To Be With You Forever

Chapter 351: When did you get the certificate

  Chapter 351 When did you get the certificate

   "Gu Chen, you are so kind!" Jian Sangyu was excited and rushed directly to Gu Chen, hugged Gu Chen's waist, and kissed him on the corner of his lips.

  I am so happy, so I can’t help myself.

  It’s like expressing gratitude to her grandparents when she got her dream gift when she was a child.

Gu Chen was caught off guard by Jian Sangyu's rush. It was almost a subconscious reaction. He quickly stretched out his hand to embrace Jian Sangyu's waist and whispered, "Stand up, be reckless and not afraid of falling." "No, I It's so light, you must be able to hold me!" Jian Sangyu was not reprimanded by Gu Chen at all. On the contrary, some of the people who were on the line twisted in his arms and naturally spoiled, "I will definitely be in the future. I like going shopping with you!"

  After speaking, she withdrew from Gu Chen's arms, returned to the locker room in the eyes of the teller's envy, and changed her clothes first.

When    was paying the bill, Jian Sangyu stood by and watched Gu Chen take the card and swiped it. When Gu Chen pressed the password, she curiously went up and glanced, and Gu Chen suddenly laughed, "Remember?"

In fact, Jian Sangyu didn’t notice what Gu Chen had pressed. The gesture of taking a glance was purely because she was in a good mood and paid more attention to Gu Chen, but after listening to Gu Chen’s question, she pretended to think seriously, and said, "Remember. Living."

  "Except for the salary card, all my cards have this password." Gu Chen said.

  Jian Sangyu looked at Gu Chen with horror, "What are you telling me about?"

  Gu Shen lowered his head and signed without explanation. The teller handed the packed clothes to Gu Chen, and said to Jian Sangyu, "Your boyfriend is very kind to you."

   "It's my husband." Gu Chen put the pen in his hand back into the pen holder and explained.

"The relationship between the two is really good." The envy in the teller's eyes is even more obvious. "Nowadays, there are few gentlemen who can have the patience of you to accompany your wife out shopping, and even less can make your wife so happy all the time. Up."

  Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at Jian Sangyu, who was as happy as a flower, and said.

  It is true that there are very few times that can make her happy, but there are many opportunities to make her feel angry.

  She is a small milk cat who loves to blow up her hair and is very coaxing, she can't help but look good for a moment.

Jian Sangyu walked up from the first floor of the mall. She was always empty-handed all the way, but Gu Chen was carrying more and more things. From clothes to shoes, to bags and cosmetics, she didn't feel soft when shopping. , Gu Chen who paid the money was not soft.

   "The fifth floor is jewelry." Jian Sangyu turned to look at Gu Chen, then pointed to the front, hey, seeing that there seemed to be some activity ahead, she left Gu Chen and ran up.

   Gu Shen frowned and walked straight on his long legs and pulled the person back in the blink of an eye.

   "I don't know if your right hand is stubborn? You have to go to a crowded place?" Gu Chen dragged Jian Sangyu back.

"I forgot to come." Jian Sangyu smiled happily, and then said, "What kind of activity is this store doing? It seems that when you come here with a marriage certificate, you can get a special quota. There is a date and the time for marriage registration is not Limited to the year, but it must be this month."

  Jane Sangyu said this and stood beside Gu Chen muttering, "When did we get the certificate?"

   "..." Gu Chen paused, "Don't you know?"

  Rhetorical question, the tone is not good.

  (End of this chapter)

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