To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3006: I said

  Chapter 3006 I said everything

   "There is still me! There is still me!" Xueer followed and shouted into the phone, "I don't want to go to jail either."

  Jian Sangyu heard it, and felt the consciousness of the two girls for help through the phone.

  Jian Sangyu sighed and said to Wu Xiaoxue earnestly, "I want to save you too, but you should know that at this time, only you can save you."

  Jian Sangyu's voice was soft, and she didn't ask aloud how Wu Xiaoxue could act on her little uncle.

  She knew that it was useless to entangle this issue at this time.

"Wu Xiaoxue, you said you were forced, do you know? In this matter, if you prove that you didn't take the initiative to do this, and were forced by others, you would be basically fine." Jian Sangyu said, " I can even persuade my little uncle not to sue you,"


  Jane Sangyu said this, her tone aggravated, “If you don’t say anything and refuse to cooperate with the investigation, even if the king of heaven comes, he can’t help you!”

  Wu Xiaoxue was crying while holding the phone.

  Jian Sangyu frowned as she heard it, and whispered, "Don’t cry! What's the use of crying when something happens? Can crying solve the problem?"

  Wu Xiaoxue was scolded by Jian Sangyu, and the whimper sounded in her throat.

  She was used to seeing Jian Sangyu smiling and being especially kind to everyone, and she was a little frightened by such fierce Jian Sangyu for a while.

"Wu Xiaoxue, I know why you were coerced, and I even know who coerced you, but I know it’s useless, I’m not the person involved, I’m not qualified to speak for you! Since you are asking me for help, since you Believe that Mina is a very good lawyer, then you should say all this."

Jian Sangyu continued to persuade, "At this time Mina is my little uncle's lawyer. As long as you tell your affairs, then, from that time on, Mina became your lawyer. Do you understand what I mean? ?"

  Wu Xiaoxue was crying and asked in disbelief, "The boss knows what intimidation I was?"

   "I know." Jian Sangyu was afraid that Wu Xiaoxue would not believe it, and said bluntly, "Video."

  Wu Xiaoxue was immediately shocked.

  People who know the truth can indeed tell the truth with these two simple things.

  Wu Xiaoxue couldn't help crying anymore, "Boss, save me! Save me!"

   asked again, "Why do you know? Is he already..."

"No." Jian Sangyu persuaded patiently, "Because you are not the first victim, I guessed it after learning something from other victims. If you don't stand up, you will become With a chess piece in their hands, you will go to jail, you will ruin yourself, including your parents’ life, and there will be more girls, you, and Cher, and other victims Same, become a new victim."

   "Wu Xiaoxue, you have to stand up, for yourself, for your parents, and for a girl who has dreams like you and is willing to work hard!"

  Jane Sangyu said, "If you really trust Mina, then you will cooperate with her. I assure you that she is really a good lawyer!"

  Wu Xiaoxue nodded with tears in her eyes, "Boss, I believe her, I will give you more details. Everyone says you are a kind girl, I believe you, I say, I tell everything I know!

  Wu Xiaoxue made a great determination in her heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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