To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3056: Is a good thing

   Chapter 3056 is a good thing

   "Anyway, the Gu family doesn't lack the money for prosperity. They raise local pigs to make bacon, and I will give you a little for each Chinese New Year." Father Jiang said.

   "You can pull it down!" Gu Qingxi twisted her husband, knowing that her husband was irrational, and almost bought Xingsheng as a garbage dump.

"You can consider what you do after acquiring Xingsheng. Since we are all here today, we will discuss how to do so that Xingsheng will not be able to support it as soon as possible." Father Lin said, "As far as I know, Xingsheng has become popular. The artists have already proposed the termination of the contract with Xingsheng, including the artists whose contracts are about to expire, and there is no intention to continue to sign contracts with Xingsheng. Xingsheng still has many projects in its hands."

"Some of them are still pending review, and some have already started. For a company like Xingsheng without an industry, it is easy to let him go bankrupt." Gu Qingxi nodded, "The card owner Xingsheng will not grant all pending projects. Through, Xingsheng will not last long."

  Father Lin nodded in agreement, “Xingsheng’s stock has fallen for three consecutive days. If it continues to fall, Xingsheng will apply for a trading suspension soon.”

  Everyone had discussions, and quickly settled on the method.

It was almost eleven o’clock in the evening when Gu Chen received the call from Gu Qingxi. Jian Sangyu was already asleep on his side, with a small face resting on his arm, one hand and one foot still resting. On his body, the sleeping position is very wild.

  Gu Shen took his cell phone and went to the study to pick it up. After listening to Gu Qingxi talking about Xingsheng, Gu Shen said, "The main investor in Xingsheng's two projects is my friend. I will contact him tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Gu's family will give new projects to cooperate with your friends, and the funds he withdrew will not let it go to waste." Gu Qingxi called on this matter. It was late, so Gu Qingxi did not agree with him. Gu Chen said and hung up the phone.

  Gu Shen didn't go back to the room immediately and thought for a while, but directly called his friend.

  People like him have already rested at eleven.

  But for people like his friends, eleven o'clock, which is probably when the night life is busy.

  What Gu Chen can call a friend is that if a friend has a need, it is a matter of one sentence.

  It's a matter of investing hundreds of millions of dollars. Gu Shen only used two sentences and the other party said it would withdraw.

   "Tomorrow I will ask my aunt to contact you personally to discuss cooperation." Gu Shen said, "Gu's own film and television company project is no worse than Xingsheng."

   "I really believe this." The other party smiled, "Just at your wife's high popularity. As long as your daughter-in-law shows her face, any drama can be a big hit."

   "Even without her, the products produced by the Gu family must be fine products." Gu Shen said confidently.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" The friend said, "There will be such a good thing in the future, please think of me as soon as possible! I won't tell you more at this moment, I will let my secretary take this The arrangement is on. As for you, go back and accompany your wife to sleep."

  Gu Chen responded with a smile, and then returned to the room with his mobile phone.

  As soon as he lay down, Jian Sangyu opened his eyes in a daze, and muttered to him, "Why did you go?"

   "I answered two calls." Gu Chen replied.

  Jian Sangyu waited for Gu Chen to lie down, and immediately moved closer to Gu Chen like a clingy kitten.

  (End of this chapter)

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