To Be With You Forever

Chapter 357: One last warning

  Chapter 357 The Last Warning

  Gu Chen's words made the opposite Jian Jiayue hesitate for a long time to say a word.

  In the evening, she accidentally saw Jian Sangyu watching a movie with a man in the movie theater. The two were holding hands, and they were very intimate.

  Thinking of Gu Shen who hardly went home in the guards all the year round, Jian Jiayue's first thought was that Jian Sangyu and other men were unclear. She must be unwilling to be lonely, so she took advantage of Gu Shen's absence to find another man.

Moreover, in Jian Jiayue’s view, a man who keeps his wife away from home all the year round is unlikely to have a good relationship with his wife. Therefore, Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen’s marriage may have already existed in name only. Perhaps, no divorce. It was probably because of the scruples of the two families and the scruples that Shen was the guardian.

  So Jian Jiayue didn't hesitate when she was in the cinema, even if she was scorned by the people nearby, but she still took out a few photos secretly with her mobile phone, and waited for a short walk after she left.

  Jian Sangyu thought she was wearing a mask and a hat that others would not recognize her, but anyone who really knew her could recognize her in their eyes.

   Sending this photo to Jian Sangyu was entirely because Jian Jiayue did not have Gu Chen's contact information. The cold reception she received when she went to the guards made her swear that she would never go to that place again after her death.

  However, Jian Jiayue felt very upset because she kept these photos on her phone and didn't let her send it to anyone.

  Recently, she hasn’t had the comfort of a day, so why makes Jane Sangyu so happy every day?

  She was dating other men, and she was afraid that she would recognize her when she met an acquaintance. Why should she do the same thing, Jian Sangyu was like a okay person.

  When she was able to send a message, Jian Jiayue did not expect that the person going to the movie with Jian Sangyu would be Gu Chen himself, and Gu Chen would see that after she sent Jian Sangyu a phone call, she would call her directly.

She didn't even expect that Gu Chen would know about her. Therefore, Gu Shen and Jian Sangyu must have seen her when they were in the cinema, and even recognized Chen Shihao, but Jian Sangyu deliberately didn't say anything, she just deliberately waited for her. Fuck!

   "Jian Jiayue." Gu Shen listened to Jian Jiayue's breathing suddenly heavy on the phone. Although she didn't know what Jian Jiayue was thinking, she must be certain that Jian Jiayue had pushed this matter to Jian Sangyu.

  Unreasonable, this is Gu Chen’s only impression of Jian Jiayue.

"There are only three things. If I know you harass Sang Yu again, I think, whether it is you or the Jian family, you can't bear the consequences, do you understand what I mean?" Gu Chen's voice was cold. But thinking of Jian Jiayue's IQ, he added, "No next time, this is the last warning to you."

  After speaking, Gu Chen hung up the phone, then scanned the number on it, and directly pulled Jian Jiayue’s number into Jian Sangyu’s communication blacklist.

   also deleted Na Geying’s text message.

  Gu Shen feels that it’s no wonder that Mrs. Jane and Granny Jane prefer Jane Sangyu. It is because Jane Jiayue’s temperament makes people unable to like it.

  In the first few years when Jian Jiayue returned to Jian’s house, she almost asked the entire Jian family to surround her.

  When Gu Shen came home from vacation several times, she saw Jian Sangyu leaving the house alone with her luggage, or she happened to get out of the taxi with the suitcase and walk home alone.

  (End of this chapter)

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