To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3000: Oh my God

  Chapter 3000 My God

  "Sir, what's the matter with you?" The first reaction of the waiter was that the guests drank too much and drank too much.

   "I want to complain to you! I want to complain to you! Why are there two inconsistent women in my room who are not wearing clothes!"

  Jiang’s father-in-law Qiqiao gave birth to cigarettes, so he picked up his mobile phone and called the police without saying anything.

  The waiter was shocked when he heard it.

  "Why are there other people in your room? It's impossible!" The waiter finished speaking and asked, "Sir, are you drinking too much?"

   "Go and see by yourself!" Father Jiang shouted back loudly.

  The waitress walked towards Father Jiang’s room suspiciously.

  This entry was directly dumbfounded.

  There are really two girls who didn’t wear anything on the ground and crying.

  At this time, because of the movement here, many customers ran out to watch the excitement. Some people even stood at the door and planned to walk in to find out.

"My God!" The waitress' eyes were almost falling out of surprise, she hurriedly tore the quilt off the bed and put it on the two girls on the floor, while asking, "What the **** is going on? Why are you here? In this customer's room?"

Over there, Father Jiang had already reported to the police, and then came back angrily without going into the room. He stood at the door and shouted at the waitress, "Take my things out! The suitcase, tie, jacket, and With my briefcase! I will never stay in a hotel like yours!"

  Although the waitress was anxious to figure out the matter, the customer was so angry that she had to help the customer take the luggage out of the room.

"Sir, don’t worry first. In this way, we will first change your room and investigate this matter immediately. Don’t worry, you are a senior member of our hotel. We will definitely investigate this matter clearly, and then give you an explanation. ."

   "Live? Live here? I dare to live here?" Father Jiang cursed vigorously, "If I live again, I won't be guaranteed this night!"

  A crowd of onlookers recognized Father Jiang and said, “This is Mr. Jiang, Vice President of the Gu Group.”

   "It seems to be. I have read some financial magazines before, and I seem to have seen Mr. Jiang’s personal interview on it."

   "Listening to what he said just now, it seems that there are two more girls who don't wear anything in the room. Who gave Mr. Jiang these 80% of them?"

   "Seeing that Mr. Jiang drank, he might have been socializing. It may be that a friend arranged a surprise for him. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang was scared to death."

   "The reaction of this President Jiang is really funny, the two charming girls in the room, who were sent to the door, can also scare him into such a big man."

   "I just saw the two girls sitting on the ground crying. Their faces were swollen and they seemed to have been beaten." Someone murmured, "Anyway, if a man beats a woman, isn't it a bit too dignified?"

  Father Jiang happened to hear this sentence. He was already angry. When someone said that he was innocent, Father Jiang became even more angry, and he immediately cursed him back.

   "People pester me like an octopus. I can't shake it off. If I don't move my hands, can I run out?"

  Father Jiang shook off the waiter who was coming to keep him, "Don't hold me! Anyway, I called the police, and I will leave when the matter is processed. Your hotel, I will never step forward again in my life!"

  Father Jiang took his belongings and walked a few steps before he stopped and waited for the police to come.

  (End of this chapter)

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