To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2555: All gone

   Chapter 2555 are all scattered

  "Said in the bib! The news we saw in the bib was searched hot! My sister-in-law went to the hospital for a pregnancy test and was photographed by the reporter!" The answer below seemed to be rushing to answer louder than the other.

   "Everyone who has the Internet knows it, and now some people are betting on whether the sister-in-law is a boy or a girl!"

   "Some people say that he is the examiner who performed the pregnancy test for his sister-in-law, and he said that his sister-in-law is pregnant with twins!"

  "The one you saw is a fake! The sister-in-law and the chief executive do not have twin genes at home, and the chance of having twins is very low. The netizen I saw is the nurse who is responsible for receiving the sister-in-law for examination. She said that our sister-in-law is pregnant with a boy!"

   "Really?" Gu Chen really didn't know the news was still circulating on the Internet.

  "Chairman, don't you still know the news that your sister-in-law is pregnant? Your sister-in-law hasn't told you yet?" Someone suddenly asked, "No wonder you look so calm."


  Gu Shen sneered.

  He just had a physical examination in person, not to mention he was pregnant, but he didn’t even have fat.

  Jian Sangyu went to filming for a short time, but she was thinner.

   "She is not pregnant, and reporters on the Internet are talking nonsense. Did you know the first day?" Gu Chen waved his hand, "It's all gone!"

   "Isn't it? Sister-in-law is not pregnant?" The little colleagues were a little disappointed.

"Hey, those reporters are really too much. They took a few pictures of my sister-in-law who went to the hospital to say that our sister-in-law was pregnant. However, those netizens who claimed to be doctors and nurses went too far. What they said was really like twins. , What boy, you believe in their evil!"

  "Oh! We are so excited! We have been looking forward to the sister-in-law's pregnancy. We all want to see the sister-in-law and the president's child. Whether it is a boy or a girl, as long as it is like a sister-in-law, it is definitely cute."

  I don’t know who is so afraid of death and muttered, "Just don’t be like the chief."

  As soon as this person finished speaking, everyone felt bad, and Sa Yazi ran away. They ran fast one by one, but they were afraid that they would slow down. This nonsense pot of truth was about to be carried by them.

  Gu Shen really turned his face black.

  Heh, count them running fast.

   Gu Shen returned to the office and took out his mobile phone and put on his scarf. Sure enough, a hot topic jumped directly into Gu Chen’s sight.

  #简桑 Yu pregnancy#

  Click to open the topic, all netizens are saying congratulations to Jian Sangyu.

  Also, all netizens are speculating whether Jian Sangyu’s child is a boy or a girl, and some netizens said that they hope it is a baby.

  Look, take a look, this group of netizens look forward to Jian Sangyu’s belly very big.

  Think about the child who is saying congratulations to his mother on the Internet. At this time, he was asleep on the bed in his dormitory, completely unaware that this happened on the Internet.

  Gu Shen put on his collar and sent a message directly.

  Not pregnant.

  But I will work hard.

  ——Mr. Gu from Jian Sangyu.

  After sending the message, Gu Chen called Jian Jialang.

   "Brother-in-law! I was just about to call you!" Jian Jialang was surprised, "I only brushed on your bib last second. What's the matter with my sister? I've been blinded."

  "Do you know when your sister will be back? What did she go to the hospital for?" Gu Chen asked.

"She came back from the plane late last night. I also knew that she had come back when she asked me to have dinner in the morning. Only after I asked did I know that she came back late last night." Jian Jialang was quite depressed, "So my sister Are you pregnant or not?"

  (End of this chapter)

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