To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3005: Ask for help

  Chapter 3005 Help

   "It's very similar." Mina responded, "It's almost the same way of control."

"Yes!" Jian Sangyu replied repeatedly, "Said Feng has been arrested in the past two days, so I don't have the opportunity to contact Wu Xiaoxue and Xueer to do this. Now, Wei Li and I have been unable to figure out this. The partner of the matter will know! It is Wu Youwei!"

"Wu Youwei has the ability to do all these things, and introduces these victims to the presentation. Xingsheng Media is also a good piece of cake in the eyes of these girls. It makes people fascinated and rushes up. Wu Youwei is prosperous. Media executives, shareholders, this identity is very useful."

Jian Sangyu patted her thigh, "Wu Youwei has maintained that kind of relationship with Nanfang Feng for many years, and the two are very close. Therefore, Wu Youwei must know what Nanfang Feng did, so my guess just now, Wu It's totally established that you are involved in it!"

"I think your guess is correct." Mina nodded, "Statement Feng was arrested, Wu Youwei fell in love with the Gu family behind Uncle Jiang, and about Uncle Jiang's wealth and rights, so he wanted to give Uncle Jiang a new set. , If the statement wind is absent, Wu Youwei will manage it himself."

"Yes, Wu Youwei must be guessing. As long as my little uncle takes the set, the little uncle will be able to bring a lot of benefits to his artists. All kinds of investment and resources are all as Wu Youwei asks for. Like the precedent here, each is subject to the style of presentation."

   Jane Sangyu said, “Before we were worried about what if those girls didn’t have the courage to stand up, but now we don’t have to worry so much.”

"Well, Wu Xiaoxue and Xueer have no choice, unless they would rather go to jail instead of trusting us. Moreover, even if Wu Xiaoxue and Xueer are unwilling to cooperate with the investigation, it is fine, as long as they can track evidence that Wu Youwei is the mastermind behind them through the camera. Then uncovering these things is a matter of course."

  Mi Na smiled, "If Wu Youwei is arrested, do you think he will confess?"

"I think it will be 100%." ​​Jian Sangyu nodded, "may even shirk responsibility, and all will be pushed to the body of the statement wind. Wu Youwei is too ghostly. Before using the phone of the statement wind, I could not find the slightest point. His evidence, so we have been guessing who the person who helped state the wind is, but we haven't guessed about him."

   "So, Mina, you give Wu Xiaoxue your phone, and I will talk to Wu Xiaoxue personally." Jian Sangyu said, "I persuade her."

  Mi Na nodded and took the phone out of the bathroom.

  Outside, Wu Xiaoxue sat on the bed with a pale face, twisting the corners of her clothes tightly with her hands, obviously nervous and scared to the extreme.

   "Wu Xiaoxue, Sang Yu wants to say a few words to you." Mina handed over the phone, "If you can't pick it up, it's yours."

  Wu Xiaoxue hurriedly said, "I'll take it."

  But the hand that stretched out was shaking.

  How much she was afraid of facing President Jiang, and at this moment how afraid of facing Jian Sangyu.

  But she wants to ask Jane Sangyu for help, she has to bite the bullet.

"Boss." Wu Xiaoxue took the phone and put it to her ear, and she called Jian Sangyu with a trembling voice, and then crying for help, "Boss, please help me, I don't want to go to jail, my parents are just me. Daughter, if I go to jail, my life will be ruined. Boss, please let Lawyer Mi save me. She is so powerful, there will be a way."

  (End of this chapter)

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