenes are in this small town!"

   "You didn't say it." Gu Chen snorted, "But I said, you must go back with me tomorrow morning. After you hear it clearly, I said I must, not talking with you."

   After speaking, Gu Chen threw Jian Sangyu’s coat directly on Jian Sangyu’s forehead, and was really angry with her face that I was not willing to be obedient.

  At this time, Gu Chen thought, she might as well be sick, at least when she was sick and obedient.

  "Leave you out of the hospital to take you to dinner. After dinner, go to the hotel to stay." Gu Chen looked back and saw Jian Sangyu's watery eyes staring at him angrily.

  Gu Shen hesitated, and raised his hand to hold Jian Sangyu's hand.

  It doesn't matter whether she is high or not, what matters is that he can bring people back.

After leaving the hospital, Jian Sangyu took the advantage of Gu Shen to order food and took out his mobile phone to call Zheng Shen. The intention was to sneak out at night while Gu Shen fell asleep and ask Zheng Shen to arrange a car for her to take her back to the town. .

Unexpectedly, Zheng Shen was even more depressed than Jian Sangyu, "You don't have to come back in a hurry, go back to Kyoto to raise it first, and you can't start filming these days. In the entire crew, two-thirds of the people have high opposition, and they all lie down. Those who are half-dead in bed have to wait for them to adjust for two days, and then film other people's scenes first, and I will move your scenes back a few days."

It was also early the next morning that Zheng Shen learned that Jian Sangyu’s high reaction was so serious that Gu Chen took a helicopter to the hotel in the middle of the night and brought people to the city hospital. Therefore, Zheng Shen had nothing else to do for Jian Sangyu’s health. Under the influence, Jian Sangyu's drama was postponed for two days.


     ask for a recommendation ticket~~


  (End of this chapter)

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