To Be With You Forever

Chapter 257: what do you think

  Chapter 257 What do you think

"Sister, Jian Jiayue was terminated by that program after the last time she recorded the show." Jian Jialang suddenly mentioned Jian Jiayue's matter, and then reminded Jian Sangyu, "Because of this, Jian Jiayue's mood has been very bad recently, and Dad has been urging him recently. She is involved in equity matters, so if she wants to provoke you recently, don't be afraid of her."

"Why should I be afraid of her? I have never been too lazy to talk to her instead of being afraid of her." Jian Sangyu snorted, "I met her when I was recording that show last time, but she did not know me. Forget it, I did some things that were not on the stage."

The recording of the last show, Jian Jiayue, did not perform well. In fact, in hosting, it’s not that Jian Jiayue’s hosting skills were too bad. It was so bad that Jian’s father had spent so much money to get in, recorded it together, and was given by the column team. Canceled the contract.

Jian Jiayue has successively taken over some hosting jobs since she was in college. After graduation, she relied on her family’s relationship to walk through the back door and directly entered the Kyoto TV station. She hosted a program by herself. In Kyoto, Jian Jiayue, the host The popularity is still quite high.

Jian Jiayue made frequent mistakes during the last recording of the show with Teacher Huang. It was just that Jian Sangyu was also on the stage. Jian Jiayue didn’t focus on work at all, but how to make Jian Sangyu embarrassed and how to prevent Jian Sangyu from becoming popular. She enters.

   People who are not very good at using their brains, one mind and two uses, it is a ghost if you can satisfy people at work.

"Before, she persuaded her to take back your shares and give them to her. After dad found out, he asked Jian Jiayue to transfer all of her existing shares to you as compensation and apology. Jian Jiayue has always been reluctant to do so. , When I went home, I overheard her and dad complaining several times, saying that you ignored her and she was ready for the contract, but you didn't see her, so I couldn't sign it, not that she was reluctant to wait. "

  Since the last incident, Jian Jialang has rarely returned home. It is rare to return home a few times to hear Jian Jiayue complaining about it with her elders.

  Jian Jialang is not stupid, he heard that Jian Jiayue was deliberately complaining to him, because Jian Jiayue was afraid that he would call her greedy in front of her parents.

  "Sister, what do you think about the shares?" When Jian Jialang knew that Jian Jiayue wanted to take away Jian Sangyu's shares, Jian Jialang told Jian Sangyu not to listen to Jian Jiayue.

  But now, Jian Jialang doesn't seem to think so anymore.

"She has looked for me, but she always looks like a high-ranking queen who wants to summon a slave and maidservant. So, why should I meet her? Do I really want the shares in her hand? Her disgusting face?"

  Jane Sangyu sneered, "As for shares, what do I think?"

  She has no idea at all.

  Jian Sangyu thought, no matter how humble and humble she was, she was only given to her by Jane's mother. She accepted it and returned when Jane's mother was about to take it back.

  However, she is not so humble that the other party wants to give it or take it back if she wants to take it back. She will accept the person who treats her arbitrarily.

   "Sister, at first I wanted to persuade you to sign it." This is why Jian Jialang volunteered to send Jian Sangyu to the airport, "But, sister, now I just want to persuade you, don't ask for it."

  (End of this chapter)

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