To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2267: One hundred million

  Chapter 2267 Want a billion

"What Ji Lanxi? Dad, which Ji Lanxi are you talking about?" A somewhat obese boy sitting on the dilapidated sofa and playing on his mobile phone stood directly on the sofa excitedly, "Dad, shouldn't it be the one who opened the live broadcast in the mall? Isn’t that Ji Lanxi who spends money like running water on luxury accessories?"

  "Yes, yes! That's her!" Father Chen was so excited that he couldn't hold the wine bottle in his hand, and shook it vigorously, shaking the wine out of the bottle.

  The spilled ground, including the back of his feet, was full of drinks.

  However, Father Chen seemed to be ignorant, and his excitement could almost be described by dancing with his hands.

  Looking at the fat boy, the surprise on his face can hardly be expressed in words.

"My God, that Ji Lanxi has a lot of money. I have watched her live broadcast. Mom, dad, can you imagine how rich she is? She lives in a big villa in Kyoto, with a swimming pool. That kind of big villa, and when she went to the mall, she bought it without blinking her eyes! Those big diamond rings were worth millions, and she just bought it!"

  The boy stretched out ten fingers and counted, “Oh my God, if it doesn’t work, I also want Ji Lanxi to buy me a large diamond ring of several million!”

"I have to ask her to give the villa with the pool to my dad! Why did we give birth to her? She lives in a big villa and wears a big diamond ring, but we have to live in this shabby place!" Father Chen said.

"Yes, let her give us a big villa!" Chen Mule bloomed, "I want her to give us millions of cash, and we will travel abroad! No, no, tens of millions! We want to live in a five-star hotel. Hotel, stay in the best hotel and eat the best lobster!"

"Mom, what are the millions of people like Ji Lanxi? We have to ask her 100 million." The fat boy greedily said, "Give us 100 million. We have a house and cash. We go wherever we like. where."

"When we are rich, no one will look down upon us. Those poor relatives who say my son is worthless all day, want them to look good!" Mother Chen seemed to exaggerate instantly, as if, now, she is already in assets. There are also rich people in big mansions.

At this moment, Mother Chen was imagining that she was going to wear a mink coat, carry a very expensive and expensive bag, and drive a BMW, and then the family would return to the countryside to give her son who looked down on her son failed the exam. The poor relatives of the school looked at and opened their eyes to what it means to be rich and what it means to be profitable.

"Yes, one hundred million!" Father Chen nodded, "Ji Lanxi can't get it out. She also has a big star brother and a big star mother. If Ji Lanxi doesn't pay, we will take Ji Lanxi. Bring it back, anyway, it is our daughter, let her continue to film and make money to support us! When she has another two or three years, let her marry, and we can get a 100 million gift."

"Dad, Ji Lanxi got married last year. It seems that her husband is a guardian." The fat boy said, "It's a pity. What kind of money can a poor soldier have? Hey, it's a loss, how can I know her now? It's my sister, otherwise, she can't be allowed to marry a soldier, it's better to let her marry the big boss."

"Married? Why did you get married?" Mother Chen slapped her thigh. "Isn't that a big loss? No, it came out of my belly. I have to ask her adoptive parents to take her husband's house. Give us the gift money! That is our family's money!"

  (End of this chapter)

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