To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2556: I will work hard

   Chapter 2556 I will work hard

   "Nothing." Gu Chen said.

   "Not pregnant? Why did my sister go to the hospital early in the morning without pregnancy? Is she sick?" Jian Jialang suddenly became nervous, "Is my sister okay?"

  Very good.

  This is also the question Gu Shen called Jian Jialang to ask.

  He also wanted to ask Jian Jialang if she knew what Jian Sangyu went to the hospital in the morning.

   "Okay, I see, she's okay." Gu Chen still had to wait for Jian Sangyu to ask her for dinner.

   But looking at her spirit just now, Gu Chen felt that Jian Sangyu's body shouldn't have any problems.

  The complexion is good, the hands and feet are also hot to the touch, not always cold like before.

  Gu Chen guessed that Jian Sangyu might be visiting someone in the hospital?


  Gu Chen felt wrong about this guess.

  Because Jian Sangyu has only a few friends, he knows all of them, and no one has been hospitalized these days.

  Unable to guess, Gu Chen stopped guessing.

  He returned to the collar. In the few minutes he and Jian Jialang called, there were thousands of messages under the collar that he had just sent.

  Netizen: 嗷嗷嗷! I thought I finally hoped that Jianhou Wang was about to give birth to a little prince, but I didn't expect to have a happy time. I was too difficult! Netizen: Why did Mr. Gu come out to explain? Where is our little Sangyu?

  Netizen: Gu Jinzhu’s father, why did our little Sangyu go to the hospital? Are you sick? The weather has changed recently, you must remind her to wear long trousers!

  Netizen: Upstairs, are you the devil?

Netizen: I am a little worried about whether Xiao Sangyu is not feeling well. After all, Xiao Sangyu is a premature baby, and his body has not been very good since childhood. I heard that he grew up in a medicine jar. Mr. Gu, our family Xiao Sang Is Yu Yu sick? is it serious?

  Netizen: I thought Jianhou Wang gave us a baby, crying and crying, it turned out to be fake news. These reporters are so cute. Sure enough, like Jian Jialang, the first reaction after hearing that Jian Sangyu was not pregnant was to worry whether Jian Sangyu was sick.

  Gu Shen couldn't hide his smile when he put the phone away.

  It is true that the whole network is urging him to have a baby with Jian Sangyu, and everyone on the network is waiting for the birth of his and Jian Sangyu’s children. They are all wondering how cute their children will be.

   Gu Shen thought, these netizens are also worried about too much, so are they looking forward to it?

   Then these netizens are destined to worry about it for a long time.

  After the child is born, Gu Chen will not open the child on the Internet.

When the child is young, he likes to run outside the most. He and Jian Sangyu have to work. Sometimes the child has to be taken by the elders. If the child is open, the elders in the family want to take the child out to play. Troubled.

  Gu Shen does not want his children to live a life of avoiding reporters, media and passers-by.

  Too hard.

   Exposing the child to the camera too early is also dangerous for the child.

  As soon as it was off work, Gu Chen didn't have the slightest idea of ​​working overtime today. As soon as he collected the things, he quickly picked up the phone and sent Jian Sangyu a WeChat to ask if she had woken up.

  But when he went back to the dormitory and got the key to open the door, Jian Sangyu hadn’t returned to WeChat yet.

  So, Gu Chen was not surprised. When he approached the bedroom, the people in it were still asleep and sound asleep.

  (End of this chapter)

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