To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3097: Li Zhaozhao finished

   Chapter 3097 Li Zhaozhao kills

  Listening to You Yuxin and Zhou Keke's words, Jian Sangyu was speechless.

   "When I listen to you, I think what you are saying is particularly reasonable." Jian Sangyu patted with both hands, "I haven't had this situation before, it's just that I have been more frequent these days."

  "It may be that the hormones in the body have changed after pregnancy, which will affect some memories." Zhou Keke guessed vaguely.

   "It should be, there are sometimes many things during pregnancy, which are simply inexplicable." You Yuxin nodded, "Anyway, I can conclude that when you are pregnant, just don't think about it. You can live as you please."

Jian Sangyu nodded, "I didn't think about it. I just felt very strange for a while. Things that I couldn't remember before suddenly remembered. I felt that things that hadn't happened before. Will remember the time wrong."

"It's probably caused by your recent body hormone changes. It shouldn't happen slowly. If you don't worry about it, go to the hospital for a checkup." You Yuxin touched Jian Sangyu's head with care. "It's not easy for pregnant women. You have to let your family chief coax you more."

   "He's been coaxing people lately, and he's doing a set." Jian Sangyu touched her chin. Since she became pregnant, Gu Chen's temper has improved.

   didn't yell at her anymore, and didn't let her open her mouth and shut her mouth.

   still want to surprise her.

  Gu Shen is already a good Gu Shen.

   "That's you so good to coax you." You Yuxin rolled Jian Sangyu's eyes, "A hot pot meal and a cup of milk tea can make you happy."

   "What about you?" Jian Sangyu asked earnestly.

  She just wanted to seriously ask You Yuxin how Wu Linyun coaxed her.

  But You Yuxin was stunned by such rhetoric.

   Then, clutching his heart.

"Jian Sangyu, I was a little bit hurt by your question." You Yuxin thought about it carefully, "My black face seems to be better than the head of the family, you can still mix hot pot, mix a cup of milk tea, I I didn't even get into this."

  Zhou Keke couldn't help but laughed.

  "Don't laugh, what about your grid? How does he usually coax you? Will he play romance?" You Yuxin reached out and stabbed Zhou Keke's hand and asked her.

  "He would bring me gifts wherever he went on business. His friend said that he took the time to pick it out for himself." Zhou is ridiculous.

   "Grid is really good." You Yuxin and Zhou Keke have known each other for so long, so naturally they also know Grid.

Zhou Keke was on a business trip, or Grid was on a business trip on his own. The two would video once a day, both before going to bed, so that they would not affect each other’s work, but they could also talk about what happened today in this short video. .

   "Grid is a stable big boy." Jian Sangyu also has a good impression of Grid, motivated, practical, hardworking, but not impetuous.

  On the eighth day when Jane Sangyu returned to the crew, Li Zhaozhao finished.

After filming the last scene, Director Gong gave Li Zhaozhao a bouquet of flowers to thank him. Li Zhaozhao is considered a relatively low-key actor in the crew. He does not have relations with others or chat with others very much, so he is not bored. Sheng's has been doing her own thing all the time.

Li Zhaozhao also helped Director Gong a big favor with regard to the   dance, so when it was finalized, Director Gong gave Li Zhaozhao an extra red envelope, which was regarded as a bonus for the extra dancing.

  (End of this chapter)

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