To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3055: Pig

   Chapter 3055

   Gu Shen twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked Jian Sangyu, "Do you think Jiang Xing has the courage to help you get something out of my office?"

  Jane Sangyu snorted, snorted, shook her head, and stepped heavily on her footsteps to the master bedroom to wash.

  Waiting to enter the door, Jian Sangyu took out her mobile phone from her pocket and sent a message to Jiang Xing, and sent her inquiry.

  In WeChat, Jiang Xing responded in seconds.

  Several news came back.

  The first one is the rabbit Keith emoji that shakes his head crazy.

  Then comes the text.

  My brother is right, I have no courage. -The little prince of protein.

  I don’t dare, I don’t dare, you dream, I can’t do this for you, I’m still dead! -The little prince of protein.

  I think you still dream faster. -The little prince of protein.

  In order to save my life, I can break with you. -The little prince of protein.

  ……——Gu Chen’s Mrs. Gu.

  Goodbye! ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  Jian Sangyu whispered and threw the phone back on the table, muttering that Jiang Xing was a rat gall.

  Kyoto Gujia.

  If it is this time on weekdays, Mr. Gu is already ready to rest.

  But today, Gu Zhai is very lively at this time.

  Lin Qianze’s uncle, Qin Ge’s father, Yu Yan’s parents, including the husband and wife of the eldest son of Mr. Lin next door, all gathered together in Gu’s house.

  Gu Qingxi and Father Jiang were sitting beside him, while a group of people were sitting around him in a manner centered on him.

   "I really did not expect that Xingsheng Media could do such a thing." Father Lin can say that he is simply amazed by Xingsheng Media's public relations capabilities and methods.

Although Jian Sangyu’s playing a big name hasn’t been able to find out who it was, Gu’s family directly charged the account to Xingsheng Media, because Xingsheng Media is the most suspicious.

  However, the Gu family really did not expect that today because of the death of Zhu Rui’s mother and daughter, Xingsheng Media was once again pushed in front of others and was abused.

  After this, Xingsheng Media will even think of using Gu Qingxi to once again suppress Xingsheng Media’s hot search.

  And the way I came up with was to intercept a part of the video of Gu Qingxi going to Gu Qingxi from the hotel when Gu Qingxi went to explore the class Jian Sangyu, and then accused Gu Qingxi that there was a malicious retaliation handwriting of Gu Jia Gu Qingxi's unspoken rules stating that the wind failed.

  Xingsheng Media even edited the video, but unfortunately, the video was directly in the hands of Gu Qingxi before it was sent. It can be said that the person editing is a real talent.

  After watching the video, people who didn’t know would really think that Gu Qingxi wanted to make a statement about the unspoken rules, not only kicked the statement wind in the hotel, but also retaliated wildly afterwards.

  The video completely angered Gu's family.

  In the words of Father Jiang, this incident is almost endless, right? The Gu family has not picked up the three-meter knife and slashed towards Xingsheng, Xingsheng first picked up the fruit knife and prepared to stab Gu family first.

   "President Gu, how do you plan to deal with Xingsheng?" Father Lin asked.

  Gu Qingxi didn’t answer, but Jiang’s father spoke first, “let Xingsheng go bankrupt within a week, and then buy Xingsheng at a low price.”

   "What is the acquisition for? As a garbage dump?" Qin's father was straightforward and asked directly.

   "Purchase to raise pigs." Father Jiang replied with anger, "Rain pigs!"

  The people in the living room couldn't hold back, and laughed.

  (End of this chapter)

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