To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3001: Called the police

   Chapter 3001 Call the Police

  I was so scared of the wine I had drunk, and most of them woke up.

"I recorded it and put it on the Internet. This time it is definitely going to be a hit." Someone said to the people around him with joy, "You can also quickly record a post. This is the lively of Gu's family, but it is rare. Look at it last time."

  In the room, Wu Xiaoxue and Xue'er were already crying almost silently.

  This is a result they never expected.

  At this time, Xue'er’s phone rang in the closet.

  Cher was crying and crawling over, putting on her clothes and picking it up.

   "Today I have seen what it means to save trouble and lose more than defeat!"

  Wu Youwei yelled on the phone, “It’s hard for you two women to be Yasha! I don’t know if you are going to be so scared of Jiang Zong!”

   "What are we going to do now?" Xue Er didn't even bother to explain, "Mr. Jiang, he called the police."

  "How do I know what to do? It's not that you don't use it! None of them are used!" Wu Youwei called and didn't intend to care about Wu Xiaoxue and Xue'er.

"I tell you, after the police arrive, what should you say and be smart. If you involve me, your videos will be shown to your relatives and friends every day!" Wu Youwei threatened. "I don't care what excuses you make or what to say, anyway, don't involve me!"

  After finishing speaking, Wu Youwei hung up the phone in a panic.

  On the other side, Mina, who was consuming Lin Qianze in the hotel, suddenly received a call from Gu Qingxi.

"Mina, I remember that you also went to City A on a business trip today, right? Something happened to the hotel where your Uncle Jiang is staying. I can't make it now. His assistant also didn't go with him because of something temporarily. People are a little dizzy after getting some alcohol, you help Aunt Gu go over and see your Uncle Jiang."

Gu Qingxi's tone was a little anxious, "He called me just now, and probably told me about it, but two girls suddenly appeared in his room holding him, and he beat him up and called the police. If it's convenient for you now, can you help Aunt Gu to deal with it?"

   "Aunt Gu, don't worry, I will go over." Mina said this and gave Lin Qianze a gesture.

  Lin Qianze knew Mina that way, and immediately went to get Mina's coat and bag. Mina asked about the hotel where Jiang's father was staying on the phone. Upon hearing that, Lin Qianze and Lin Qianze lived in the same hotel.

  "Aunt Gu, don’t worry, Lin Qianze also lives in that hotel. He is with me now, so he and I will go to the hotel to find Uncle Jiang."

  I was relieved to hear that Lin Qianze was also at Gu Qingxi.

  Gu Qingxi is mainly afraid that her husband will not be sober after drinking. The girl who is Mi Na passes over and there are so many people in the hotel. He is also afraid that Mi Na will suffer.

  Lin Qian chooses to be there, she is relieved, there is a sober man, who will never be bullied.

  What's more, Lin Qianze's temper is not soft.

  Hang up the phone, Mina pulled Lin Qianze and left.

  The two went to the door and took a taxi. Then they went straight upstairs and found Father Jiang who was talking to the police on the 46th floor.

   "Uncle Jiang!"

  Mina and Lin Qianze shouted to Father Jiang.

  Father Jiang heard the sound, and at a glance, it turned out to be two juniors.

   "Mina and Lin Qianze, why are you two here?" Father Jiang waved to them, "It's just right, it's right!"

   "It was Aunt Gu who called me and I knew that something happened to you here." Mina asked, "How is the situation here now?"

  (End of this chapter)

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