To Be With You Forever

Chapter 350: Good-looking

  Chapter 350 People are beautiful

   "Try it all then." Jian Sangyu saw black in the publicity, but when she heard that there was a big red, she followed her heart.

  She likes the color of big red very much. Every time she wears this color, she can make a certain popular eye not the eyes or nose but not the nose.

Jian Sangyu entered the fitting room. Gu Chen sat on the sofa at the entrance of the fitting room very patiently. He was not like one of the men sitting next to him who would pass the time with his mobile phone and would not spend time with another man. I went to read the colorful magazines on the table, but kept staring at the door of the fitting room where Jian Sangyu entered.

  Jian Sangyu injured her hand and was inconvenient to dress. The teller followed in and helped Jian Sangyu, but she was still slower than others.

  Gu Chen glanced at the time on her wrist. She had been in for more than a minute.

  He got up and walked towards the fitting room. Just when he wanted to ask Jian Sangyu if he needed his help, the fitting room opened.

  Jian Sangyu, wearing a black dress, walked out from the inside with a smile and stood in front of him. The uninjured left hand carried the skirt and turned around and asked him with a smile, "Does it look good?"

   "Good-looking." Gu Chen nodded, ah, good-looking.

  Since I was a child, I have seen the big picture. After so many years, this has not changed at all.

  Jian Sangyu was exaggerated by Gu Chen's unhesitating sentence, "Then I will try the red one again!"

  Jian Sangyu looked at herself in the mirror, and then went into the fitting room again.

  This time the speed was a little faster than before. Gu Chen didn't sit back on the sofa, but waited at the door as usual. Jian Sangyu saw him as soon as she got out of the locker room.

   "How about red? Does it look good?" Jian Sangyu asked Gu Shen before he could go to the mirror to take a photo.

  Gu Chen's gaze fell on her lips for a few seconds, then moved away a little unnaturally, nodded, and gave a hmm.

  It’s really good-looking. She looks even more charming when she is dressed in red. Even her lips with lipstick on before going out have to become even more attractive.

   Gu Shen thought, she should have nothing to eat at noon, after all, her hands are not very convenient, and her lipstick is hardly eaten, it is still so complete.

  "The black and red, which color is good?" Jian Sangyu looked in the mirror distressedly, then looked up at Gu Chen who was standing behind her in the mirror and asked, "Which color do you think I wear?"

  "Ms., you have fair skin. In fact, which color you wear is particularly good-looking. You have a good figure, like a natural clothes hanger. It depends on which color you like." The teller said with a sweet smile.

  Jane Sangyu was giggled by the teller's praise. No woman can refuse such sincere praise.

  "Which color do you like?" Gu Chen raised his hand and patted Jian Sangyu's head and asked.

   "I don't know, they all look pretty." Jian Sangyu shrugged and then shook her skirt in front of Gu Shen, "What a melancholy question."

   "That's all." Gu Chen said this to the teller standing behind Jian Sangyu.

  He can't answer the question which looks good. In his opinion, Jian Sangyu looks good, so she looks good in everything. So the answer to this question is that you can’t go wrong if you buy it all.

  Sure enough, Jian Sangyu looked at him blankly, and then, slowly, slowly, smiling from ear to ear.

  (End of this chapter)

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