To Be With You Forever

Chapter 355: Very inappropriate

   Chapter 355

  How about, adjusted the alarm clock in his phone?

  Jian Sangyu thinks this method is feasible.

  Gu Shen is in the bathroom, and his mobile phone is mostly on the bedside table.

  Jian Sangyu immediately ran all the way towards the bedroom, and she saw Gu Chen’s black phone on the bedside table, her eyes shining like a hungry wolf.

  Looking at the illuminated mobile phone screen prompting to enter the password, Jian Sangyu thought of what he had said to Gu Chen in the car this afternoon, and entered those numbers with a feeling of disbelief.


  The password is correct!

  Unlocked successfully, the screen remained on the main page, Jian Sangyu was stunned.

  Does this guy really use this number?

  He really used these six such representative numbers as his mobile phone unlock password?

  The key is, he set a password and told her why?

  It is expected that she has no guts to try again?

   Really, hum, underestimated her.

  Jian Sangyu found the alarm clock directly. He thought that his trick was very witty. After changing the time of his alarm clock, he would not be able to get up tomorrow morning.

  Just, after the alarm clock was turned on, Jian Sangyu was dumbfounded.

  Gu Shen’s alarm clock has never been used.

  I haven’t used it since I bought the phone. The alarm clock of his phone should be one of the few virgin sites of his phone, right?

   Jian Sangyu gritted his teeth and slammed Gu Chen's phone on the soft pillow, "I'm so angry!"

  The person who stays in the guard team all year round has a set of his super abnormal biological clock and wakes up automatically at around 5:30 every morning, without exception!


  Jane Sangyu lay on the quilt and felt once again what despair in the air was, slapped her face.

  When Gu Chen came out of the bathroom, she discovered that Jian Sangyu had changed a place from the sofa in the living room to look like a corpse. When he went to the bed, he lay on the corpse, with both feet hanging out of the bed and kicking twice.

   "Go to take a shower." Gu Chen walked over and picked up the person on the bed, and laughed by the way, "It's too early to pretend to be dead now."

   Jian Sangyu wanted to cry without tears, her little hand pulled Gu Chen's sleeves and pretended to cry: "Gu Chen, you are not good at all."

  Gu Shen mentioned the person to the bathroom before he went to get her a change of clothes, bath towels, pajamas, including her underwear.

  Jian Sangyu looked at the little piece on the stack of clothes in Gu Chen's hand and stopped loading it. He barked his teeth and stretched out his hand to **** it. By the way, he cursed Gu Chen, "Old pervert!"

  As soon as she put her clothes on the shelf, she stretched out her hand to push it and she was still standing still. Gu Chen stared, "Why don't you go out yet? Want me to wash it for you?"

  Gu Shenrao seriously considered it for a few seconds, then nodded, “It’s not impossible.”

  Jane Sangyu was stunned, her face slowly turning red.

  When did Gu Chen also start to behave like a hooligan?

   "Get out of here, old gangster!" Jian Sang was about to jump her feet in anger, a face that was basically steamed shrimp.

  Gu Shen hesitated, turned and walked out.

  Just, after two steps, he stopped again and turned back.

   "Jian Sangyu." He opened his mouth and shouted at the staring person, "It is reasonable to say that a gangster is a gangster, and a pervert is a pervert. Why add an old character? Your adjective is very inappropriate."

  Jian Sangyu’s small chest was up and down with anger, she smiled, and slowly raised her left finger to the direction of the bathroom door, then smiled and said: "You'll be quick to get out."

  (End of this chapter)

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