To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3007: Are you crazy

   Chapter 3007 Are You Crazy

  She thanked her mobile phone, and her tears fell one by one at this moment.

   "Boss, thank you!"

  When she was most helpless, she was the one who gave her the courage to face the cruel reality. It was also her who gave her the courage to save herself.

  There is nothing wrong with her chasing dreams, but the wrong way is used.

   After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoxue returned the phone to Mina, bit her lip, and said, "Lawyer Mi, I say everything! As long as you ask, I will say everything!"

  The speech is silent, and the tears come out before the words.

  Wu Xiaoxue regards Mina as a life-saving straw. If she missed this opportunity to help herself and ask for help, Wu Xiaoxue really dare not think about what she could do in the future.

  She didn’t want to be held in her hand by Wu Youwei forever, she could be manipulated like a prostitute in ancient times, and at the mercy of a doll without dignity.

   "Wu Xiaoxue, are you crazy?" Xueer madly hinted to Wu Xiaoxue, "Are you crazy?"

"Xue'er, we have no way back! If we miss this opportunity, we really have no way back!" Wu Xiaoxue said to the police and Mina, "I said! Xueer and I are under the control of Xingsheng Media Mr. Wu threatened, Mr. Wu bought us air tickets, and then someone went to the airport to pick us up today, and when they arrived at the hotel, they sent us directly to the room."

Wu Xiaoxue cried and cursed, "Wu Youwei is not a human! He is a brute! He is a devil! Xue Er and I did not agree, so he threatened us to pass on our shady videos to our family, relatives and friends. He also said that he would post it on the Internet to make us famous."

Wu Xiaoxue raised her hand and touched the tears in the corner of her eyes and pointed to the direction of the wardrobe. "Just now Xueer answered the phone. Wu Youwei still threatened us not to tell him about him, otherwise he would post those videos. To our family."

Wu Xiaoxue was full of unwillingness, "Yes, we are self-willing and depraved, we dare to pay anything for chasing dreams! But why do you treat us this way? It's one thing if you love me, but it's another thing to intimidate us so much. !"

  Mina breathed a sigh of relief.

   It’s good to say it, tear this mouth open, then, don’t worry about the rest.

"Bring the people back to the bureau first." The policewoman said to her colleagues, "Since they talked about Wu Youwei, shouldn't we inform the relevant department in Kyoto to control Wu Youwei? The last address transmitted by the camera may be It's Wu Youwei's office or the computer at home."

  "Let’s try to apply for the assistance of the relevant departments in Kyoto. Let Wu Youwei control it before talking about it. Otherwise, if he really lets him send something out, it will also hurt them."

  The colleague hummed, then nodded.

  "I'll go make a call, too." Mina patted Wu Xiaoxue on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid, I'll find someone to help."

  Wu Xiaoxue stood there nodding her head, tears still streaming.

  She was really terrified.

  Mi Na directly called Gu Qingxi and talked about the situation here. On the Kyoto side, Wu Youwei still has some connections and abilities, and he needs Gu's help.

  Gu Qingxi is also one of the parties involved in this matter, so it is justifiable for Gu Qingxi to act.

  After hearing what Mina said, Gu Qingxi responded. After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingxi immediately called the old man of Gu Zhai. This kind of time-consuming thing, the father's words are the fastest and most useful.


     Those of you who like "Looking to the Distance" will pay more attention to the big devil these days. I submitted the application today. If it goes well, it should be soon~~



  (End of this chapter)

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