Today I just want to post with the little junior sister who is passing by

Chapter 26 “This set originally had twenty-four stones” (2218 words)

It's not about her appearance, it's about other aspects. For example, you just met Wenyu for the first time a few days ago and you don't know anything else about her. What if her personality is exactly the person you hate?

What I want to ask is actually, if you admire a person, do you imagine that person to be perfect? ​​Therefore, do you want to imitate and learn from this person in an all-round way?

Jiang Yulou finally understood what Jiang Qiao meant, Of course I will think of this person as perfect. Isn't this a normal state? Because I don't know her life or her daily life, so I can only rely on thin air. Imagine.

But of course I won't imitate it completely. I am me and she is her. We are different people after all. It's just because I see the shining point in Sister Wenyu that I don't have and I want to chase her shining point. .

To be honest, I don't know what she is like in private. I just want to keep up with her in the field of fragrance making.

Jiang Qiao nodded, unable to tell that although Jiang Yulou was small, his thinking was relatively mature and there should be no trouble.

But now I only know that Wenyu's balm is probably linked to the person she killed, so there might be some evil content in these books.

Can you lend me these books to read when you have time?

Well, if you want to watch it, you can do it now. I won't watch it. I'm tired of watching it. I want to go out and play, and I want to fly a kite!

go Go.

Jiang Qiao watched his sister leave the room and took back the books on the desk. On the one hand, he helped his sister screen the contents. On the other hand, if he learned these principles of making incense, he might be able to unlock the fragrance of Li Yuan. The mystery.

After returning to his room, Jiang Qiao started to read.

Although there are several books, Wen Yushui's words are still too outrageous. Many paragraphs can be deleted, they are all about the effects of applying different ointments.

The effect of applying it is the effect of applying it. It contains more than 4,000 words for hair loss, and it also includes magical words such as prolonging life and rejuvenating youth.

Jiang Qiao simply couldn't imagine how Jiang Yulou managed to write so many pages of worthless text without any distractions.

There are obviously many places that you can just glance at and skip without looking at them. Damn hydrology, you can’t live without water.

That’s why every book is so thick, and the effect of fat is praised to the heavens.

It seems that I can finish reading this pile of books tonight and return them to my sister.

In the reception room.

Father Jiang is asking Jiang Dong.

When you go to Mu's house, you must explain the situation clearly. What did that boy Jiang Qiao do wrong? He practiced on the way to a blind date. As a result, his appearance was not straight due to the side effects of failed cultivation. It's normal for Miss Mu to dislike him.

You must be more steady, and I will leave the matter of apology to Mu Mansion to you.

During the blind date, Miss Mu said she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Anyone with a discerning eye would understand that this was just an excuse.

Jiang Dong nodded while listening to Father Jiang's words.

Father, I understand. I know what to say in the past.

The Mu family has invested a lot in your bank. If you don't have a good relationship with the Mu family, you will easily lose opportunities.


Jiang Dong understands that he has always been the backbone of the family, and his father also has high hopes for him. His bank has brought huge benefits to the entire Jiang family.

His father hoped that he could do better, whether it was money or communication and cooperation with the family.

But when Jiang Dong Yujian came to the door of Mu Mansion, he felt two completely different atmospheres from Jiang Mansion.

There were red lanterns hanging outside the door of Jiang Mansion, which looked warm, but the atmosphere of Mu Mansion was gloomy. Standing outside the door, he vaguely heard the screams of women.

The strange-shaped pine trees became darker and darker at night, like ghosts, and even the wind seemed to be breathing softly beside me like a ghost.

Jiang Dong couldn't help but look around, but found nothing except the dark and strange shadows of the trees.

Soon, he faintly heard laughter again, as if the scream just now didn't exist.

Jiang Dong regained his courage. What could be so scary about the Mu family? Since it was a noble family, he must have been overthinking it just now.

Originally, he didn't want to visit at night, but the earlier his father apologized, the more sincere they seemed.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened automatically.

Four waiters were carrying a stretcher, carrying out a bloody woman. Perhaps it was the dark night, and the feeling of fear was infinitely amplified.

Jiang Dong immediately smelled the smell of blood.

The waiters were a little confused when they saw Jiang Dong, and one of them replied fiercely: Who are you, and what are you doing here on this day!

I'm at Jiangdong of the Jiang family in Luoyue. Miss Mu and my brother had a bad date today, so I brought a gift to make up for it.

The waiter suddenly realized: Oh, but you came at the wrong time. Normally at this time, the master of the house does not accept guests, but it doesn't matter. Master, follow me to the backyard first. I will make a message for you. You three, take the body out and bury it. It's in the forest, go and come back as soon as possible.

Jiang Dong was stunned. The body was buried in the forest. Isn't that the same pine forest that he thought was weird just now? Why wasn't it buried properly?

After entering the Mu Mansion, he was finally somewhat popular, and the yellow light from the lights made Jiang Dong instantly feel more secure.

He waited in the reception room in the backyard for a while, and then saw the head of the Mu family rushing in, panting heavily, and straightening his collar when he came in.

Maybe he had something important to do just now, so he came in such a hurry.

Mr. Jiang, I have really kept you waiting for a long time. Mu Baishan's eyes were full of smiles, and his flabby muscles looked a bit ferocious due to the excessive smile.

The attendants served Jiang Dong a bowl of tea. Jiang Dong drank a few sips and then explained the blind date to the head of the Mu family.

Hahahaha, what did I think it was? It doesn't matter, they are just not destined. Mu Baishan saw that Jiang Dong was good-looking, and the three girls should be happy to see him.

A gift of apology is absolutely necessary. Jiang Dong took out a pair of jade ice stones from the storage ring.

My father got this jade ice stone from Yushan. Its quality is rare in a hundred years. I have kept it for decades. Now I give it to you as an apology.

Mu Baishan just glanced at the jade ice stone, the smile on his face not diminishing.

But I despise it in my heart, what kind of thing is this? There are so many jade ice stones in my house that I can't count them, and there are also many with better quality than this. It's nothing to be rare about.

It seemed that the Jiang family was shabby after all, and they got a big advantage from Mu Qinggan's status as a concubine.

Mu Baishan said calmly: With such a generous gift, I can't be more respectful than obey your orders. Originally, my Qinggan also had something to apologize for, so I'm really sorry.

However, I also found a treasure recently. I would like Mr. Jiang to take a look at it and help me see if it is worth spending 30 million spirit stones to buy it?

When Jiang Dong heard about 30 million, he wanted to pretend not to be surprised, but at that time his face didn't listen at all.

Master Jiang, please look at this. It's this Zidian jade bead. Unfortunately, I only got one. There were supposed to be twenty-four in this set.

Zidian jade beads?

Jiang Dong finally left the living room frustrated. He always felt that he had messed up today.

Mu Baishan walked in front of Jiang Dong, planning to send him out of the house.

Suddenly, a pleasant but slightly trembling female voice came from a distance: Father, why are you here today? Who is this?

Hehehe, Qinggan, come here quickly.

Mr. Jiang, this is my third daughter, Mu Qinggan.

Thanks to Boss Huo for the 1,500 starting coins, the boss is so generous!

I'll test the waters at 0 o'clock tomorrow. If it's toxic, let me know and I'll beg you to read more.

Don't worry about cutting the book. If you don't know how to cut it, it will only lead to darkness.

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