To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3096: Worry about

   Chapter 3096

  Jian Sangyu went to work on the second day of the crew.

After changing the style of presentation, the new guard is played by a male artist under the Yule banner. Although he is a newcomer who has just debuted, he is from a professional class. As soon as he enters the play, he is remarkable. The half-day shooting is still very smooth. of.

  At this time, the southern weather has gradually begun to be a little hot. After Jian Sangyu finished the morning scene, she immediately ran back to her position and sat down and waited for lunch.

  The location chosen by Zhou Keke today is not in the sun at this time, and with a parasol, it is much cooler than under the sun, but the wind blowing on his face still carries the sultry atmosphere of the southern spring.

  Jian Sangyu sat slumped on the recliner, her eyes were not staring at the sky unfocused, obviously in a daze.

   "What's the matter with you today?" You Yuxin walked over and pushed Jane Sangyu, "I just sat here in a daze after the play, motionless, and after the play, I feel like a mentally retarded person without thinking."

  You Yuxin poked Jian Sangyu’s face with her hand and asked, “Is it because I have been playing for a week and I especially don’t want to come back to work?”

"Nothing." Jian Sangyu shook her head, slapped You Yuxin's hand angrily, and snorted, "I'm just in a daze. Why is it like a mentally retarded person? I'm thinking about major events in life, you don't understand. ."

  "What is the major event in life?" You Yuxin sat down beside Jian Sangyu, "Speak out and help you to refer to it."

  Jane Sangyu thought about it, and felt that there was a point.

  On giving birth, You Yuxin is here.

  Jane Sangyu suddenly came and sat up quickly, looked at You Yuxin eagerly, and asked her, "As the saying goes, it’s true that you have been silly for three years after being pregnant?"

  "Why do you suddenly ask?" You Yuxin looked puzzled.

   "You just said that as a person over here, do you agree with this sentence?" Jian Sangyu asked urgingly.

You Yuxin spread his hands together, "This statement definitely makes sense. My son recognizes people. He often doesn't sleep well at night. He cries, and others can't hold him, so he looks for me, sometimes for several days. I wake up in the middle of the night to coax the child to feed the child. If I don’t sleep well, I feel trance during the day and my memory is not good."

"Especially the few days when the baby was sick, it was really troublesome." You Yuxin smiled, "When I was desperate for my baby, I wish I could be pregnant with Nezha for three years. Years old, it’s better than raising a little baby from a baby."

  This sentence made Jian Sangyu leaned forward and backward with a funny smile.

  After having laughed enough, Jane Sangyu stopped slowly, resting her chin on both hands, and sighed, "Then do you have memory confusion? Or suddenly remember something you didn't remember before?"

"Isn’t memory confusion a phenomenon that occurs only when you are pregnant? Isn’t it normal to remember something wrong sometimes? Or it’s normal to remember something that was forgotten a long time ago. This is also normal. It’s so weird at times. Once you think you’ve forgotten something, once something happens to trigger it, it will suddenly remember it, and it may even be a trivial matter."

  Youyu looked at Jian Sangyu, thinking that this girl would not think about it for half a day, right?

Zhou Keke agreed with You Yuxin's words. She stood aside and nodded, agreeing, "I often have this situation. Even when I dream, I dream about some scenes. A few days later, suddenly The same scene and dialogue happened."

  (End of this chapter)

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