To Be With You Forever

Chapter 356: Teacher Ji's little girl

  Chapter 356 Teacher Ji's Little Girl

  Tiger doesn’t show off, when she is Hello Kitty?

  As a future star, she succeeded in calming down her anger.

  Regenerate, be a polite person, smile like a little fairy and say MMP.

  The connotation is born from the heart.


   is still very inappropriate!

  Why is it not appropriate?

   is clearly an old hooligan! Old rascal! Old pervert!

  Old and old!

  She is going to say many old people!

  Jian Sangyu was sincerely relieved after seeing Gu Chen cast a glance at her and walked out.

  Actually, for the moment just now, she was quite afraid that Gu Chen would come in and clean her up.

  How to clean up?

  I don’t know whoa.

  Although he knew that it was impossible to beat her, Gu's father had a way to clean up people. Normal people could not think of his routine.

  Out of the bathroom, Gu Chen blew his hair and went to bed. As soon as he saw his mobile phone was moved, he knew that Jian Sangyu had moved his mobile phone.

  Gu Chen gently hooked the corners of his lips, clicked on the phone and saw that the page stayed on the alarm clock, he immediately guessed why Jian Sangyu moved his phone.

  Jian Sangyu’s small head is very smart and easy to use. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been an outstanding student from a young age to a big student. It’s this cleverness that I always like to be careful with him.

  Heh, owe to clean up.

  Gu Shen quit the alarm clock and clicked on WeChat.

  At this point, Gu Chen suddenly realized something was wrong. When did Jian Sangyu’s WeChat nickname change?

  Gu Chen’s Mrs. Gu changed this before twenty-four hours?

   Teacher Ji’s little girl?

  Is she missing her little girl?

  Have to rush to become a fan?

  Gu Shen stared at the seven characters with a black face for more than a minute. No matter how you look at these seven characters, you feel that these are the second ugliest seven Chinese characters after Ji Qianbo's wife.

  Gu Chen reached out and fished under Jian Sangyu’s pillow, and easily found her red fruit phone.

  Gu Shen only tried once and tried out Jian Sangyu’s password, which was exactly the same as those of the VIP cards in her mall. In the afternoon, he saw that she had used the VIP cards of two of the stores, which happened to require password protection.

  After cracking Jian Sangyu’s password, Gu Shen directly logged in Jian Sangyu’s WeChat account and changed her nickname back again.

  Just launched WeChat, Jian Sangyu’s mobile phone suddenly received a text message from a strange number.

  The message is also accompanied by pictures.

  Gu Shen didn’t click on it deliberately, but the touch screen was sensitive, and the text message was automatically opened when he touched it.

  Looking at the words on the text message and the pictures that they sent, Gu Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and he directly used Jian Sangyu's cell phone to call the strange number back.

  When Jian Jiayue's somewhat proud voice came over the phone, Gu Chen didn't feel much surprise.

"Jian Sangyu, you are really shameless." Jian Jiayue said, "While Gu Shen was in the guard team and went to the movies with other men, and walked with others' hands, if Gu Chen knew, you think Gu Chen Will let you go?"

"I know."

Gu Chen suddenly interrupted Jian Jiayue's words, and after the other party's stunned voice, Gu Chen said again, "I will take her to the movie tonight. There is a problem? I went to the movie with Sang Yu. Why is she shameless? What about you, Miss Jian Er? You want to face? If I didn't admit it, Chen Shihao already has a fiancée?"

"If Sang Yu and her husband are shameless to go to the movies, then you who went to the movies alone with someone else's fiancé should be shot?" Don't expect a dull and short-term man to treat a woman who abuses his wife Give in half a minute.

  (End of this chapter)

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