To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2268: First class

  Chapter 2268 Taking First Class

  I don’t know how many gifts he can have. Didn’t the son say that he would marry a soldier, because he might not have much money. "Father Chen chuckled. "But I heard that girls in the south are not cheap, even if they are soldiers, but to go to a star like Ji Lanxi, it would cost hundreds of thousands of gifts, right? These hundreds of thousands have to come no matter what.

  "Did you find out where Ji Lanxi lives?" Mother Chen is concerned about this issue.

   "I've inquired, she's not in Kyoto, she's in the south." Father Chen said, "If you go by train, you have to sit for more than ten hours. How can we, with old waists and old arms, sit still."

"What train? Dad, Mom, we are so rich, what train do we still take, what kind of train do we want to fly, and what kind of first class do we need to take, so that everyone will give us!" said the fat boy, "Dad, Let's fly to find her."

   "The son is right~" Mother Chen praised again and again, with a glorious look on her face, "As expected of my son, he knows everything, no less than those who have gone to a good university."

After speaking, Mother Chen asked again, "Then did you know where Ji Lanxi's adoptive mother lives? When we arrive, should we first go to Ji Lanxi to ask for money, or go to Ji's family to ask for Ji Lanxi's gift money? "

   "That's not true." Father Chen shook his head, "But I found out where Ji Lanxi lives."

   "Then let's go to Ji Lanxi directly, and then let her talk to her adoptive parents about the bride price." The fat boy took out his cell phone and started searching for air tickets.

As soon as he opened it, he checked the first-class ticket directly. Once checked, the first-class cabin was more than 5,000 per person. The fat boy said directly, "Dad, mom, you guys will pay me the bank card quickly. I will buy tomorrow's ticket now. , A person is more than five thousand, six thousand, thirty-six eighty, you transfer me 18 thousand, hurry up, there are not many tickets left, you can't buy it if you are late."

   Chen's father and Chen's mother said in unison, "Huh?"

  The two were frightened directly there.

   "Robbery! Take a plane, three people, more than ten thousand!" Mother Chen roared, "Are you lying to me and your dad not literate?"

  Chen's mother has not been to school for a day, and Chen's father has also been to the second grade of elementary school.

"Who lied to you? Look for yourself! First class, is it five thousand and eighty for a person? This also requires fuel and other seven or eighty-eight dollars! "The fat boy sneered," I have such shallow eyelids. People, can I see more than ten thousand dollars?"

  The fat boy never went out to work for a day, did not make a dime, and his bank card would never exceed the balance of 500 yuan. However, at this moment, when he thought that he was about to have a hundred million in cash, the fat boy couldn't look down on these ten thousand dollars at all.

  Father Chen looked embarrassed, "Where does your mother and I have so much money?"

  The two couples are both lazy people. They fished for three days and dried the net for two days. Excluding the rent paid, one thousand yuan left on them is considered good.

  What's more, he is a good drinker. Even if he has five dollars left, he can go to the canteen at the intersection to buy a bottle of beer and drink it.

  Father Chen looked at his wife and asked, “How much money do you have, give it to your son quickly.”

  Mother Chen directly sat on the ground and started crying, "You two kill a thousand knives. I take care of the rent, take care of your food, and take care of your clothes. Where do I have money?"

  Mother Chen still had a few hundred yuan left on her body, but she would not easily take out the money in her pocket.

  (End of this chapter)

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