To Be With You Forever

Chapter 256: Full-time driver

  Chapter 256 Full-time driver

Also, what Gu Chen didn’t know was that the reason why he stayed in Jian Sangyu’s friends list and the reason why he had not been hacked by Jian Sangyu was because Jian Sangyu was worried that Gu Chen would be mad at her most of the night. Came back from the guards, in that case, she would not be able to return to the town tomorrow.

  Before going to bed, Jian Sangyu deleted all the Moments about Tucao Gu Chen and added a Moments.

  Someone's bastard! I hate it!

  The picture is still a tortoise, but it is replaced by an ugly cartoon turtle.

  This circle of friends is not visible to Gu Chen alone, and in just five minutes, there are many likes under this circle of friends, and Mina's expression of laughter.

  Jian Sangyu looked at the Jian Sangyu’s Mr. Gu with spicy eyes, and finally gave Gu Chen a note with his own name, which was regarded as making this long nickname disappear before her eyes.

The first thing Jian Sangyu did when she got up early the next morning was to rearrange her luggage. The ticket was booked last night. The flight at 10:40 in the morning and the time on the road, so Jian Sangyu needed more than four hours in advance. Go out.

  Jian Jialang took a taxi to Jian Sangyu’s home early in the morning, drove Jian Sangyu’s car to take Jian Sangyu to the airport.

  At six o'clock in the morning in Kyoto, the weather still reveals a sultry heat.

   "My parents didn't know you were going to the Northwest to film a movie?" Jian Jialang looked at the internet addicted girl who had been playing games with her mobile phone since she got in the car and sighed, "Sister, do you really treat me as a full-time driver?"

"Who said that? If the full-time driver had you so noisy, I would have expelled him." Jian Sangyu smiled as someone who you don't know anything about. "Form a group in the morning, me, Mina, wood is not a forest. There is also a makeup artist friend of mine who has a huge lineup. You don’t know how cool it is to play, the kind of lie to win."

Jian Sangyu played more and more. After the end of the game, Lin Qiqi privately wrote to Jian Sangyu when he would return to the town in the game. Although Lin Qiqi had a slight rebellion that day, her rebellion quickly passed. After all, Lin Qiqi Qiqi is also a person who travels outside all year round, and his body is very adaptable.

   "Already on the way to the airport." Jian Sangyu returned Lin Qiqi's news, and in the next second, Lin Qiqi returned with many excited expressions.

  After the game was finished, Lin Qiqi said that he would lie back to sleep and wait for Jian Sangyu to go offline. Mu Mubailin sent a message and asked Jian Sangyu why he went out so early today.

  "On the way to the airport, catch a plane." Although she doesn't know each other in reality, Jian Sangyu doesn't think this is something that needs to be concealed. Moreover, she has known each other for a long time on the Internet, so Jian Sangyu told the truth.

  "What a coincidence. I am also on the way to the airport, and I am in time for the afternoon branch meeting. Hey, I feel so sorry for myself."

  Jian Sangyu pursed her lips and smiled after reading it. Seeing Jian Jialang on the side gave her a few eyes, she quit the game without reply.

  Jian Sangyu’s curiosity towards strangers is not heavy by nature, so she is not at all curious about where Wood is not going to go.

  She knew that Mu Mu was not a forest but was also a native of Kyoto. The airport was so big that Jian Sangyu was not prepared to meet with a netizen Mianji or the so-called chance encounter at the airport.

  Playing games together on the Internet for so many years, Jian Sangyu and the other party have never let go of their own photos, so even if they saw them, they would not recognize them.

  (End of this chapter)

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